-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

hi Prudy,

>I have had a different impression of the UK, but I realize it's from old
>films and some television shows.  Was it this way before Blair and Maggie?

The UK is a fabulous example of fascism with a smile - and well they can
smile coz they've got it all wrapped up here.

Spooks have done some horrid things to my two sisters in Thatchers time,
and its probably the case that the country that gave us Tavistock and the
Beatles has had the opportunity to entrench its directives in the totally
controlled media, tv and press.
My friend Don who has a fairly mundane but responsible civilian computing job
with the MoD - shared a secret with me in my flat the other night.
He said that the spook who had been interfering with my mentally
handicapped sister - whose vehicle we traced to a guy called maitland
kerr-Peterson -
well maitland Kerr-Peterson said Don, one night, was the Military Commander
for Scotland.
The spook had left a bottle of whisky for my severly medicated sister.

When Don got home that night - a bottle of whiskey was found on his doorstep.
Recently people have been phoning him up and threatening him - asking for
Mr Irish - a common Mi5 thing [the irish question and scotland]

My sister Avril worked for the United nations Relief and works agency for
Palestine - and she lost her job when one of her bosses tried to get a
secretary he was shagging into Avrils job. Avril blew the whistle on him,
but she lost everything and went back to London - where she was targetted.
Firstly abducted by three men and severely raped whilst they held a lit
oxyacetylene torch to her face - then she was blown up in a gas explosion,
which incredibly she survived with 40% burns - she said that before the
fire services got there after the explosion - a man came to remove the
'faulty' fittings.
At that same time in edinburgh, an eastern student followed my parents out
into the country and boxed them into a parking place - my mother said to my
father and younger sister in the car, that the guy looked strange and angry
and that he was doing something under the steering wheel of his car - my
mothers instinct was to go - as my father inched his car past the blocking
car - he could see the middleeastern student trying to jam a clip into a
luger pistol.
At that same time - attempts were made on my life. - mid 80's

The spooks have hounded me out of employment - and used to come in off the
street where I worked in a public office to threaten me.
I worked as an employment consultant - and some guy claiming to be Mr
Wallace of 24 burgess street who was ex-SAS came in to the office to
threaten my life.
They used Wallace - because of the Braveheart thing - a nationalist rebel
rouser and troublemaker. etc etc standard mi Clive stereotype.
As it happened, I moved house and came upon the first available address to
which was 24 burgess street - and my god there was a mr wallace staying in
the stair - but this was a diminutive 5 foot 1 photographer who would not
harm a fly.
They're into making phone calls to me about sexual issues these days - and
have been blocking my progress as a professional musician -
I was at a gig - and some well to do man and woman came up to speak to me.
Now I'm a very good player - but I was told that I had played badly - an
opinion not shared by the rest of the hall or their accounts dept.
The woman said that she organised orkney Folk Festival - and my partner
overheard the man say to her - 'shall we bring then to orkney then' and she
kicked him under the table.
The music scene in Scotland is led by a chain of Mi5 informants who supply
drugs - and anyone on the bandwagon gets favoured status.

This is the UK - a sad place - and a spook network tighter and bigger per
head of population and probably more vindictive than the USA.
This is not a nice place.
you could ask my sister Avril about that - but she's dead.

Andrew Hennessey

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