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 Various EXCERPTS regarding Canola Toxicity         2-17-2000


 Healthy Natural News You Can Use
 Issue #137 January 16, 2000
 By Joseph Mercola, D.O.

 Canola Oil Update
 by Mary G. Enig, Ph.D.

 Although canola oil is not a favorite oil with me for a number
 of reasons (none of which were listed in the last article), the
 statement suggesting that because it is used as an industrial
 oil it is therefore not edible is not valid.  Flax oil is also
 used as an industrial oil for paint and linoleum, etc.  But
 when it is prepared as a food it is edible.  Most oils have
 been used at one time or another as industrial products.  One
 of the most edible of oils, coconut oil, is used for many
 industrial products, especially for soaps and cosmetics.

 Olive oil apparently has been used to make soap for as long as
 it has been used as a food oil.  Perhaps the most blatant error
 and comparison made by Mr. Lynn, though, is that regarding
 canola oil and mustard gas, which chemically has absolutely no
 relationship to mustard oil or any other mustard plant.
 Mustard gas is 2,2'-dichlorodiethyl sulfide and its preparation
 using ethylene and sulfur chloride is given in the Merck Index.
 It received its name because of the yellowish color of the gas
 and the sulfur odor.  Canola and regular rapeseed oils are
 extracted from the seeds of several of the brassica plants --
 the same family of plants from which we get vegetables such as
 Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, kale, mustard greens, and
 several other vegetables.

 Of course, there is not much fat in these vegetables; but what
 fat there is in some of them, e.g., mustard greens, is as much
 as 29 percent erucic acid.  Also, since glycosides (typical are
 stevioside and other flavonoids) are basically water soluble,
 I would not expect to find much of them in any oil.  Those
 glucosinolates found in rapeseed meal after the oil has removed
 from the seeds are the same goiterogens that are found in the
 brassica vegetables.  One problem with canola oil is that it
 has to be partially hydrogenated or refined before it is used
 commercially and consequently is a source of trans fatty acids;
 sometimes are very high levels.  Another problem is that it is
 too unsaturated to be used exclusively in the diet; some of the
 undesirable effects caused by feeding canola can be rectified
 if the diet is made higher in saturated fatty acids.

 Mary G. Enig, Ph.D.
 Director Nutritional Sciences Division
 Enig Associates, Inc.
 Silver Spring, Maryland

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] FAX:(301)680-8100

 COMMENT:  What a great honor to have Dr. Enig respond to the
 article last week on canola oil.  Dr. Enig is a professor of
 biochemistry at the University of Maryland who is one of the
 top biochemists in the country.  She is the main scientist in
 this country who has brought the dangers of trans fat to the
 public attention.  Her web site on trans fat is phenomenal :



 Modern-day diets high in hydrogenated vegetable oils instead
 of traditional animal fats are implicated in causing a
 significant increase in heart disease and cancer.

 The particular mix of fatty acids in soy oil results in
 shortenings containing about 40 per cent trans fats -- an
 increase of about 5 per cent over cotton-seed oil and 15 per
 cent over corn oil.  Canola oil, processed from a hybrid form
 of rape-seed, is particularly rich in fatty acids containing
 three double bonds and can contain as much as 50 per cent trans
 fats.  Trans fats of a particularly problematic type are also
 formed during the process of deodorising canola oil, although
 they are not indicated on labels for canola oil.

 from:  The OILING of AMERICA -- Part 1 of 2:


 Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 6, Number 1
 (December 1998 - January 1999).

 © 1998 by Mary G. Enig, PhD -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 © 1998 by Sally Fallon -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Dr. Mary G. Enig, F.A.C.N.

 " According to this research done by Canadian government
 researchers, consuming canola oil increases the requirement
 for Vitamin E.  This is not desirable for a food purporting
 to be healthy for the whole foods market. .... "

 Authors:  FD SAuer, ER FArnsworth, JMR Belanger, JKG Kramer,
 RB Miller, S. Yamashiro, ISBN/ISSN:  0271-5317, Publisher
 Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane,
 Kidington, Oxford, England OX 5 iGB


 Officially, canola oil is known as "Low Erucic Acid" (a solid
 fatty acid, derived from oils of mustard seeds and rape
 seeds) -- rape industry experts love to tell how canola was
 developed in Canada and that it is safe to use.  They admit
 it was developed from the rape seed, but that through genetic
 engineering, i.e. irradiation, it is no longer rape seed, but
 "canola" instead.  "CAN-adian oil," get it?

 Canola oil contains large amounts of "isothiocyanates" --
 cyanide-containing compounds.  Cyanide inhibits mitochondrial
 production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the
 energy molecule that fuels the mitochondria.  ATP energy
 powers the body and keeps us healthy and young!

 Canola oil is also high in glycosides that cause serious
 problems by blocking enzyme function and deprive us of our
 life force -- chi, qi, prana, call it what you like.

 Glycosides interfere with the biochemistry of humans and
 animals.  Their presence in rattlesnake venom inhibits muscle
 enzymes and causes instant immobilization of the victim.

 to go into a stupor and fall asleep on the job.  These oils
 alter the bioelectric "terrain" and promote disease.

 Alcohols and glycosides in canola and soy oils shut down our
 protective grid -- the immune system. ...  An alcohol is a
 chemistry term for the "reactive" chemical group on an
 organic molecule.  Those "R" groups are what make organic
 compounds work -- for good and bad!  Canola alcohols and
 glycosides are very reactive.  They are as toxic as fermented
 alcohols, but their effects manifest differently.  The damage
 takes years to show up.





 From: Essential Oils Online

 Health Watch:

 Beware of Canola Oil
 By Jim Lynn - Editor EOO

 Canola Oil is an Industrial Oil
 Not Fit For Human Consumption.

 Canola oil was first developed in Canada.  It's proponents
 claim that due to GENETIC ENGINEERING and IRRADIATION, it is
 no longer rape oil, but "canola" (Canadian oil).  They also
 claim it is completely safe, pointing to it's unsaturated
 structure and digestibility.

 Studies of canola oil done on rats indicate many problems.
 Rats developed fatty degeneration of heart, kidney, adrenals
 and thyroid gland.  When the canola oil was withdrawn from
 their diet, the deposits dissolved, but scar tissue remained on
 the organs.  Why were no studies done on humans before the FDA
 placed it on the GRAS list?

 Consumed in food, Canola oil depresses the immune system,
 causing it to "go to sleep."  Canola oil is high in glycosides
 which cause health problems by blocking (inhibiting) enzyme
 function.  It's effects are accumulative, taking years to show
 up.  One possible effect of long term use is the destruction of
 the protective coating surrounding nerves called the myelin
 sheath.  When this protective sheath is gone, our nerves
 short-circuit causing erratic, uncontrollable movements.

 The truth is however, that rape is the most toxic of all food
 oil plants.  Not even insects will eat it.  No wonder farmers
 like growing it.



   - Perceptions, Aug/Sep 96 issue, The Great Canola Debate
   - Perceptions, Nov/Dec 95 issue, The Devil's Bargain
   - Book, Fats That Heal and Fats That Kill, by Udo Erasmus


 The Toxins Report Group

 Canadians re-engineered rapeseed into "Can-ola" for
 higher yields of toxic industrial chemicals.

 Canola cannot be organic, never meant to be eaten.

 Canola Report :



 Subject: Canola oil causing insomnia?

 Message posted by Andrew Levin ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 on 18:6:19 6/16/96


 I have had a problem with early wakening that eliminating
 canola oil from my diet (cooking oils, margarines) seems to
 have solved.  ...

 Erucic acid is one possibilty, having an effect on the
 nerve sheath.  Also canola oil has relatively high levels of
 glucosinolates which are a natural pesticide and may have
 some stimulant effect on the nervous system.  The key point
 with fat soluble compounds is they take days or longer to
 decay out of the system so cause and effect can be difficult
 to establish.


 The main genetically engineered crops in the United States are
 soy, corn, canola, cotton, potatoes, papayas, and raddichio.
 (You might say -- hey, I don't eat cotton.  But cottonseed oil
 is in many vegetable oil blends, which are in many processed

 It has been estimated that corn and soy alone are in 70 to 80
 percent of U.S. processed foods.  And since 40 percent of this
 season's soybean crop and 30 percent of the corn crop have been
 genetically engineered, you are probably eating genetically
 engineered foods, whether you like it, or know it, or not.


 Focus on the Corporation -- a weekly column
 written by Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman.

 Focus on the Corporation columns are posted at


 Another paper by Evelyn Hess of Cincinnati Medical Center lists
 additional suspects:

  -- Rapeseed (canola) oil, responsible for 35,000 cases of an
     autoimmune disease in Spain;

 Study: Environmental Factors May Cause Body to Turn on Itself



      Effect of dietary cysteine supplements on canola meal
      toxicity and altered hepatic glutathione metabolism
      in the rat.
      Smith TK; Bray TM
      Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Guelph,
      Ontario, Canada.
      J Anim Sci; VOL 70, ISS 8, 1992, P2510-5
 Secondary Source ID
      Experiments were conducted to determine the effects of
      feeding canola meal (Brassica campestris and Brassica
      napus) on the rat hepatic glutathione detoxification
      system and whether dietary cysteine supplements might
      modify such effects.  Rats were fed test diets for 14 d.
      Body weight change, feed consumption, hepatic glutathione
      concentration, and hepatic glutathione-S-transferase
      (GSH-S-T) activities were determined.  Weight gain was
      decreased when canola meal was fed, whereas hepatic
      glutathione concentrations increased, as did hepatic
      GSH-S-T activity.  All effects correlated with total
      glucosinolate concentration in the canola meal.  Dietary
      cysteine supplements, however, did not influence the
      growth reduction and increased hepatic glutathione
      concentrations caused by feeding canola meal.
      Supplemental cysteine prevented the elevation in hepatic
      GSH-S-T activity.  The elevation in hepatic glutathione
      concentration caused by canola meals was not an
      overcompensation caused by an initial depletion and
      therefore reflected a general hepatotoxicity.  Feeding
      supplemental cysteine increased hepatic glutathione levels
      at early time intervals and delayed the induction of
      GSH-S-T caused by canola meal toxicity.  There was no
      beneficial effect of supplemental dietary cysteine in
      overcoming the toxicity of high levels of canola meal, but
      supplemental cysteine did modify the canola meal-induced
      changes in hepatic glutathione metabolism.


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