I went on the Sightings site (did not use the search - yet)
and could not find this.  Also, is this true as it is written?
Pied Piper

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually you
will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you - start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
      ---- Thomas Jefferson

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people: those who do the work and
who take the credit. He told me to be in the first group - there is less
competition there. -
Indira Gandhi

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New Executive Order On
Federalism - Latest Assault
On The Constitution
By Brad Bernards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Amending the 10th Amendment
-August 10, 1999-
On August 5, President Clinton signed an Executive Order on Federalism, the division of power between Washington, D.C. and the States. The President claims Constitutional authority to turn our Constitution on it's head. This executive order, which I have read, seeks to guarantee the division of governmental responsibilities intended by the Framers of the Constitution. The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution, part of the Bill of Rights, does not need to be clarified. I have quoted the Constitution before and I proudly do it again: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." That's the tenth amendment, and any attempt by President Clinton to improve on it will most certainly not be to the benefit of the states or the people.
This is an outright attempt by the federal government to take from us power we have yet to claim but, nonetheless, is still ours under the Constitution. The Constitution enumerates the powers of the federal government - they are finite and limited intentionally. The President, through each and every agency, would like to impose federal rules and regulations absorbing powers that are, as of yet, unclaimed by the states. The previous attempt to steal away our power last year in Executive Order 13083 was met with much opposition after it was exposed. He had created the document without the input of those affected. It was later suspended, and now revoked as this EO replaces it. Amending the Constitution takes the congress and all 50 States but the President may do it, unnoticed, through an Executive Order
The document is clever because it now has the input of many, although we don't know specifically who, and on the surface appears quite benign. The AP reports that state and local officials appear satisfied with the rewritten order. The language of this Executive Order is indeed deferential to the states. The document reads well until you discover that all the input gathered from state and local government, the consulting with state and local officials on developing standards and the opportunity for participation in rulemaking proceedings is just that much talk. I see nowhere in the document that any input be digested at all. Federal agencies will be able to do what they want provided they follow the prescribed method which is not much more than whoops to placate the intergovernmental organizations concerned. The federal government can and will put into force any rule they want with or without the approval of anyone.
The White House's own press release says: "...the Order makes clear that federal action is appropriate in the presence of a problem of national scope or significance." This statement by itself admits that the Executive Branch can make anything their business and have an agency create federal rules to govern it. At a time when we need to pare back the federal government, they seem intent on grabbing any remaining power not nailed down by claim of the states or the people.
The United States Constitution is a magnificent document and Clinton would do best to read it and follow it. Instead, he's going to fix it. He calls it strengthening the partnership. He says that the Federal government and State and local governments should work together as partners. He wants to be my partner and my State's partner for the simple reason that we have something that he wants - power. After all, he didn't sign an Executive Order promising to limit the reach of the federal government. This will make government bigger. It will compromise our individual rights to the powers reserved to us by the Constitution and will compromise the sovereignty of every state in this union.
You have to remember who wrote this Executive Order. The word "is" appears 24 times. This is a man who will trick you with verb tenses. He has proven that he will make a statement that says the exact opposite of what he means. Now, he has made a statement that implies he is protecting the Constitution. It is the work of smarter people than me to take his words apart - to dissect the 7 pages of this order to see if it looks anything like the 28 words of the tenth amendment.
We have 90 days from August fifth until this Order takes effect. It's going to be harder this time around to expose this Clinton Lie now that he has received input from those affected. So far, I have no hope the major media will jump on this without pressure. It's our power he wants, so it's our responsibility to stop him.


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