-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

And:  it was also TUEsday, two-twenty-two-two thousand.  Maybe the other Gee
DuhB-Ya should hire a numerologist (sell it to the RNC as a 'statistician').


> -Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
> </A> -Cui Bono?-
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --------------21222A9CB97582E85F1B75DD
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> http://www.interlink-cafe.com/uspresidents/01st.htm
> Chuck Baldwin: "Profound historical illiteracy"
> http://www.chuckbaldwinlive.com=20
> "Profound historical illiteracy"
> February 22, 2000
> This is the birthday of our first and greatest president, George
> Washington. Sadly, the current generation of Americans has all but
> forgotten the courage, faith and sacrifice of this mighty champion of
> freedom.
>  This unfortunate fact was noted yesterday in the Washington Times. A
> recent survey, "Losing America's Memory, Historical Illiteracy in the
> 21st
> Century," was released disclosing the miserable condition of history
> knowledge among our nation's college seniors. Not just students but
> teachers as well are historical ignoramuses.
> Bard
> --------------21222A9CB97582E85F1B75DD
> Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii;
>  name="01st.htm"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
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>         ents/01st.htm"
> Content-Location: "http://www.interlink-cafe.com/uspresid
>         ents/01st.htm"
> <html> <head><title>George Washington</Title></head><body
> background="notebook.gif"> <ul><ul> <center><a href="firstp~1.htm">The American
> Presidency</a> | <a href="02nd.htm">John Adams</a> </center><hr size=5 noshade>
> <b><I><font size=6>George Washington</font></I></B> (1732-1799)<br> <hr size=5
> noshade> <I><b><font size=4>First in war, first in peace, and first in the
> hearts of his countrymen. </font></B></I>Henry Lee <br> <hr><center> <table
> border=1  width=450><tr><th align=center>No</th><th align=center>State</th><th
> align=left>Term</th><th align=left>Party</th><th align=center>Vice
> President</th></tr><tr> <td align=center>1st</td><td
> align=center>Virginia</td><td align=left>1789-1797</td><td align=center>--</td>
> <td align=center>John Adams</td></tr></table><br> <table border=1  cellpadding=4
>  width=200><tr><th colspan=2>Inaugural Addresses</th></tr><tr><td align=center>
> <a href="http://www.bartleby.com/124/pres13.html">1st </a><br> 1789 </td><td
> align=center><a href="http://www.bartleby.com/124/pres14.html">2nd </a><br>
> 1793</font></td></tr></table> <br><br>
> <table border=8 cellpadding=4  bordercolor=0000ff width=300>
> <tr><th colspan=8><font color=0000ff>Annual Messages to
> Congress</font></th></tr> <tr> <td align=center><a
> href="1790_01_08.htm">1790</a></td> <td align=center><a
> href="1790_12_8.htm">1790</a></td> <td align=center><a
> href="1791.htm">1791</a></td> <td align=center><a href="1792.htm">1792</a></td>
> <td align=center><a href="1793.htm">1793</a></td> <td align=center><a
> href="1794.htm">1794</a></td> <td align=center><a href="1795.htm">1795</a></td>
> <td align=center><a href="1796.htm">1796</a></td> </tr></table><br><br> <table
> border=1 cellpadding=4  width=300> <tr><th colspan=1><a
> href=http://earlyamerica.com/earlyamerica/milestones/farewell/index.html>Farewel
> l Address</a></th></tr> </table> <br><br> <a
> href="http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/gw1.html">White House
> Biography</a><br><br> <a
> href="http://gi.grolier.com/presidents/ea/bios/01pwash.html"><img
> src="grolier.gif" border=0 alt="Grolier's Encyclopedia Americana" height=35
> width=150></a><br><br> <a
> href="http://www.ipl.org/ref/POTUS/gwashington.html"><img src="potus.gif"
> border=0 alt="POTUS" height=35 width=150></a> <br> <br> <a
> href="http://www.americanpresidents.org/presidents/president.asp?PresidentNumber
> =1"> <img width=150 height=85 src="cspanprezportrait.gif" border=0 alt="A Site
> to Complement C-SPAN's 20th Anniversary Television Series, American Presidents:
> Life Portraits"></a><br><br> <a
> href="HTTP://www.stratford.co.uk/sulgrave/washton.html#">Origins</a><br> <a
> href="HTTP://www.stratford.co.uk/sulgrave/sulgrave.html">Sulgrave Manor</a><br>
> <a
> href="http://earlyamerica.com/earlyamerica/firsts/thanksgiving/index.html">Thank
> sgiving Proclamation 10/3/1789</a><br> <a href="http://www.nps.gov/gewa/">George
> Washington's Birthplace</a><br> <a
> href="http://earlyamerica.com/lives/gwlife/"><I><b>The Life of George
> Washington</b></I></a> by David Ramsay<br> <a
> href="http://sc94.ameslab.gov/TOUR/gwash.html">Brief Biography</a><br> <a
> href="http://www.history.org/people/bios/biowash2.htm">Another Biography</a>
> with links<br> <a
> href="http://www.history.org/people/bios/biomwash.htm">Biography of
> Martha</a><br> <a
> href="http://hamlet.phyast.pitt.edu/exhibit/neighborhoods/point/point_n103.html"
> >Young Washington in Pennsylvania</a><br> <a
> href="HTTP://xroads.virginia.edu/~CAP/gw/gwmain.html"> The Making of George
> Washington</a><br> <a
> href="http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/3961/18143">Amy</a> on George
> Washington<br><br>
> <a href="http://www.mountvernon.org/text/george.html"><b>Educational Resources
> from Mt. Vernon</b></a><br><br> <a
> href="http://www.census.gov/rodet/www/gwash.htm">First Presidency</a><br><br>
> <hr> <i><font size=4>Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is
> <b>force</b>. <br>
>  Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.</font></i><br>
> <font size=1>Speech of January 7, 1790  reported in the <I>Boston Independent
> Chronicle, January 14, 1790.</font></I><br> <hr><br> <a
> href="http://www.infidels.org/library/historical/john_remsburg/six_historic_amer
> icans/chapter_3.html">On Washington's religious views</a><br> by Franklin
> Steiner from <I><b>The Religious Beliefs Of Our Presidents</B></I><br> <a
> href="http://www.infidels.org/library/historical/john_remsburg/six_historic_amer
> icans/chapter_3.html">More on Washington's religious views</a> from John
> Remsburg<br> <a href="http://minerva.acc.Virginia.EDU/gwpapers/">The Papers of
> George Washington from University of Virginia</a><br> <a
> href="http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/gwhtml/gwhome.html">George Washington Papers
> at the Library of Congress</a><br> <a
> href="http://www.theatlantic.com/election/connection/presiden/fiskecam.htm">The
> Great Campaign of 1776</a> by John Fiske <br> <a
> href="http://www.theatlantic.com/election/connection/presiden/freeman.htm">Washi
> ngton's Hardest Decision</a> by Douglas Southall Freeman<br> <a
> href="01st_1.htm">On expense accounts</a> by Marvin Kitman <br> <a
> href="http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/96jan/washingt/washinx.htm">George
> Washington in <I>The Atlantic</I> </a><br> <a
> href="http://www.nps.gov/wamo/index2.htm">Washington Monument</a><br><br> <a
> href="http://www.virginia.edu/gwpapers/civility/index.html">The Rules of
> Civility and Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation</a><br><br> <a
> href="http://www.alexandria.lib.va.us/postcard/memorial.htm">George Washington
> National Masonic Memorial</a><br><br> <a
> href="http://starship.python.net/crew/manus/Presidents/gw/">Visiting
> Washington's Grave</a><br><br> <font face="NevisonCasD"><font size=+1><a
> href="falderol.htm#01st">Presidential Falderol</a></font></font><br> <br> <hr>
> <b><i>He was, indeed, in every sense of the words, a wise, a good and a great
> man ...<br> On the whole, his character was, in its mass, perfect ...<br> it may
> truly be said, that never did nature and fortune combine more perfectly to make
> a man great ...</i> </b>      Thomas Jefferson <hr size=5 noshade> <br> <b><font
> size=5>Selected Bibliography </font></b> <br> <a
> href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect-home/rickmatlicksthea"> <img
> src="home.gif" border="0" alt="In Association with Amazon.com"></a>
> </center><br><br>
> <a
> href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=1882926382/rickmatlicksthea"><img
> width=92 height=140 src="01sage.gif" alt="Patriot Sage"></a><br> <a
> href="http://www.isibooks.org/fallcat/patriotsage.html"> <i><b>Patriot Sage :
> George Washington and the American Political Tradition </b></i></a><br> Edited
> by Gary L.Gregg, II and Matthew Spalding<br> Foreword by William J. Bennett
> <br><br>
> <hr><ol>
> <li>Abbot, W.W. ed. <i><b>The Papers of Washington.</b></i> Charlottesville:
> U.Of Va., 1983 <li>Alden, John Richard  <a
> href="http://www.lsu.edu/guests/lsuprss/fal-win-96/alden.htm"><i><b>George
> Washington: A Biography</b></i></a> Baton Rouge: LSU, 1984 <a
> href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=0807121266/rickmatlicksthea"><img
> width=45 height=12 src="amazon.gif" alt="Amazon.com"></a> <li>Ashworth, Mary
> Wells  <i><b>George Washington: First in Peace.</b></i>, 1957 <li>Baker, William
> S.  <i><b>Washington After the Revolution,1784-1799.</b></i> Philadelphia: ,
> 1898 <li>Bellamy, Francis R.  <i><b>The Private Life of George
> Washington.</b></i> NY: , 1951 <li>Billias, George A.  <i><b>George Washington's
> Generals.</b></i> NY: Morrow, 1964 <li>Boller, Paul F.  <i><b>George Washington
> &amp;
>  Religion.</b></i> Dallas: SMU, 1963
> <li>Brookhiser, Richard <a
> href="http://www.bookwire.com/PW/Nonfiction/read.Review$1209">  <i><b>Founding
> Founder: Rediscovering George Washington.</b></i></a>   NY: Free press, 1995  <a
> href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=0684822911/rickmatlicksthea"> <img
> width=45 HEIGHT=12 SRC="amazon.gif" alt="Amazon.com"></a> <li>Bryan, William A.
> <i><b>George Washington in American Literature, 1775-1865.</b></i> NY: Columbia
> U., 1952 <li>Clark, Harrison  <i><b>All Cloudless Glory: The Life of George
> Washington : Making a Nation</b></i> Regnery Publishing, Inc 1996 <a
> href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=0895264455 /rickmatlicksthea"> <img
> width=45 HEIGHT=12 SRC="amazon.gif" alt="Amazon.com"></a> <li>Cunliffe, Marcus
> <i><b>George Washington Man and Monument.</b></i> Boston: Little, Brown, 1958
> <li>DeConde, Alexander  <i><b>Entangling Alliance: Politics and Diplomacy Under
> George Washington.</b></i> Durham, NC:> <HR><H3>Transfer interrupted!</H3>
> George Washington. Republican Aristocrat.</b></i> Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1931
> <li>Fitzpatrick, John C.  <i><b>George Washington: Colonial Traveler.</b></i>
> Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1927 <li>Fleming, Thomas J.  <i><b>First in Their
> Hearts: A Biography of George Washington.</b></i> New York: Walker, 1984
> <li>Flexner, James T.  <i><b>George Washington: The Forge of Experience
> 1732-1775.</b></i> Boston: Little, Brown, 1965 <a
> href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=0316285978/rickmatlicksthea"> <img
> width=45 HEIGHT=12 SRC="amazon.gif" alt="Amazon.com"></a> <li>Flexner, James T.
> <i><b>George Washington: A Biography.</b></i> 4 vols.  Boston: Little, Brown,
> 1965-1972 <li>Flexner, James T.  <i><b>George Washington in the American
> Revolution (1775-1783)</b></i> Boston: Little, Brown, 1968 <a
> href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=0316285951/rickmatlicksthea"> <img
> width=45 HEIGHT=12 SRC="amazon.gif" alt="Amazon.com"></a> <li>Flexner, James T.
> <i><b>George Washington and the New Nation, 1783-1793</b></i> Boston: Little,
> Brown, 969 <a
> href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=0316286001/rickmatlicksthea"> <img
> width=45 HEIGHT=12 SRC="amazon.gif" alt="Amazon.com"></a> <li>Flexner, James T.
> <i><b>George Washington: Anguish and Farewell, 1793-1799</b></i> Boston:
> Bobbs-Merrill, 1972 <a
> href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=0316286028/rickmatlicksthea"> <img
> width=45 HEIGHT=12 SRC="amazon.gif" alt="Amazon.com"></a> <li>Flexner, James T.
> <i><b>Washington, the Indispensable Man</b></i> Boston: Little, Brown, 1976 <a
> href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=0316286168/rickmatlicksthea"><img
> width=45 height=12 src="amazon.gif" alt="Amazon.com"></a> <li>Ford, Paul L.
> <i><b>Washington and the Theatre</b></i> NY: , 1889 <li>Ford, Paul L.
> <i><b>George Washington</b></i> Philadelphia: Lippinoctt, 1924 <li>Freeman,
> Douglas S.  <i><b>George Washington: A Biography</b></i> 7 vols.  NY: Scribner's
> Sons, 1948-1957 <li>Frothingham, Thomas G.  <i><b>George Washington, Commander
> in Chief</b></i> Boston: , 1941 <li>Guizot, Francois  <i><b>Essay on the
> Character and Influence of Washington</b></i> Boston: , 1851 <li>Hirschfeld,
> Fritz  <a
> href="http://www.system.missouri.edu/upress/fall1997/hirschfe.htm"><b><I>George
> Washington and Slavery: A Documentary Portrayal</I></B></a> U of Missouri, 1997
> <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=0826211356/rickmatlicksthea">
> <img width=45 HEIGHT=12 SRC="amazon.gif" alt="Amazon.com"></a> <li>Irving,
> Washington  <i><b>Life of George Washington</b></i> 5 vols.  NY: Putnam,
> 1855-1859 <a
> href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=0306805936/rickmatlicksthea"> <img
> width=45 HEIGHT=12 SRC="amazon.gif" alt="Amazon.com"></a> <li>Isely, Bliss
> <i><b>The Horseman of the Shenandoah: A Biographical Account of the Early Days
> of George Washington</b></i> Milwaukee: Bruce, 1962 <li>Jackson, Donald &amp;
> Dorothy Twohig eds. <i><b>The Diaries of George Washington</b></i>
> Charlottesville: U.Of Va, 1976 <li>Kammen, Michael  <b><I>A Season of
> Youth</I></B> NY: Knopf, 1978. <li>Klapthor, Margaret Brown and Howard Alexander
> Morrison  <b><I>George Washington: A Figure Upon the Stage</I></B> Washington,
> DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1982. <li>Knollenberg, Bernhard
> <i><b>Washington and the Revolution: A Reappraisal</b></i> NY: Macmillan, 1940
> <li>Knollenberg, Bernhard  <i><b>George Washington: The Virginia Period,
> 1732-1775</b></i> Durham, Nc: Duke, 1964 <li>Little, Shelby  <i><b>George
> Washington</b></i> NY: , 1929 <li>Lodge, Henry Cabot  <b><I>George Washington
> </I></B>2 vols.  Boston, 1889. <li>Longmore, Paul K.  <i><b>The Invention of
> George Washington</b></i> U of CA, 1988 <li>Marling, Karal Ann  <b><I>George
> Washington Slept Here: Colonial Revivals and American Culture, 1876-1986</I></B>
> Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1988. <li>Marshall, John
> <i><b>The Life of George Washington</b></i> Philadelphia: C.P. Wayne, 1804-1807
> <li>Martin, William <b><i>Citizen Washington</i></b> Warner, 1999 <a
> href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN= 0446521728/rickmatlicksthea"> <img
> width=45 HEIGHT=12 SRC="amazon.gif" alt="Amazon.com"></a> <li> McDonald, Forrest
>  <i><b>The Presidency of George Washington</b></i> Lawrence: U of KS, 1974 <a
> href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=070060359X/rickmatlicksthea"> <img
> width=45 HEIGHT=12 SRC="amazon.gif" alt="Amazon.com"></a> <li>Meltzer, Milton
> <i><b>George Washington and the Birth of Our Nation</b></i> New York: Dell, 1988
> <li>Morgan, Edmund S. <b><i>The Genius of George Washington</i></b> NY: WW
> Norton, 1982 <a
> href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=0393000605/rickmatlicksthea"> <img
> width=45 HEIGHT=12 SRC="amazon.gif" alt="Amazon.com"></a> <li>Nettles, Curtis P.
>  <i><b>George Washington and American Independence</b></i> Boston: Little,
> Brown, 1951 <li>Prussing, Eugene E. <b><I>George Washington in Love and
> Otherwise</I></B> Chicago: Pascal Covici, 1925. <li>Randal, Willard S.
> <b><i>George Washington: A Life</i></b>
>  Owl Books, 1998 <a
>  href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=080505992X/rickmatlicksthea">
> <img width=45 HEIGHT=12 SRC="amazon.gif" alt="Amazon.com"></a>
> <li>Rosenburg, John M.  <b><i>First in Peace : George Washington, the
> Constitution, and the Presidency</i></b>
>  Millbrook Pr, 1998 <a
>  href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=0761304223/rickmatlicksthea">
> <img width=45 HEIGHT=12 SRC="amazon.gif" alt="Amazon.com"></a>
> <li>Schwartz, Barry  <i><b>George Washington: The Making of an American
> Symbol</b></i>Free Press, 1987 <li>Sears, Louis Martin  <i><b>George Washington
> and the French Revolution</b></i> Detroit: Wayne State U, 1960 <li>Smith, John
> Norton <b><i>Patriarch:  George Washington and the New American Nation </i></b>
> NY: Houghton Mifflin, 1993 <a
> href="http://www.booknotes.org/lifestories/scripts/bio.asp?ChapterNumber=1">Book
> notes</a> <a
> href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=0395855128/rickmatlicksthea"><img
> width=45 height=12 src="amazon.gif" alt="Amazon.com"></a> <li>Spalding, Matthew
> &amp; Patrick J. Garrity <a
> href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/asin/0847682625/rickmatlicksthea">
> <I><b> A Sacred Union of Citizens : George Washington's Farewell Address and the
> American Character</B></I></a> Rowman, 1996 <li>Stetson, Charles
> <i><b>Washington and His Neighbors</b></i> Richmond: Garrett, 1956 <li>Tatsch,
> Major Hugo J. <b><i>Facts About George Washington as a Freemason (1931) </i></b>
> Kessinger Publishing Company, 1942 <a
> href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=0766102521/rickmatlicksthea"><img
> width=45 height=12 src="amazon.gif" alt="Amazon.com"></a>
> <li>Tebbel, John W.  <i><b>George Washington's America</b></i> NY: Dutton, 1954
> <li>Thane, Elswyth  <i><b>Potomac Squire</b></i> NY: Sloan &amp;
>  Pierce, 1963
> <li>Van Dyke, Paul  <b><i>George Washington: The Son of His Country,
> 1773-1775</i></b> NY: , 1931 <li>Washington, George  <i><b>Rules of Civility and
> Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation</b></i> NY: Free Press, 1997 <a
> href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos0684837234/ISBN=/rickmatlicksthea"> <img
> width=45 HEIGHT=12 SRC="amazon.gif" alt="Amazon.com"></a> <li>Washington, George
>  <b><i>The Papers of George Washington : Revolutionary War
> Series</i></b>Univeristy of Virginia Press, 1996 <a
> href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=0813916488 /rickmatlicksthea"> <img
> width=45 HEIGHT=12 SRC="amazon.gif" alt="Amazon.com"></a> <li>Wector, Dixon
> <b><I>The Hero in America: A Chronicle of Hero- Worship</I></B> Ann Arbor:
> University of Michigan Press, 1966 <li>Weems, Mason Locke  <b><I>A History of
> the Life and Death, Virtues, and Exploits of General George Washington</I></B>
> Philadelphia; J.B. Lippincott, 1918. <li>Weems, Mason Locke  <b><I>The Life of
> George Washington, with Curious Anecdotes Equally Honorable to Himself, and
> Exemplary to His Young Countrymen</I></B> Philadelphia: Joseph Allen, 1847
> <li>Whittemore, Frances D.  <i><b>George Washington in Sculpture</b></i> Boston:
> , 1933 <li>Wills, Gary  <i><b>Cincinatus: George Washington and the
> Enlightenment</b></i> NY: Doubleday, 1984 <li>Wilson, Woodrow  <i><b>George
> Washington</b></i> NY: Harper, 1896 <li>Woodward, W.E. <b><I>George Washington:
> The Image and the Man</I></B> NY: Boni and Liveright, Inc, 1926 <li>Wright,
> Esmond  <i><b>Washington and the American Revolution</b></i> London: English,
> 1957 </ol> <br> <a
> href="http://www.bibliofind.com/cgi-bin/texis.exe/s/search/search.html?qauthor=&;
> qtitle=george+washington&qcomments=&daysback=No">Search for Rare Books on George
> Washington</a> <hr><a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Comments</a>,
> criticisms, corrections or kudos welcome<hr> <center><a href="firstp~1.htm">The
> American Presidency</a> | <a href="02nd.htm">John Adams</a>
> </ul></ul></body></html>
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