Now Available:

 (The Hebraic Ancestry of Celtic Races) by Yair Davidy
(author of "The Tribes" and of "Ephraim" )..

        Many peoples of West European descent are of Celtic origin -at least in
part. "LOST ISRAELITE IDENTITY" reveals that amongst the Celts (and other
West Europeans) were Israelite Tribes who had been exiled, and in the
course of time had migrated westward. They had changed much of their
religion and culture. Nevertheless they still often retained traditions of
their Israelite Identity as well as Israelite Tribal and Clan names and
some linguistic features. It is possible to trace the paths of their
migration from the Middle East westward and their subsequent development.
This means in effect that many people in the west today are physically
Hebrews. Some will not like this idea  nor its implications but this book
is for those who have an open mind and are prepared to face serious
conceptual challenge.
This is an exciting and important work.
        Using proofs derived from archaeological research, Biblical evidence,
mythology, and Classical Writings "LOST ISRAELITE IDENTITY" provides a
framework of evidence in which each field complements the other. In years
to come the truth of "LOST ISRAELITE IDENTITY" will become more and more
apparent. Whatever other evidence is revealed this present book will
probably remain the basic work in this field.

"LOST ISRAELITE IDENTITY" is divided into three sections:
1.      It is described how ten out of the original 12 Tribes separated from the
others and formed their own kingdom in the north the inhabitants of which
were all exiled by the Assyrians. In their places of exile the Israelites
became identified with the Cimmerians, Scythians, and Goths. The Cimmerians
in an Assyrian inscription were referred to as "Amurru" meaning in effect
at that time as ISRAELITES! The different exiled Israelite groups
eventually migrated in stages to the north and west. The emphasis in "LOST
ISRAELITE IDENTITY" is on the Cimmerians and the Celtic peoples many of
whom were of Israelite-Cimmerian derivation.
2.      The second part of "LOST ISRAELITE IDENTITY" consists of historical
flashbacks in time followed by further analysis of the Assyrian-directed
exile. The historical phenomena studied have significance concerning the
ultimate destiny of the Exiles and add depth to the rest of the evidence
adduced in "LOST ISRAELITE IDENTITY". The ancient Hebrew-Israelites were
descended from Shem from whom came the Sumerians in Mesopotamia, founders
of early civilisation. Abraham the first Hebrew was a wandering prince
whose descendants went down into Egypt where they became identified with
the "Hycsos" shepherd-kings. After being enslaved they were freed from
Egypt and journeyed to Canaan which they conquered gaining dominance over
most of the Middle East. They established settlements in north Syria as
well as in "Palestine" proper. They influenced Greek and Egyptian history
and are identifiable with the "Sea-Peoples". Some Israelite Tribes
participated in Phoenician maritime activity and early western contacts
(reaching as far as Scandinavia) were established.
        Later Israel was conquered and "LOST ISRAELITE IDENTITY" relates how the
Assyrians not only exiled most of the Israelites to the north where they
became identifiable with the Cimmerians and company. They also took control
of the Phoenician sea-faring set-up and through its agency transported
Israelites directly to the west and re-settled them in Spain and elsewhere.
In the course of time the exiles in Spain linked up with their Hebrew
brethren in the Cimmerian-Celtic forces that advanced overland from the
Middle East. From Spain they moved out into Gaul and the British Isles.
Evidence for most of the above is mainly derived from Biblical,
archaeological, and written sources, all of which are adequately referenced.
3.      The third part of "LOST ISRAELITE IDENTITY" shows how Celtic (mainly
Irish) legends confirm all of the account given above sometimes going into
precise detail. Often information is given in these legends that has only
recently confirmed by archaeology etc. This proves the truth of their
tradition. The Celts preserved names of Hebrew Tribes and places. In the
Celtic languages of the British Isles there is an underlying Semitic
grammatical structure. Much of the vocabulary of Welsh is Hebrew. In the
past, from pre-Christian times, some of the ancient Irish, Scotts, and
Welsh practised aspects of the Mosaic Law and in Scotland continued to do
so until fairly recently.

        Overall, "LOST ISRAELITE IDENTITY" definitely does prove that amongst the
ancient Celtic peoples there must have been many of Israelite descent who
were qualitatively significant.
        The information contained in "LOST ISRAELITE IDENTITY" is essential in
order to understand the true past (and future destiny) of peoples in
Northwest Europe and especially those of the British Isles and their kin
over the seas.
        The book (like all our works) contains extremely important information
that is either not available elsewhere or is otherwise difficult to obtain.
Nevertheless all facts given are verifiable.
        An Appendix of "LOST ISRAELITE IDENTITY" gives verbatim extracts from
Celtic Mythology so that the really-interested (or sceptical) reader may
judge for himself the veracity of Israelite origin as affirmed in the pages

"LOST ISRAELITE IDENTITY" has 452 pages including Maps and Illustrations.
        We repeat, "LOST ISRAELITE IDENTITY" contains validly-referenced proofs
that can be academically verified and VITAL information that is almost
unavailable elsewhere.

Maccabee Institute in Jerusalem, Israel.

"LOST ISRAELITE IDENTITY" may be obtained from:

Yair Davidy
P.O.Box 595
Jerusalem 91004

        Price: The book may be purchased by a check (drawn on your local bank) for
30 American Dollars or 18 Pounds Sterling (or the approximate equivalent of
these prices in any other currency) with the price including postage by
Airmail. Upon receiving an order the books are packed and sent off and take
from one to three weeks to arrive.
        Genuinely dissatisfied customers (if there any) may obtain their money
back as long as they return the book within six weeks from the time of

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