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Subject: [MC]  CAVEAT LECTOR: Exposed: Clintons Bigtime CIA Operatives
Date: Thursday, February 24, 2000 2:23 AM

This is IMHO such an original "take" that there might be some mad reality to
it in the world of the teleguider-minders that pass to American political
intelligence.  Alfred


Exposed: Clintons Bigtime CIA Operatives

Frequent NewsHawk flyer Andrew Basiago, after having just recently
tossed Jesse "The Body" Ventura completely out of the ring, now takes on
the truly, astoundingly, horrendous backgrounds of the current
Dissembler-in-Chief and his crazed sidekick; the hellacious Hill and
Billary (let's see... did I get that right?) Clinton.

Andy does his homework, and knows whereof he speaks. Even WE were
shocked by what Basiago has dredged up on this "Deadly Duo", and that
ain't easy to do.

NAIL 'EM, Andy.

NewsHawk® Inc.

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Hillary Rodham's Secret CIA Connection

by Andrew D. Basiago
Special to the Newshawk Newsgroup

Let's explore the social and political context that surrounds and
informs the Rackley case.

Let's jump inside The Matrix, and find out who that kooky lady Hillary
Rodham really is.

She's a spook, Morpheus? No way!...

The reporter for the Washington Times gives it a conventional right-wing
political spin -- in the nature of, Hillary Rodham, what a horrible
leftist AND isn't it just so unjust that this happened AND she worked to
acquit a Black Panther who had tortured somebody to death AND one of the
panthers became a college dean in Connecticut AND Bill Lan Lee helped
her AND she became First Lady. Oh my, isn't it so terrible that this happened!

He doesn't give us "the why." What is he going to tell us next? That
Hillary Rodham has been breeding babies behind the White House AND
turning them into batteries?

Here is what my research into the Clintons -- translucent in some areas,
more transparent in others -- would suggest is the explanation for this
sordid tale. It puts this rather bizarre, yet true, Rackley story into

The scenario goes something like this:

Hillary Rodham has been a lifelong asset of the American intelligence
community, informing on leftists and other activists.

She was brought into the CIA as a domestic spy when she joined a
Methodist youth group as a teenager.

She was trained to be a domestic spy during her boarding school days in
Denver, the western hub of CIA operations on the American continent.

She was a "Goldwater girl" at the 1964 Republican convention.

A few years later, she graduated from Wellesley and Yale Law School, and
showed up on the leftist political scene as an activist, feminist
attorney trying to rescue two Black Panthers from a hideous first-degree
murder rap that involved multiple acts of heinous wrong-doing, truly
crimes against humanity, the murder was so aggravated in its viciousness.

How to explain the sudden transformation in Hillary?

Green pill? Or red pill? Let's take the red pill, and jump down the
rabbit hole...

Many of Hillary's lifelong friends are Wellesley and Yale classmates who
have developed public profiles as "liberal activists," but who are not
true leftists. Instead, they are "limousine liberals" with close ties to
"the establishment" -- or Matrix, if you like.

I'll give you one example. Kristine Olson (then named Kris Olson Rogers)
attended Wellesley and Yale Law School with Hillary Rodham. She was my
criminal law professor at Northwestern School of Law in 1988-89. Hillary
Rodham visited Kris Olson following Clinton's disasterous speech at the
1988 Democratic convention, presumably to discuss the future strategy
necessary to get Clinton elected President. I know that this is the
case, because I encountered them on campus at the time. When he became
President in 1992, Clinton appointed Olson U.S. Attorney for Oregon. At
the time, she was married to Jeff Rogers, the Portland city attorney and
son of William P. Rogers, who had served as Richard Nixon's Secretary of
State. Olson made a big deal about being a lefty. She identified herself
with the plight of Native Americans and wore squash blossom jewelry to
class to act the part. As assistant city attorney, she even supported
the legalization of prostitution.

You are starting to get the picture, Neo! Examine The Matrix that
oppresses us. A generation that stopped evolving when Peter, Paul, and
Mary cut their last record...

During a discussion of the multi-cultural defense one day in class,
Olson suddenly blurted out: "By the way, did I tell you that my totemic
animal is the tortoise?" Ostensibly, she was serious. She was not
joking. She was trying to assert that even though she was from a wealthy
background and had attended two of the most prestigious universities in
America, she practiced an animistic religion! Those of us in class felt
like we were Alice and had just passed through the Looking Glass.

I told you that The Matrix was going to be very challenging, Neo...

Now, at this point, I had this lady figured out. It was an act. She was
actually a member of "the establishment," posing as a member of the
lunatic left. In point of fact, she was the daughter-in-law of the Nixon
cabinet member who was so conservative that he believed that Nixon had
made a fatal error by even going to China. She herself was destined to
be appointed by a Republican-governing president, Clinton, to be the
federal government's chief prosecutor in Oregon.

Morpheus, that isn't exactly Peter, Paul, and Mary...

What Olson was doing was burnishing her reputation as a "radical," while
covertly serving "establishment" ends. Her tactic of disguising herself
as a "radical, non-conformist, peacenik" was seen again when she was
sworn in as U.S. attorney. She had the Portland Gay Men's Chorus sing
songs by the Grateful Dead! I knew from personal experience, however,
that while she may have looked and acted like Mary Travers on the
outside, Olson had iron teeth.

I began to date a lovely young lady from China while in law school, and
I could see that Olson had been "tasked" to "baby-sit" her. She became
her American mentor and constant contact. When my girlfriend was
dismissed from law school for academic reasons, and Olson called her on
the carpet to summarily kick her out of law school, she promised her
that she would help her, but then dropped her like a hot rock, which
jeopardized her visa status and her ability to remain in the U.S. and
complete her education. Real compassion for the underdog, huh? Only
later did I discover Olson's family ties to the Nixon State Department.

Neo, you are young. The Matrix can be confusing. It doesn't make sense.
But it does...

Many of Hillary Rodham's associates would fall into this category. They
are establishment people, from establishment families, who went to
establishment schools, and although they may have had their large and
small acts of "rebellion" over the years, they have behaved in
establishment ways. Some of them even became "made members" of the
establishment when Clinton became President.

And who is Clinton? According to Burke's Peerage, he is the American
president with the most royal blood in history!

Are you starting to understand The Matrix, Neo? Those on the left can be
on the right...

Evidence that Hillary Rodham was compensated by the CIA for her work as
a domestic spy, informing on sincerely motivated political activists, is
to be found in the commodity trading scandal that was revealed at
substantial length early in Clinton's first term. Remember how Hillary
invested a small amount of money, and her brokerage house quickly built
it up to a tidy, $100,000 nest egg, by making an improbable series of
wild ass guesses on the commodities market? How could they have done that?

Well, the CIA could have given $200,000 to the brokerage house, and the
brokerage house could have aggregated a series of successful trades made
on the brokerage house account. Then, the house could have given
$100,000 in successful trades to their client, the CIA operative Hillary
Rodham, in cash, by disguising the client's losses as the house's
losses, and taking the other $100,000 to cover the house's losses.
Pretty clever, huh? It sure benefits a brokerage house to help the CIA
now and again, especially if it needs classified information to do some
serious trading.

Make no mistake. Hillary's commodities scandal was the most sensitive
scandal the Clintons have confronted while in the White House. It makes
Monica Lewinsky's navy blue dress pale in comparison. Follow the money,
and you will discover how the Clintons, a CIA couple, were paid as
covert operatives of the secret government long before reaching the
White House.

The commodities trading scandal unlocks The Matrix, Neo. If we explain
its significance to the American people, that will help destroy The
Matrix in which we are imprisoned, and liberate Zion...

Which takes us to the Rackley case.

A Black Panther is tortured by having scalding water poured over him,
shot in the head, and dumped in a river. Hillary Rodham and Bill Lan Lee
show up on white stallions wearing black hats to acquit the two
courageous freedom fighters who are alleged to have done the dastardly
deed. Twenty years later, they end up in high government service, no
less, serving the most royal jackass who has ever been elevated to the
Presidency, a President whose principal accomplishment seems to have
been demonstrating, rather luridly, that he is a polite smoker.

It doesn't seem right... Or left!... Or right!... Are you still with me, Neo?

Here is how it fits together:

The left, including the Black Panthers, was infiltrated by government
informants and agent provocateurs during the 1960's, under such
government programs as the FBI's "Cointelpro." If we are going to
understand how The Matrix works, we can't assume Hillary Rodham and Bill
Lan Lee were helping true adversaries of the establishment when they
acted to acquit the defendants in the Rackley case. Afterall, Rodham had
been only recently a "Goldwater girl." To portray her as a
fire-breathing radical lawyer who was trying to spring two Panthers
on-the-merits of the case is to suggest that she was more "Tania" than
Patty Hearst. Aint gonna do it!

Instead, Rodham and Lan Lee were probably trying to "turn" the
defendants involved ("Look, we'll get you off of this murder charge if
you become informants for the government against the panthers") or
trying to rescue fellow government agents from an operation gone bad
("One of the Panthers figured us out, and we had to kill him!").

The fact that one of these defendants is now a school board member in
California and the other was made a college dean in Connecticut strongly
suggests that they were government operatives of some kind to begin
with. How many Black Panthers do you know fit that profile? Most of the
real Panthers are dead!

So that takes us back to where we started, to discover the place for the
first time...

Why does it matter that Hillary Rodham has been a covert "agent" of the
secret government since her boarding school days?

It matters because ... Neo, you are the one!

Together, we can destroy The Matrix, and return this country to a
constitutional Republic.

The future is in your hands, Neo!

Go for it!

Andrew D. Basiago, who writes frequently on matters of social justice,
the environment, and political affairs, is a member of the Washington
State bar.

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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God. Thomas Jefferson
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