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February 28, 2000
N 162
Interregional Human Rights Network Group
Ryazan Memorial Human Rights Society
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Our work is not politically partisan. Our digest neither duplicates
the Russian federal government's position nor advocates the positions
of Chechen militants. Rather, our purpose is to present as many news
sources as possible so that readers may form their own judgement. We
seek to attract the world's attention to the mass violations of human
rights in the conflict.

Grozny Still Forbidden

The capital of Chechnya, the city of Grozny, is still  forbidden for
both entering and exiting, Radio Liberty  reports. According to the
federal command, sappers are  working in the city, and the interior
troops are checking  passport regime. Yesterday during the so-called
"clean-up"  in Oktyabrsky district 10 people were detained.

CE Commissioner for Human Rights Begins Trip to Chechnya

Deutsche Welle reports that the Council of Europe  Commissioner for
Human Rights Alvaro Gil-Robles began his  trip to Chechnya on Sunday.
He is accompanied by the  special representative of Russia's President
for human  rights in Chechnya Vladimir Kalamanov. The day before Mr.
Gil-Robles told Interfax that he is going to work with the  delegation
of the CE Committee for the Prevention of  Torture, which is in Russia
too and is going to visit North  Caucasus. BBC reports that Alvaro
Gil-Robles is to arrive  to Grozny today. It is still unknown, though,
if Mr. Gil- Robles would be allowed to visit the filtration camp
Chernokozovo in northern Chechnya. Many people who have  been to
Chernokozovo due to being suspected of  participating in militants'
units tell that they were  tortured during questioning. On Sunday
Alvaro Gil-Robles  heard complaints about Russian soldiers' behavior,
when he  was visiting the refugee camps in Ingushetia. The head of
the Committee for Human Rights said that Russian  authorities allowed
him to hold an independent  investigation and also gave their
agreement for creating a  joint agency, to which the Chechens would be
able to  address with charges against the federal servicemen.

RF Plenipotentiary for Human Rights Not Allowed to Visit  Chechnya?

Radio Echo of Moscow reports that the Plenipotentiary for  Human
Rights in Russia Oleg Mironov was going to visit  Chechnya, too. But
this trip didn't come about. Mironov  blames RF Foreign Ministry for
purposely frustrating the  trip. On February 27 a large group of
Russian human rights  activists - Valery Borschov, Lyudmila Alexeeva,
Boris  Altschuller, Valentina Melnikova, Valery Abramkin, Lyubov
Vinogradova, Yuri Savenko, Alexey Smirnov, Oleg Chirikov -  has
addressed the chairman of the State Duma Gennady  Seleznev with a
letter about the frustration of the trip of  the Plenipotentiary for
Human Rights to Chechnya. The  letter, in particular, says:

"Competent Russian bodies have denied the Plenipotentiary  for Human
Rights in Russian Federation Oleg Mironov the  possibility to make a
trip to Chechnya together with his  colleague, the head of Council of
Europe's department for  human rights Alvaro Gil-Robleså Disrespect
has been  expressed not only towards Mr. Mironov in person, but to
the whole institution of the Plenipotentiary for Human  Rights,
introduced by the Federal Constitutional law. This  is a graphic
example of one thesis from the article by the  RF Acting President
Vladimir Putin "Russia at the Turn of  the Millennium": 'The global
experience prompts the  conclusion that the main threat to human
rights and  freedoms, to democracy as such emanates from the executive

Andrey Babitsky Arrested

Falsification of documents (article 327 of RF Criminal  Code) is
officially incriminated to Andrey Babitsky of  Radio Liberty. The
Prosecutor's Office of Daghestan  ordained to arrest him. The
journalist's attorney Alexander  Zozulya told Radio Liberty that
Babitsky doesn't recognize  himself guilty and refused to sign the
examination report.  The Prosecutor's Office categorically refused to
change the  arrest for written undertaking not to leave the place or
to  set Babitsky free on the security of money. The defense is  going
to protest the chosen preventive punishment in the  court today.

"Andrey Babitsky's Health is Bad"

Radio Liberty reports that, according to attorney Mr.  Zozulya, Andrey
Babitsky's health is bad, he had also  suffered a psychic trauma with
the long imprisonment and  permanent menace to his life. Alexander
Zozulya emphasized  that the Prosecutor's Office had chosen "an
aggressive way  of behavior". Oleg Kusov of Radio Liberty, referring
to  Babitsky himself, said that after the so-called "exchange"  the
journalist was kept in poor conditions in some Chechen  village by
people who have nothing in common with Chechen  field commanders.
Unknown persons brought Babitsky to  Makhachkala in a car boot. They
also gave him the passport  of Azerbaijani citizen. Most likely, today
Andrey Babitsky  will be allowed to see his wife. Gazeta.ru reports
that  Vladimir Putin proposed the Interior Ministry to examine  the
necessity of keeping Andrey Babitsky of Radio Liberty  in commitment.
This was reported by the interior minister  Vladimir Rushaylo after
his meeting with the Acting  President of Russia.

"They Have No Place to Return toå"

On February 26 a group of public activists of the Chechen  Republic
distributed a declaration about the situation in  Grozny. Among the
signatories of the declaration are: the  president of the Committee
for Human Rights in the Chechen  Republic Khasan Enginoev, member of
USSR Union of Writers,  assistant professor of the Chechen University
Musa  Akhmadov, professor Said-Magomed Dibiev, professor Ovta
Salaamov, director of Institute for Education Problems  Abdullah
Arsanukaev, rector of the Chechen Branch of Moscow  University for
Humanities Ruslan Goytemirov, editor of  Daymokh newspaper Deni
Sambulatov, member of USSR Union of  Artists Said-Emin Elmirzaev,
psychiatrist, member of  Doctors of Peace Kyuri Idrisov, and Abdullah
Saidov of Lam  Center for Investigation and Popularization of Chechen
Culture. The declaration, in particular, says:

"The city of Grozny, once one of the most beautiful cities  of the
North Caucasus, now lies in ruins. Schools,  hospitals, dwellings,
university facilities, libraries have  been ruined, systems of life
support and communication have  been destroyed. But even after the
storming of the Chechen  capital had been finished, the barbaric
destruction of the  city continues under the cover of caring for the
civilians'  security. Almost every day many-storied buildings, which
allegedly are too destroyed for being restored and  represent a danger
for the population, are being blown up  in Grozny, this is done with
no examination or special  conclusion made by expertså

"Before military actions began in September 1999, two of  each three
people in Chechnya lived in Grozny. Now these  people live in tent
camps, provisional dwellings in  Ingushetia and Chechnya in the
conditions not suitable for  humans. They have no place to return toå

"We demand to stop the destruction of the city of Grozny  immediately,
to create a special commission for examining  the remaining buildings,
to fasten the mine-clearing in the  city's streets and the
neutralization of shells and bombs,  to allow free entrance to the
city and to restore the  city's life support systems. We demand to
allow  international observers in Grozny for controlling the
adherence to the rights of civilians and to create  conditions for the
work of humanitarian organizations for  providing aid to the city's

Antiwar Action in Moscow: Number of Participants of Antiwar
Demonstrations in Moscow is Each Time Greater

115 people, flying black and black-red flags, participated  in an
antiwar demonstration held on February 26, 2000 in  Moscow by the
Anarchist Antiwar Movement and the  representatives of human rights
organizations. The  demonstration's main slogans were: "Down with
state  terrorism in Chechnya!", "Down with police state!",  "Freedom
to prisoners of filtration camps!". Besides the  anarchists, there
were poets, a schoolteacher, a pensioner  from Moscow suburbs,
representatives of the New Leftists,  Youth Human Rights Center,
Yekaterinburg-based Anti- Violence Movement, Polish Federation of
Anarchists  speaking. Leaflets "Only politicians need war" and Human
Rights Watch report "Hundreds of Chechens have been thrown  to
filtration camps" were distributed.

Picket in Yekaterinburg

An antiwar picket was held in Yekaterinburg on February 26.  This
picket was also a kind of an action in support of the  activists of
Yekaterinburg-based Anti-Violence Movement  Gleb Edelev and Alexander
Zimbrovsky, who were arrested for  participating in antiwar actions.
In the holdover they  declared a hunger strike and refused to drink
water, too.  The representatives of the Memorial Society,
Anti-Violence  Movement, coordinating council of the Forum of
Re-Settlers'  Organizations showed transparencies saying: "War is a
tragedy for the whole Russia!", "Deaths of children have no
justification!", "We need truth about Andrey Babitsky!",  "Freedom to
prisoner of conscience Dmitry Neverovsky!",  "Antimilitarists are in
prison, military criminals are  free". The action's participators
distributed leaflets of  the Antiwar Action Committee, materials of
human rights  organizations, providing evidences of human rights
violation in Chechnya. Signatures were collected under the  petition
against the war in Chechnya and in defense of  Andrey Babitsky of
Radio Liberty, who was arrested in  Chechnya.

Turkey Didn't Welcome Chechen Refugees

Turkish frontier guards didn't allow about 100 refugees  from
Chechnya, mostly women, children and old people, who  had been on the
Georgian-Turkish border near the Georgian  Vale checkpoint for more
than 10 days, to enter Turkish  territory. This decision was taken
"since the refugees  lacked necessary and adequate international
passports".  This report, broadcast by Georgian TV on Saturday, was
confirmed by the representatives of the administration of
Samtskhe-Djavakheti district, in the territory of which the  Vale
checkpoint is situated. At the same time on the day  before the
Turkish side transmitted humanitarian aid -  foodstuffs, clothes and
medical supplies - to this group of  refugees.

CE Experts Departed for North Caucasus

Experts of the Council of Europe are going to visit the  places of
imprisonment in Daghestan, North Ossetia and  Stavropol Region, and
also the holdover in the village of  Chernokozovo in Naursky district
of Chechnya,  Rosbusinessconsulting reports.

Justice Ministry Denies Torture Reports

Russian NTV reports that the RF Justice Ministry has  categorically
denied the mass-media reports about the  "allegedly happened facts of
brutalities, humiliations,  tortures and even executions of persons
held in the  holdover situated in the populated area of Chernokozovo
of  the Chechen Republic".

No News about 500 Servicemen

There is no information on the whereabouts of over 500  servicemen,
who are taking part in the Chechen campaign,  for half a year already,
the executive secretary of the  Union of Committees of Soldiers'
Mothers Valentina  Melnikova said live on Radio Echo of Moscow on
Friday.  According to her, the committee can't get to know about the
fate of these soldiers either from official or from  unofficial

"It's Necessary to Express Protest against This War"

The President of the Czech Republic Vaclav Havel called  upon the
world community to express resolute protest to  Russia on the matter
of the war in Chechnya. Speaking on TV  on Saturday, Havel said that
Moscow's actions in the  Caucasus can be doubtlessly described as a
"destruction of  a nation", Rosbusinessconsulting reports referring to
Deutsche Welle. "This war has nothing in common with  combating
terrorism, as Russian leadership tries to present  it", Havel
declared. The world's leading powers, he  considers, are obliged
express their indignation with it,  using political means.

See "War and Human Rights" on the Web: www.hro.org/war
Information digest prepared by the Interregional Human Rights Network
Group and Ryazan Memorial Human Rights Society
Edited by Andrey Blinushov
Technical Editor - Julia Sereda
Translated by Oleg V. Martynov

With use of information from: Radio Liberty, Radio Echo of Moscow,
Deutsche Welle, BBC, newspapers: Express-Chronicle, Le Monde,
ANP-RUSNET, Web-sites Lenta. ru, Russian DEADLINE, Kavkaz-center,
Gazeta. ru, Inopressa. ru, agencies: Associated Press, Interfax,
ITAR-TASS, Netherlands Press Agency, Agency of Social Information, RIA
Novosti, Reuters, Rosinformcenter, TV companies: NTV, ORT, RTR, CNN,
Amnesty International, Memorial Society, Human Rights Watch, Civic
Cooperation Society, Union of Committees of Soldiers' Mothers,
Glasnost Defense Foundation, own information.

Karta/Memorial/Human Rigts Network,
Ryazan, Russia
Stop war in Russia:

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          Ecological  North West Line * St.Petersburg, Russia
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