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     An Article In Atlantis Rising Issue Number 6 (Winter '96)

                   Exposing A Scientific Coverup


                         J. Douglas Kenyon


 In 1966 respected archeologist Virginia Steen-McIntyre and her
 associates on a U.S. Geological Survey team working under a grant
 from the National Science Foundation were called upon to date a
 pair of remarkable archeological sites in Mexico. Sophisticated
 stone tools rivaling the best work of Cro-magnon man in Europe had
 been discovered at Hueyatlaco, while somewhat cruder implements had
 been turned up at nearby El Horno. The sites, it was conjectured,
 were very ancient, perhaps as old as 20,000 years, which, according
 to prevailing theories, would place them very close to the dawn of
 human habitation in the Americas.

 Steen-McIntyre, knowing that if such antiquity could indeed be
 authenticated, her career would be made, set about an exhaustive
 series of tests. Using four different, but well accepted, dating
 methods, including uranium series and fission track, she determined
 to get it right. Nevertheless, when the results came in, the
 original estimates proved to be way off. Way under as it turned
 out. The actual age was conclusively demonstrated to be more like a
 quarter of a million years.

 As we might expect, some controversy ensued.

 Steen-McIntyre's date challenged not only accepted chronologies for
 human presence in the region, but contradicted established notions
 of how long modern humans could have been anywhere on Earth.
 Nevertheless, the massive reexamination of orthodox theory and the
 wholesale rewriting of textbooks which one might logically have
 expected did not ensue. What did follow was the public ridicule of
 Steen-McIntyre's work and the vilification of her character. She
 has not been able to find work in her field since.

 More than a century earlier, following the discovery of gold in
 California's Table Mountain and the subsequent digging of thousands
 of feet of mining shafts, miners began to bring up hundreds of
 stone artifacts and even human fossils. Despite their origin in
 geological strata documented at 9 to 55 million years in age,
 California state geologist J.D. Whitney was able subsequently to
 authenticate many of the finds and to produce an extensive and
 authoritative report. The implications of Whitney's evidence have
 never been properly answered or explained by the establishment, yet
 the entire episode has been virtually ignored and references to it
 have vanished from the textbooks.

 For decades miners in South Africa have been turning up from strata
 nearly three billion years in age hundreds of small metallic
 spheres with encircling parallel grooves. Thus far, the scientific
 community has failed to take note.

 Among scores of such cases cited in the recently published
 Forbidden Archeology (and in the condensed version The Hidden
 History of the Human Race) it is clear that these three are by no
 means uncommon. Suggesting nothing less than a massive cover-up,
 co-authors Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson believe that when it
 comes to explaining the origins of the human race on earth,
 academic science has cooked the books.

 While the public may believe that all the real evidence supports
 the mainstream theory of evolution with its familiar timetable for
 human development (i.e., Homo Sapiens of the modern type going back
 to only about 100,000 years) Cremo and Thompson demonstrate that,
 to the contrary, a virtual mountain of evidence produced by
 reputable scientists applying standards just as exacting, if not
 more so, than the establishment has been not only ignored but,
 in many cases, actually suppressed. In every area of research,
 from paleontology to anthropology and archeology, that which is
 presented to the public as established and irrefutable fact is
 indeed nothing more, says Cremo, than a consensus arrived at by
 powerful groups of people.

 Is that consensus justified by the evidence? Cremo and Thompson
 say no.

 Carefully citing all available documentation, the authors produce
 case after case of contradictory research conducted in the last two
 centuries. Included are detailed descriptions of the controversy
 and ultimate suppression following each discovery. Typical is the
 case of George Carter who claimed to have found, at an excavation
 in San Diego, hearths and crude stone tools at levels corresponding
 to the last interglacial period, some 80,000-90,000 years ago. Even
 though Carter's work was endorsed by some experts such as lithic
 scholar John Witthoft, the establishment scoffed. San Diego State
 University refused to even look at the evidence in its own back
 yard and Harvard University publicly defamed him in a course on
 Fantastic Archeology.

 What emerges is a picture of an arrogant and bigoted academic elite
 interested more in the preservation of its own prerogatives and
 authority than the truth.

 Needless to say, the weighty (952 page) volume has caused more than
 a little stir. The establishment, as one might expect, is outraged,
 albeit having a difficult time ignoring the book. Anthropologist
 Richard Leakey wrote, "Your book is pure humbug and does not
 deserve to be taken seriously by anyone but a fool." Nevertheless,
 many prestigious scientific publications including The American
 Journal of Physical Anthropology, Geo Archeology, and the British
 Journal for the History of Science have deigned to review the book,
 and while generally critical of its arguments, have conceded,
 though grudgingly, that Forbidden Archeology is well written and
 well researched. Some indeed recognize a significant challenge to
 the prevailing theories. As William Howells wrote in Physical
 Anthropologist, "To have modern human beings...appearing a great
 deal earlier, in fact at a time when even simple primates did not
 exist as possible ancestors, would be devastating not only to the
 accepted pattern, it would be devastating to the whole theory of
 evolution, which has been pretty robust up until now."

 Yet despite its considerable challenge to the evolutionary edifice,
 Forbidden Archeology chooses not to align itself with the familiar
 creationist point of view nor to attempt an alternative theory of
 its own. The task of presenting his own complex theory which seeks,
 he says, to avoid the false choice, usually presented in the media
 between evolution and creationism Cremo has reserved as the subject
 of a forthcoming book Human Evolution. On the question of human
 origins, he insists, we really do have to go back to the drawing

 As the author told Atlantis Rising recently, "Forbidden Archaeology
 suggests the real need for an alternative explanation, a new
 synthesis. I'm going to get into that in detail. And it's going to
 have elements of the Darwinian idea, and elements of the ancient
 astronaut theory, and elements of the creationist nature, but it's
 going to be much more complex. I think we've become accustomed to
 overly simplistic pictures of human origins, whereas the reality is
 a little more complicated than any advocates of the current ideas
 are prepared to admit."

 Both Cremo and Thompson are members of the Bhaktivedanta Institute
 the Science Studies Branch of the International Society for Krishna
 consciousness. Cremo and Thompson started their project with the
 goal of finding evidence to corroborate the ancient Sanskrit
 writings of India which relate episodes of human history going back
 millions of years.

 So we thought, says Cremo, if there's any truth to those ancient
 writings, there should be some physical evidence to back it up but
 we really didn't find it in the current textbooks. They didn't stop
 there though. Over the next eight years Cremo and Thompson
 investigated the entire history of archeology and anthropology,
 delving into everything that has been discovered, not just what has
 been reported in text books. What they found was a revelation.
 I thought there might be a few little things that have been swept
 under the rug, said Cremo, but what I found was truly amazing.
 There's actually a massive amount of evidence that's been

 Cremo and Thompson determined to produce a book of irrefutable
 archeological facts. The standard used, says Cremo, (meant) the
 site had to be identifiable, there had to be good geological
 evidence on the age of the site and there had to be some reporting
 about it, in most cases in the scientific literature. The quality
 and quantity of the evidence they hoped would compel serious
 examination by professionals in the field, as well as by students,
 and the general public.

 Few would deny that they have succeeded in spectacular fashion.
 Much in demand in alternative science circles, the authors have
 also found a sympathetic audience among the self-termed
 sociologists of scientific knowledge, who are very aware of the
 failure of modern scientific method to present a truly objective
 picture of reality. An upcoming NBC special, The Mysterious Origins
 of Man draws heavily upon Cremo and Thompson's suggestion that
 there is a knowledge filter among the scientific elite which has
 given us a picture of prehistory which is largely incorrect.

 The problem, Cremo believes, is both misfeasance and malfeasance.
 You can find many cases where it's just an automatic process. It's
 just human nature that a person will tend to reject things that
 don't fit in with his particular world view. He cites the example
 of a young paleontologist and expert on ancient whale bones at the
 Museum of Natural History in San Diego. When asked if he ever saw
 signs of human marks on any of the bones, the scientist remarked, I
 tend to stay away from anything that has to do with humans because
 it's just too controversial. Cremo sees the response as an innocent
 one from someone interested in protecting his career. In other
 areas, though, he perceives something much more vicious, as in the
 case of Virginia Steen-McIntyre. What she found was that she wasn't
 able to get her report published. She lost the teaching position at
 the university. She was labeled a publicity seeker and a maverick
 in her profession. And she really hasn't been able to work as a
 professional geologist since then.

 In other examples, Cremo finds even broader signs of deliberate
 malfeasance. He mentions the activities of the Rockefeller
 foundation, which funded Davidson Black's research at Zhoukoudian
 (in China). Correspondence between Black and his superiors with the
 Foundation shows that research and archeology was part of a far
 larger biological research project, (from the correspondence) "thus
 we may gain information about our behavior of the sort that can
 lead to wide and beneficial control." In other words, this research
 was being funded with the specific goal of control. Control by
 whom? Cremo wants to know.

 The motive to manipulate is not so hard to understand. There's a
 lot of social power connected with explaining who we are and what
 we are, he says. Somebody once said knowledge is power. You could
 also say power is knowledge. Some people have particular power and
 prestige that enables them to dictate the agenda of our society. I
 think it's not surprising that they are resistant to any change.

 Cremo agrees that scientists today have become a virtual priest
 class, exercising many of the rights and prerogatives which their
 forebears in the industrial scientific revolution sought to wrest
 from an entrenched religious establishment. They set the tone and
 the direction for our civilization on a worldwide basis, he says.
 If you want to know something today you usually don't go to a
 priest or a spiritually inclined person, you go to one of these
 people because they've convinced us that our world is a very
 mechanistic place, and everything can be explained mechanically by
 the laws of physics and chemistry which are currently accepted by
 the establishment.

 To Cremo it seems the scientists have usurped the keys of the
 kingdom, and then failed to live up to their promises. In many ways
 the environmental crisis and the political crisis and the crisis in
 values is their doing. And I think many people are becoming aware
 that (the scientists) really haven't been able to deliver the
 kingdom to which they claimed to have the keys. I think many people
 are starting to see that the world view they are presenting, just
 doesn't account for everything in human experience.

 For Cremo we are all part of a cosmic hierarchy of beings, a view
 for which he finds corroboration in world mythologies. If you look
 at all of those traditions, when they talk about origins they don't
 talk about it as something that just occurs on this planet. There
 are extraterrestrial contacts with gods, demigods, goddesses,
 angels. And he feels there may be parallels in the modern UFO

 The failure of modern science to satisfactorily deal with UFOs,
 extra-sensory perception or the paranormal provides one of the
 principle charges against it. I would have to say that the evidence
 of such today is very strong, he argues. It's very difficult to
 ignore. It's not something that you can just sweep away. If you
 were to just reject all of the evidence for UFOs, abductions and
 other kinds of contacts coming from so many reputable sources, it
 seems we have to give up accepting any kind of human testimony

 One area where orthodoxy has been frequently challenged is in the
 notion of sudden change brought about by enormous cataclysm, versus
 the gradualism usually conceived of by evolutionists. Even though
 it has become fashionable to talk of such events, they have been
 relegated to the very distant past supposedly before the appearance
 of man. Yet some like Immanual Velikovsky and others have argued
 that many such events have occurred in our past and induced a kind
 of planetary amnesia from which we still suffer today.

 That such catastrophic episodes have occurred and that humanity has
 suffered from some great forgettings, Cremo agrees. "I think there
 is a kind of amnesia which when we encounter the actual records of
 catastrophes, it makes us think, oh well, this is just mythology.
 In other words, I think some knowledge of these catastrophes does
 survive in ancient writings and cultures and through oral
 traditions. But because of what you might call some social amnesia,
 as we encounter those things we are not able to accept them as
 truth. I also think there's a deliberate attempt on the part of
 those who are now in control of the world's intellectual life to
 make us disbelieve and forget the paranormal and related phenomena.
 I think there's a definite attempt to keep us in a state of
 forgetfulness about these things."

 It's all part of the politics of ideas. Says Cremo, "It's been a
 struggle that's been going on thousands and thousands of years and
 it's still going on."


 Forbidden Archeology is available from Torchlight Publishing.
 For more information write to:  Torchlight Publishing,
 P.O. Box 177, Badger, CA 93603, or phone: 1-800-443-3361.


     Atlantis Rising Copyright 1994-1996 - all rights reserved
              P.O. Box 441, Livingston, Montana 59047


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