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My findings and conclusions re: Waco, are herewith submitted.

pursuant to Rule 7, Fed. Rules of Crim. Procedure
suitable for institution of
for violation of crimes presented herein
Pursuant to Title 18 USC, Fed. Rules of Crim. Procedure, Section 1504
or in the alternative, for prosecution for War Crimes before an

An ongoing concern with the "possible" coverup of the act of Genocide, as
defined/described at Title 18 USC,  Fed. Rules of Crim. Procedure, Section
1091, committed at Waco, Texas, perpetrated against the Branch Davidian
Religious Group, lead to making the following allegations of violation of
laws, and request is hereby made, pursuant to Title 18 USC, and  "Parry and
Grant, Encyclopaedic Dictionary of International Law", and "Black’s Law
Dictionary, 5th Edition," that an indictment be issued against all
party/participants, known and unknown, to the said incident, including
making plans for and executing said acts, and their subsequent obfuscation,
including  before, during, and after the incineration of said compound.
Further, it is demanded that said indictment reference violations of said
Title at Sections: 4, 113, 241, 245 (b)(2), 247 (essentially all), 1001,
1512 (a), (b)(2)(A), 1621, 2111, 2234, 2236, 3509 (a) (2,3,4,5,12), 3521
(b)(1) (if it can be construed that said child could be a witness to alleged
acts against said child by  David Koresch or his followers, a possible
allegation of the US Government at Washington D.C.), Title 42, Section 1982,
et seq, International Crimes Against Peace, The Law of Nations, Crimes
against Humanity, against the unalienable Rights of Man as Principles of the
Laws of Nature, and Nature’s God, inclusive, but not limited thereto.

1.  In view of the undeniable reality of the presence and active involvement
of US Military forces and equipment at Waco, and their use against American
civilians, it must be concluded that the action engaged in falls under the
category described in Black's Law Dictionary, 5th Edition, under the main
heading "War" and it's subhead, "Laws of war. This term denotes a branch of
public international law and comprises the body of rules and principles
observed by civilized nations for the...conduct of a public war; such...as
blockades...[etc.]...Mixed war.  A mixed war is one which is made on one
side by public authority, and on the other by mere private citizens." It
would seem that the "engagement" of forces aligned against each other at
Waco, and other isolated sites and instances in the Country of America,
would constitute "Mixed War."

2.  It is alleged that at least two "Mixed Wars" have been declared against
certain elements of the American People in that the President and his
Government, the United States Government of Washington, D.C., have openly,
publicly, and proudly, proclaimed a "War on Drugs" and a "War on Crime"

3.  It is alleged that under the guise of Government "Right," or the
"Doctrine of Necessity," these "proclaimed mixed wars" have been and are
continuously being used to justify and implement the known right of war,
under the well known heading of "prize and booty" to seize hundreds of
millions if not billions of dollars worth of property of American civilians,
without observance of Constitutional Guarantees, which can only be
accomplished during war under the Maxim "Silent Legis Inter Alia."

4.  In view of anticipated acquiescence to the truth of the above
statements, it can be stated with certitude that the Government would
perceive a "right," on the basis of its allegation that the Branch Davidians
had "illegal" weaponry, to launch an attack on that "home" of some 80
people, as a sortie in the DECLARED War on Crime.  But by Governmental
entities that are without legislative or delegated authority to do so?   The
BATF, FBI, and other non-Constitutional, non-legislatively created entities,
which only have authority to "police" within the "Governmental Agencies
which created them," have simply appropriated their authority and thus the
individual participants are without immunity for their acts as no authority
is found in the Constitution and the "lacking" legislative enactments for
their existence.  Thus they are without authorization to move against the
citizenry and/or in general in an aggressive act of War or open conflict,
especially while employing military weapons, some of which will be shown to
be in open violation of the Laws of War, which civilized nations are bound
by treaty to observe.  It is uncertain, therefore, if the Government of the
United States considers itself to be a barbarous Nation, or just feels it is
above all Humane Law.

5.  It  is true that Mao's Communist/Socialist/totalitarian government
ignored the Constitution of China which was very similar to our own when he
murdered people in China using his military forces against civilians.  There
is no conceivable difference between Mao’s or Deng’s acts and those of the
U.S. Government of Washington D.C. in its wanton attack on the Branch
Davidian Compound in Waco, Texas.

6.  The Battle of Kosovo was, according to (as supported and exacerbated by)
Clinton and his U.S. Government, being fought over the alleged abuse of the
Civil Rights of a smaller group of people who were being abused by their own
neighbors and inhabitants of the same "turf." This comports with the Branch
Davidians vs the US Government, but on a scale grossly more one-sided, with
no one stepping in to protect or assist the Branch Davidians. In fact, the
inequities of the roles of the U.S. Government in the two "projects" should
stand as evidence and substantiation of the premeditated character of the
acts by the U.S. Government against a miniscule organization such as the
Branch Davidians.  They were hurting no one.  Only the egos of certain elite
in the U.S. Government.

7.  At the end of the Second World War, an International Tribunal was
created and a new concept of Justice was inaugurated whereby the perceived
and alleged "war criminals" were placed on trial, and confronted by
evidence, not by their own countrymen, but by an impartial Judicial Body.

8.  One of the infamous "crimes" of the Second World War was the inhumane
act perpetrated by the German Military at the Warsaw Ghetto against the
Jews, where those resisting were in the cellars of various buildings and the
Germans dumped gasoline into the cellars and then ignited it.  This was
perceived by the World, including America, as a barbarous and inhumane act
and loudly condemned.

9.  The State of California, has a law in the California Civil Code, at
Section 50 that states a universal principle: "Force, right to use  Any
necessary force may be used to protect from wrongful injury the person or
property of oneself, or of a wife, husband, child, parent, or other
relative, or member of one's family, or of a ward, servant, master or guest.
Enacted 1872." This is an embodiment of the  "Rights of Man" that no other
man has a right to deny, unless with a proper warrant, signed by a proper
Judge, together with an "Affidavit of Probable Cause" which was not in the
possession of any person of alleged authority who confronted the Branch
Davidians at the confrontation when shots were first fired, REGARDLESS OF
WHO FIRED THEM.  The Branch Davidians HAD AN UNALIENABLE RIGHT to defend
their home, unless confronted with a proper search warrant in the hands of
AUTHORIZED police, supra.  That was never presented, if indeed it ever
existed and the confronting entities had NO AUTHORITY to be there..
Therefore, the argument that the Branch Davidians fired the first shot IS
MOOT.  This is also supported by "The Castle Doctrine" as found in Black’s.

10.  At the close of the Second World War, an International Tribunal
embarked on massive discovery and made an attempt first to unearth the
evidence, and then, in order to insure a "fair and impartial trial"
commenced with a series of trials under a new body of law utilizing the Law
of Nations, and the Laws of Nature, and Nature's God, because there was no
other law with which to try a Government which was the perpetrator of
massive inhumane crimes and acts.  That problem exists here, since it is the
Government that wantonly killed the Branch Davidians, in open defiance of
first, the Constitution and the protections guaranteed thereby, of Due
Process, of Equal Protection under the Law, and of its own body of Criminal
Law, blatantly violated with impunity due to the reluctance of the U.S.
Government to prosecute itself, which is the same reason that an
International Tribunal prosecuted the War Crimes after the conclusion of the
Second World War.

11.  It was deemed that the Germans were not the proper persons to judge the
actions of "Fellow Germans," (the same in Japan) because the concept was
inaugurated that the crimes that had been committed were "crimes against
humanity and peace" even though the Laws of Germany were written that
allowed many of the acts that were done against "fellow human beings."  But
these laws were morally wrong, as were the German courts which passed
sentence based upon them thus giving authorization to act in violation of
the Law of Nations, the Laws of Nature and Natures God, and against Peace,
and against humanity and human dignity, to the perpetrators. This elevated
the crimes to a new level never before adjudicated in a "war crimes" trial,
and in actuality, these were the first War Crimes Trials in the history of
jurisprudence.  It was determined that there was a higher law than the Law
of Germany.  Actually, as we will see, the law exists for prosecution of the
inhumane acts perpetrated at Waco, but there is no one to prosecute them
within the Government of the United States at Washington D.C. since they are
the authors of the acts, just as was the Government of Germany, supra.

12.  The highest prosecutorial officer of the United States, the General of
Attorneys, stated publicly that the person holding that Office would accept
all responsibility for the offenses committed at Waco. There is  written law
that was broken by the acts perpetrated at Waco.  It is proposed, that
person is, prima facie, by open confession, guilty of violation of any and
all laws pertinent.  Further, said offer, to bare all the "guilt" is an
unfulfilled contract (if indeed a contract could be made to eradicate the
debt due society for such heinous crimes as we will see have been committed
by the body of offenders), as there was/is no consideration, nor was it
accepted by the conspirators and accomplices.

13.  It is patently illogical to entrust an investigation and trial of the
Officers of the Government of the United States to its Courts and the US
Attorneys.  Nor should an investigation be conducted by a Senate which has
twiddled its thumbs for six years, which is tantamount to dereliction of
duty (thus, they are all in violation of Title 18, Section 4, Misprison of
Felony), and a crime of negligence in most venues and jurisdictions, and
which Senate has never mounted a meaningful investigation by disinterested
parties. It cannot be disinterested, anymore than the German people could be
expected to try their "own" at the conclusion of their War.   There cannot
be "disinterested others" as all investigative "others" were parties to this
"war."  The perpetrators and co-conspiritors who covered up the heinous
crimes, of whom it must be alleged, have filthy hands (that's beyond the
recognized Doctrine of "clean/unclean hands") have blatantly demonstrated
BAD FAITH, with overtones of "Obstruction of Justice" and MURDER, since all
acts were intentional, premeditated, and carried out with intent, malice,
and scienter!

14.  There are effective laws among the Statutes of the United States that
govern such heinous acts perpetrated by Officers and employees of the United
States.  It seems our Founding Fathers could not conceive that such a crime
would be committed in this Country, except that they wrote a Second
Amendment just in case. However, no Country's Government will write laws to
punish such outlawry perpetrated by it's primary officers.  This problem was
realized relative to the Crimes of the Second World War, and thus a new body
of law had to be conceived, defined, and written. Fortunately, there exists
that same body of law to try the Officers of this Country who have violated
their Supreme Oath and Trust, as the sworn Defenders and Protagonists of the
Constitution and our Body of Law, written pursuant thereto.  Thus, since the
"Government" is "Co-conspirator" in the instant crime, and it cannot try
it's constituent parts without more mockery of Justice, it would seem  this
responsibility must fall to an outside, disinterested party such as the
World Court, or the United Nations.

15.  There are at minimum two Statutes of the United States Codes  that are
applicable to the instant situation.  The first is found at Title 18 USC,
Section 4, Misprison of Felony.  Next, and much more importantly,  the
second is found at the same Title, Section 1091, "Genocide. (a) Basic
offense.-Whoever, whether in time of peace [NOTE] or in time of war, in a
circumstance described in subsection (d) and with the specific intent to
destroy, in whole or in substantial part, a national, ethnic, racial, or
religious group as such-(1) kills members of that group (2) causes serious
bodily injury to members of that group; (3) causes the permanent impairment
of the mental faculties of members of the group through drugs, torture, or
similar techniques; (4) subjects the group to conditions of life that are
intended to cause the physical destruction of the group in whole or in part;
(5)  imposes measures intended to prevent births within the group; or  (6)
transfers by force children of the group to another group; or attempts to do
so, shall be punished as provided in subsection (b).  (b) Punishment for
basic offense,.-the punishment for an offense under subsection (a) is- (1)
in the case of an offense under subsection (a)(1) a fine of not more than
$1,000,000 and imprisonment for life; and (2) a fine of not more than
$1,000,000 or imprisonment for not more than twenty years, or both, in any
other case.  (c) Incitement offense.-Whoever in a circumstance described in
subsection (d) directly and publicly incites another to violate subsection
(a) shall be fined not more than $500,000 or imprisoned not more than five
years, or both.  (d) Required circumstance for offenses.-The circumstance
referred to in subsections (a) and (c) is that-(1) the offense is committed
within the United  States; or (2) the alleged offender is a national of the
United States (as defined in section 101 of the Immigration and Nationality
Act…(e) Nonapplicability of certain limitations.-Notwithstanding section
3282 of this title, in the case of an offense under subsection (a)(1), an
indictment may be found, or information instituted, at any time without
limitation."  That says, THERE IS NO STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS on the CRIMES OF
GENOCIDE. It is recalled that the emotional ABUSE heaped upon the poor
people at Waco, WHICH PRECEDED their murder is enough to INDICT EVERY PERSON
THERE, WHO WAS THERE IN ANY CAPACITY.  And then there are those who devised,
oversaw, orchestrated, gave the orders from a distance, and were
KNOWLEDGEABLE OF WHAT WAS GOING ON.  Accessories to, and after the FACT.
Co-conspiritors to commit murder.  Violation of Title 18. Section 4,
Misprison of Felony, etc., etc., etc.  It would seem that even everyone who
has remained silent is implicated under Title 18, Section 4, of Crimes, and
Obstruction of Justice.

16.  International Law has this to say about the acts committed at Waco.  In
"Parry and Grant, Encyclopaedic Dictionary of International Law" at page 80,
the definition of "crimes against humanity  The  Charter of the
International Military Tribunal for the trial of the major war criminals of
the European Axis…[the] ‘Crimes against humanity’ namely, murder,
extermination, enslavement,…and other inhumane acts committed against any
civilian population, before or during the war or persecutions on political,
racial or religious grounds in execution of or in connection with any crime
within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal, whether or not in violation of the
domestic law of the country where perpetrated."  And at page 81 "crimes
against peace  This was the first category of  ‘crimes coming within the
jurisdiction of the Tribunal’…The category was stated to consist in ‘namely:
planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression,…"   It
is only fair to call this a small war with participation by US Military and
Paramilitary Forces, in a cooperative and concerted effort to eradicate  the
Christian Community at Waco by an Elite group in the Government of the
United States, Washington D.C., (with obfuscation and obstruction of justice
as their final act.)  THIS IS THE EMBODYMENT of, and blatant PERPETRATION OF
GENOCIDE, supra.

17.  Continuing at page 110, "enemy, enemy character  The term ‘enemy,’
connoting an adversary in war, is so far a term of international law that it
is employed incidentally  in the UN Charter.  It applies principally to a
State.  But…in municipal law in regard to deprivation of liberty…enemy
character is ascribed also to individuals,…"  So it holds that, by the terms
of International Law, under the guiding hand of the United Nations, Waco was
indeed a WAR, albeit, on a small scale.

18.  The rules of WAR, according to the standards of the Geneva Convention
and the United Nations, DO NOT allow GENOCIDE.  Neither allow an attack
against civilians, especially women and children.  At page 307, supra,
neither allow the use of  "…asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases and all
analogous liquids, materials or devices;…weapons [re:] prohibitions or
restrictions on the use of certain conventional weapons which may be deemed
to be excessively injurious or to have INDISCRIMINATE effects.  [Such as the
gas, explosive devices, and incendiary devices that were used to kill the
women and children in the bunker.] …The modern instruments bind the parties
not to use the prohibited weapons against any adversary in any conflict…The
prohibition at least on the use of gas is probably a rule of customary
international law:…-prohibition on certain uses and types of incendiary
weapons:…prohibitions or restricting on the use of certain conventional
weapons which may be deemed to be excessively injurious or to have
indiscriminate effects."  (Against the women and children, whom the
GOVERNMENT Agents apparently KNEW were in there!)

19.  One more category is found at page 398, "Torture, The convention
against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or
Punishment, adopted by the General Assembly…defines torture as ‘any act by
which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally
inflicted on a person, to…intimidate or coerce; or for any reason based on
discrimination of any kind;  when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or
at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a person acting
in an official capacity."  That is patently clear.  The electricity and
water were cut off.  Terrible noise was blasted, day and night, at the
"home" with the children and women in it. Helicopters made repeated
low-level fly-overs.  Thus, by definition, many kinds of torture were
instigated against those inside, with INTENT and MALICE, to inflict TORTURE
on them.  This IS A VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW.  [It could also be an
indication of a degraded, degenerate, sick personality on the part of the
perpetrators.  And so IT IS with any police who participate in THE
INCREASING INCIDENTS of bestial treatment of their victims.  The Maxim of
Law states, "NO MAN IS ABOVE THE LAW."  Let the retribution begin to fall on
all who participate in bestial and inhumane treatment of the men and woman
of this land which is in violation of INTERNATIONAL LAW.  Or who are
responsible for the separation of a child from his/her natural parent
without absolute proof of probable cause.  And that must take into
consideration religious beliefs as NOT BEING A REASON to separate a child
from a parent, supra.]

20.   DEMAND is herewith made, that the US Government, the States, the
Counties, the Cities, Municipalities, END POLICE TERROR TACTICS against the
men and women and children of this Nation.  Any police, paramilitary, or
military types who hold hostage the men women, AND CHILDREN in their homes,
who attack at night as hooded NINJAS (which is a blatant violation of "Title
18 USC, Section 241 - [being] in disguise," thus unidentifiable, and
"injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any inhabitant of any State…or…go
in disguise…shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than
10 years, or both;…") and who kill "accidentally" and often on unfounded and
unsubstantiated information, entering without an affidavit of probable
cause, SIGNED under PENALTY of  PERJURY, and then held civilly and
criminally accountable for error!!  Acting without this is a blatant crime
in and of itself.  It is a calculated act of WAR, and also are "Crimes
against humanity" as presented at item 16, supra.  This is to be a Nation of
Order, Law, Dignity, and Respect of each and every man and woman that live
in this land of America, where RAPE and PILLAGE  by an ARMED BAND who take
inhumane pride in flaunting their JACK-BOOTED authority, which attacks are
only by might of arms and not of Law, are unmitigated acts of ANARCHISTS, in
OPEN DEFIANCE of the LAW.  These are further acts of aggression by a
GOVERNMENT that is now WAGING WAR, as defined, supra, against its people.
It is time to return to the Laws of the Founders and Forefathers,  to the
Law of Nature, and Nature’s God, and of respect for ALL men, women, and
children who live in this land.  There is a problem if it is Government’s
intent to kill or imprison everyone who asks a question of Government, or is
arrested for violation of a "victimless crime" type law created by attorneys
to simply generate revenue for themselves and an increasingly oppressive
Government.  God help us if all that is wanted is "yes-men" and slaves.
That is what this Country’s citizenry has sacrificed its best men and women
helping us all, SO IT SHALL BECOME AGAIN.

That said, I, Donald Wishart, DMD, herewith accuse the Government of the
United States, its primary Officers, all CONSPIRITORS, and/or PARTICIPANTS,

©  Donald Wishart, DMD, Feb. 29, 2000, Permission granted to forward and
publish with due credit, if unaltered

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