From: "Mike Ruppert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sorry Guys - After reading more than eight local (Central American) stories
on the Turner plane crash, before writing about it in From The Wilderness
more than a month ago, we went all available accounts. FTW obtained the
passenger list from a Spanish local paper. The passengers included
civilians, wives and children.

While FTW believes absolutely that the plane was brought down, we find Mr.
Bresnahan's bombastic "red herring" ploy of pinning it on a covert operation
fits the usual pattern of WorldNet Daily's usefulness to the Republican

Not only do FTW's sources, but also our documents, indicate that the
plausibility of a CIA covert operation being involved are next to zero and I
would love to debate Mr. Bozo Bresnahan on this! The passengers included
tourists and real estate investors from San Francisco. The CIA would never
involve such people in a covert operation because they might talk. Also,
Stan Turner's wife was on the plane and a cardinal rule in the Agency is
that you don't ever involve your non-combatant family. She died in the

What WorldNet Bozo, Yanni, Propaganda, Schill, Mouthpiece, Paid Liar
Bresnahan, is doing here is pointing away from the fact that Turner's crash
occurred a day after former CIA General Counsel Stanley Sporkin retired from
the Federal Bench in Washington and less than a week after the mysterious
death of the CIA's retired Controller and aide to Madeline Albright, Helene
Boatner in a freak scuba diving accident.

Absolutely, and without doubt, the events involving Sporkin and Turner are
connected to Ed Wilson's motion for a new trial in Houston. Texas and both
men were scheduled to, and may still, take the stand in the case. Turner
could absolutely destroy the Bush family and Poppy Bush in a Presidential
election year. Turner is still recuperating at Walter Reed Army Hospital.

This is WorldNet's propaganda attempt to make the gullible believe that
possibly those nasty ChiComs had something to do with an attempted murder
committed by the Bush/OSS faction of the CIA. It's a cover story.

For further and more detailed information see the January 28, issue of From
The Wilderness. We covered this, accurately, a month ago!

Mike Ruppert

-----Original Message-----
From:   David Goldman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Tuesday, February 29, 2000 6:19 AM
Subject:    [CIA-DRUGS] Turner Crash was no accident??!!

From: David Goldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Costa Rica
               plane-crash mystery
               Expert: Turner, others were
               preparing for intelligence op

               By David M. Bresnahan
               (C) 2000

               A multinational group of intelligence and
               military operatives are preparing men and
               supplies in the area of Liberia, Costa Rica
               for a possible operation in Panama,
               according to intelligence sources.

               While investigating the mysterious Jan.15
               plane crash that occurred in San Jose,
               Costa Rica, WorldNetDaily was led to
               intelligence sources who provided some
               details of the operation on the condition
               of anonymity -- revealing an even bigger

               Former CIA director Stansfield Turner
               was nearly killed when the private plane
               he was in crashed. His wife Karen, along
               with Sigifred and Therese Richert, and
               Antonio Sanchez Diaz were killed in the
               crash. The pilot, Cleto Miranda Luna, died
               of his injuries on February 2. There were
               12 others who were injured on board the
               plane and one on the ground.

               The Czechoslovakian-built Taxi Aereo
               Centroamericano LET 410 was a small
               charter plane available for hire at the
               Tobias Bolanos airport in San Jose, Costa

               The CIA refused to
               confirm or deny press
               reports of the crash at
               the time. An
               intelligence source
               told WorldNetDaily
               that the CIA could
               not admit any
               knowledge of the
               crash because all the
               passengers were
               intelligence operatives.

               Turner and his group were in Costa Rica
               as part of a secret intelligence operation,
               according to an informed source, who
               says the plane crash brought press
               attention to their presence, possibly
               forcing the operation to be moved.
               Whether the operation is still underway
               in a new location and the specific
               involvement of Turner could not be
               determined, but the source would only
               say the plans involved possible
               deployment to Panama.

               The flight plan showed that Turner's
               plane was headed for the Tortuguero
               National Park on Costa Rica's Atlantic sea
               shore, which is said to be near the area
               where the military forces and supplies
               were being accumulated.

               The plane was only a short distance from
               the airport when it exploded and fell like
               a rock from the sky, according to
               witnesses. It crashed into a house with
               three people inside, all of whom survived.

               "I was coming up the street when
               suddenly I saw the plane start to fishtail,"
               said eyewitness, Pedro Chinchilla, as
               reported in La Republica. "It fell, and then
               I heard a loud noise, like a hurricane.
               When I reached the site I could hear
               screams coming from inside the house,"
               he said.

               The intelligence source was able to help
               WorldNetDaily talk to another eyewitness
               of the crash. The witness worked for the
               airport and went immediately to the site
               after the crash. He said he has worked
               with CIA agents before and recognized
               several going through luggage at the crash
               site. He insisted that his identity remain
               anonymous out of fear that he would face
               reprisals in his job.

               Rescue personnel were delayed slightly
               while CIA agents were going through the
               plane, which remained mostly intact. All
               luggage and carry-on items were removed
               from the plane while the rescue crew
               evacuated survivors and casualties,
               according to the source.

               A Nicaraguan housekeeper was in the
               house with two other people when the
               plane crashed through the roof. She
               suffered only minor injuries.

               "It was like a bomb. Pieces of cement,
               wood and even a wall fell on top of us,"
               the housekeeper, Yamileth Saenz, told La

               Information released by the International
               Red Cross showed that there were nine
               Spaniards, two French, one Salvadoran,
               and three Costa Ricans on board when the
               plane crashed.

               Asked the cause of the crash, the
               intelligence source said, "Well, let's just
               say it wasn't an accident," but he declined
               to give any details. He helped
               WorldNetDaily contact sources who were
               at the airline office and at the crash site
               during the rescue after the crash, saying it
               would help prevent future problems if
               word of the nature of the crash became

               The airline source confirmed that Juan
               Carlos was the scheduled pilot, but he
               "was released against his will" just before
               the flight was to take off. The source said
               there was a heated debate over the
               replacement pilot. Carlos objected, but
               then he "suddenly stopped complaining
               and walked away," apparently because he
               was offered compensation to make up for
               lost pay for not flying the plane.

               The source would not provide
               information about Luna, the substitute
               pilot, who later died of his injuries. He
               told WorldNetDaily he was frightened
               and shouldn't have said anything at all.

               Press accounts at the time of the crash
               stated that Turner, his wife, and everyone
               on board were tourists. One of the
               passengers was listed as a tour guide, and
               the airline is often used for tourist flights.
               The intelligence source said everyone on
               board the plane had "intelligence ties."

               Turner was eventually transferred to an
               intensive care unit in a Texas hospital.

               Turner had an exemplary career in the
               Navy, having served in the Navy's office
               of politico-military affairs, in Secretary of
               Defense McNamara's office of systems
               analysis, and as executive assistant and
               naval aide to the Secretaries of the Navy
               Paul Ignatius and John Chafee.

               Turner became a rear admiral in 1970 and
               commanded a carrier task group of the
               Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean. He then
               became director of the Navy's office of
               systems analysis, and commander of the
               Second Fleet. Later he served as president
               of the Naval War College at Newport,
               Rhode Island.

               He was promoted to admiral in 1975 and
               became commander-in-chief of NATO's
               Southern Flank, with headquarters in
               Naples, Italy.

               In 1977, President Jimmy Carter
               nominated Turner to be director of
               Central Intelligence, a position he held
               until 1981.

               Since then, Turner has taught at Yale
               University, the U.S. Military Academy
               and the University of Maryland. In 1995
               he was awarded a senior research
               fellowship at the Norwegian Nobel Peace
               Institute in Oslo.

               David M. Bresnahan is an investigative
               journalist for

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