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The Pilgrim Society & English-Speaking Union

The following report was received from Eric Samuelson in response to our
inquiry as to whether the Pilgrim Society of the United States and the
English-Speaking Union were formed by Cecil Rhodes' Milner Round Table Group
as part of its purpose to federate the English-speaking peoples and to bring
all habitable portions of the world under control of a British and American
Commonwealth. Another report by Mr. Samuelson is a profile of George Louis
Beer, American correspondent for The Round Table from 1915-18, who was also
one of the originators of the Royal Institute of International Affairs in
London and its American branch, The Council on Foreign Relations.

Courtesy of Timothy Aho, the remarks of Hon. J. Thorlkelson, U.S. Congressman
from Montana, follow (a speech to the U.S. House of Representatives on August
20, 1940):
Mr. THORKELSON. Mr. Speaker, under leave to extend my own remarks in the
RECORD, I include a pamphlet by John J. Whiteford. This pamphlet should be of
interest to every Member of Congress because it deals with a subject that
will soon confront us, as it did in 1917:
In the past it has been largely responsible for drawing this country into the
World War at a cost of thousands of our young men and billions of dollars and
a long period of depression. It does not work openly and it is not generally
recognized by the public. It does not yell from soap boxes in Union Square,
call strikes, picket or hold parades. It operates from the top down and so it
reaches into every juncture of American life. It is the far reaching power of
British propaganda to make this country subservient to Great Britain and the
British Empire.

The scene is a banquet held at the Hotel Plaza, New York City, October 25,
1939. This banquet was given by the Pilgrim Society of America in honor of
the Marquess of Lothian, British Ambassador of the United States. It is an
old custom of the American Pilgrims to extend this honor to every
newly-appointed British Ambassador, the same as the British Pilgrims invite
every new American Ambassador to their midst at a banquet in London.

There are several curious things about these Pilgrim functions. In the first
place there is present a these dinners an array of notables, such as it would
be difficult to bring together under one roof for any other purpose and by
any other society. The Lothian dinner was no exception. Presiding over this
affair was Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, president of Columbia University, and
chairman of the American Pilgrim Society. Among the guests were John D.
Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan, Thomas W. Lamont and other members of the House
of Morgan. Frank L. Polk, Jeremiah Milbank, James W. Gerard (former American
ambassador to Germany), the French Ambassador to the United States, Lt. Gen.
Hugh A. Drum, U.S.A. Maj. Gen. John O. Harbord (chairman of the Radio
Corporation of America), the Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau, and
many other leading figures in government, diplomacy, politics, finance,
banking, shipping, law, industry, insurance and education. These men had come
especially to honor Lord Lothian and to hear him speak. Before this important
audience Lord Lothian's speech could not merely be a light after-dinner talk
of clever stories and witticisms. It was an important as front-page news.

* * * * * *

A few prominent Pilgrim members, past and present, are listed below: J.P.
Morgan, Russell Leffingwell, Henry P. Davison, John W. Davis, John D.
Rockefeller, Harry Rockefeller, Ogden Mills Reid, Henry Morgenthau, Otto
Kahn, Robert Fulton Cutting, James B. Clews, John B. Trevor, William Fellowes
Morgan, Henry W. Taft, Adolph Ochs, James Speyer, Charles H. Rabin, Sir
Ashley Sparks, George F. Trewbridge, Phillip Rhinelander, Andrew W. Mellon,
Albert H. Wiggin. J. W. Hill, John F. O'Ryan, Frank L. Polk, George R. ??,
Julius Ochs Adler, Alfred I. Aiken, Herbert I. Aldrich, John Whitney, W.B.
Whitney, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Vincent Astor, Julius S. Bache, Robert Lew
Boron, Ancell H. Bail, David H. Biddle, Robert W. Bigelow, Irving T. Bush,
Newcomb Carleton, Joseph H....

In the nature of their exclusive membership and... the Pilgrims may be termed
the wholesale agency for promoting the interests of Britain in this country.
It is strictly a Tory organization. The retail outlet is the more widely
known English-Speaking Union, which has for its avowed purpose:

"To draw together in the bond of comradeship the English-Speaking people of
the United States and of the British Empire by the disseminating knowledge of
each in the other and by reverence for their common institutions."

It is interesting to note that the English-Speaking Union originated in
London in the fateful year of 1917 when America bared her strong arm in defens
e of democracy. Like the Pilgrims, the English-Speaking Union has a British
organization with headquarters in London and an American branch with central
offices in New York. The purposes of the two organizations are virtually the
same and there is an interlocking directorate and membership.

The patron of the English-Speaking Union (London) is His Majesty the King.
The honorary president of the American English-Speaking Union is the
prominent Pilgrim, John W. Davis, successor to the late Walter Hines Page as
America's wartime Ambassador to the Court of St. James, Presidential
Candidate in 1924, and member of J.P. Morgan & Co. As treasurer of the
American English-Speaking Union is listed Harry P. Davison, also a Morgan
partner whose father was instrumental in having J.P. Morgan & Co. appointed
exclusive purchasing agents for the British Government in America during the
World War....


Congressman Thorlkelson's speech was based on Sir Uncle Sam, Knight of the
British Empire! by John J. Whiteford (1940). This book was described: "The
history of a little known society promoting the aims of world government
(covert British Empire) and how they pushed us into World War II in an effort
to bring us back under the control of the Crown! A look at the leadership of
the infamous Pilgrim Society which included the Rockefeller, Cecil Rhodes,
Andrew Carnegie, and many, many more of our elitists!"

Antony C. Sutton wrote: "The Order does not show up directly on the Executive
Committee of the Pilgrim Society, but only through family names, i.e.,
Aldrich and Pratt. The Pilgrim Society is probably a rather harmless social
club using its annual dinners to cement ties between the British and American
establishment."(1) Sutton also negatively contrasted Hegelianism with British
empiricism: "It is as different from the British empirical school of John
Stuart Mill as night and day."(2)

Pilgrim Hall, built in 1824, is America's first and oldest public museum in
continuous operation. Owned and operated by the Pilgrim Society, Pilgrim Hall
preserves the largest collection in the world of Pilgrim artifacts from over
350 years ago. The Pilgrim Society is said not to be "a lineage

Sir Harry Brittain's Pilgrim Partners: Forty Years of British-American
Fellowship (1942) was once described by a bookseller (who was asking $85):
"House publication of the mysterious, super-elite Pilgrim Society, the
interface of the American and British Anglophile elites...very, very rare.
The author's letters were: KBE, CMG, DL, LLD.

Aside from those listed by Thorlkelson, two other Pilgrims can be identified:
Illuminati prince Professor George Edward Gordon Catlin, a Pilgrim Society
member, who was on the British Fabian executive committee.(3)

Arthur Hobson Dean (BB/CFR). Vietnam War hawk. Member of Committee for An
Effective and Durable Peace in Asia. Committee Chairman, CFR. CFR Director
(1955-1972). Wall Street Lawyer. New York Social Register. Century Club.
Pacific Union Club. Links. Attended 1957 BB meeting. John Dulles Law Partner.
Sullivan & Cromwell. Member, Foreign Policy Association and Pilgrim Society.
Director, UN Association and Lazard Funds, Inc. Special Ambassador to Korea
(1953-1954). Chairman, U.S. Delegation on Nuclear Arms Testing, Geneva,
Switzerland (1962). Trustee, Carnegie Foundation.


Dr. William Allen Nielson, President of Smith College, addressed the English
Speaking Union at a dinner (date not stated) at the Hotel Astor in New York
City. He deplored that fact that there were still men and women in America
whose patriotism could not be purchased with English gold.(4)
The English-Speaking Union's "Books-Across-the-Sea" Program was detailed on
September 26, 1997: The 50th anniversary of the English-Speaking Union's
"Books-Across-the-Sea" program, originally chaired by T.S. Eliot and now
chaired by George Plimpton, will be celebrated in New York and London in a
landmark symposium, "A Life Illumined: The Art of Biography" via live
satellite on Thursday, October 16. The event will be held in the McGraw-Hill
Building...Dr. Arthur M. Schlesinger, the distinguished historian and
biographer, will moderate in New York with three prize-winning American
biographers. The three British biographers will be speaking from
London...American panelists will be Robert A. Caro, the Pulitzer
Prize-winning biographer of Robert Moses and Lyndon Johnson; David Levering
Lewis, an American historian best known for his biographies of Martin Luther
King, Jr. and W.E. B. DuBois; and Carl Rollyson, a professor whose
biographies focus on women with theatrical personalities and legendary lives,
such as Marilyn Monroe and Lillian Hellman. British panelists will be Lady
Antonia Fraser, Michael Holroyd and Philip Ziegler. Segments of the symposium
will be included in a future issue of The Paris Review. The
"Books-Across-the- Sea" program is currently chaired by George Plimpton and
includes a distinguished group of writers, publishers, and scholars,
including Brendan Gill, staff writer for The New Yorker; Vartan Gregorian,
President of The Carnegie Corporation of New York; Thomas H. Guinzburg,
former President of Viking Press; Drue Heinz, Publisher, The Paris Review;
Barbara Hoffert, Book Review Editor of Library Journal; Richard Howard,
Pulitzer Prize-winning poet; Jeanne McCulloch, Editor-at-Large of The Paris
Review; Alan Pryce-Jones, former editor of The Times Literary Supplement
(London); John T. Sargent, former CEO of Doubleday & Co.; writer and
historian Arthur M. Schlesinger; novelist Mona Simpson and William Wadsworth,
Executive Director of the Academy of American Poets.

Books-Across-the-Sea originated during World War II when a group of Americans
in war torn England recognized that American books had been lost in the chaos
of war. At their request, a group of book-minded Americans rushed 70 American
books to the U.K. In exchange, 70 books were shipped from London to the U.S.;
as the Anglo-American alliance grew closer, Books- Across-the-Sea became a
well organized agency. Officially incorporated as a national program office
English-Speaking Union in 1947, under the chairmanship of T.S. Eliot, it has
expanded to include exchanges with other English-speaking countries. Today,
the Books-Across-the-Sea program selects the annual Ambassador Book Awards,
presented to those books which have made an exceptional contribution to the
interpretation of the life and culture in the United States; conducts a
series of book and author lunches in New York; sponsors the Authors on Tour
Program for the E-SW's 81 branches around the country; administers the Ruth
M. Shellens Memorial Library at the ESU headquarters in New York, which
contains more than 8,000 volumes on the history and culture of the
English-speaking nations and is open to the general public for research


Aside from the two books previously mentioned, I am not aware of any expose
of either the Pilgrim Society or the British-Speaking Union. On January 28,
1994, I was informed by a thirty-second degree Mason that the Grand Lodge of
Texas is under orders of the Grand Lodge in Washington, D.C. which is under
the Grand Lodge of England.

The Larouche position on "the English" was stated recently: "The most
important constant in the history of the United States of America has been
the implacable hostility of the British Empire and the London-centered
British oligarchy. This hostility generated the Revolutionary War, the War of
1812 and the Civil War, in addition to many lesser clashes. But after
Gettysburg and Vicksburg in 1863, the reality of US military and naval
superiority forced London to come to terms with the inevitable persistence of
the United States on the world scene as a great power for another century and
more. By 1895-1898, galloping British decadence, expressed as industrial
decline combined with a looming inability to maintain global naval
domination, suggested to the circles of the soon-to-be King Edward VII the
advisability of harnessing the power and resources of the United States to
the British imperial chariot. Thus was born the London-Washington Special
Relationship, under which the United States was established as London's
auxiliary, proxy, and dupe through such stages as the 1898 Anglo-American
rapprochement before Manila Bay, Edward VII's sponsorship of Theodore
Roosevelt's aspirations to "Anglo-Saxon" respectability and, most decisively,
Woodrow Wilson's declaration of war on Germany in April, 1917. Under the
Special Relationship, London has parlayed its financial and epistemological
dominance over the United States into profound and often decisive influence
over US directions in foreign policy and finance."

In the past I have personally attended a number of Larouche meetings in
Austin. I would not describe myself as a follower-particularly since at the
last meeting the overt "Communist" philosophy of the lecturer became
apparent; he stopped speaking in the middle of a prepared speech. However,
the anti-British rhetoric of the Larouchites does, in my opinion, have a firm
basis in historical fact.

George Washington, to his credit, accomplished much for this country and his
"Farewell Message" is no more timely today. However, it has also been
asserted that: "The confession of General Cornwallis to General Washington at
Yorktown has been well hidden by historians. History books and text books
have taught for years that when Cornwallis surrendered his army to General
Washington that American independence came, and we lived happily ever after
until the tribulations of the twentieth century."

The King James Masonic Bible lists George Washington as a Mason. He was
initiated into Masonry in 1752.(5) He took his first degrees in the lodge of
Fredericksburg, Virginia on November 4, 1752. He was then passed on March 3,
1753 and raised in August 4, 1753 to Master Mason. George Washington visited
a British military Lodge under a flag of truce and received a degree in it
(probably the Mark degreee).(6) On April 28, 1788, George Washington became
Worshipful Master of Alexandria Lodge No. 22 and was re-elected on December
20, 1788. He was the only Brother to be president of the U.S. and Worshipful
Master of his Lodge at the same time.(7) Old Juba, Washington's trusted
slave, used to row a priest across the Potomac to visit him and "Marse George
made the sign of the Cross befo' he eat." The tale of the skeleton in the
family closet was the conversion of George to "Papistry." Bishop Carroll made
the statement that Washington died as did Emperor Valentinia who was received
into the Church before his death.(8)

When George Washington badly needed financial help to pay his soldiers, the
international bankers loaned him funds contingent upon appointing Alexander
Hamilton as the first Secretary of the Treasury. Hamilton was all English at
heart. He was an expert in British banking methods and was trained in the
inner sanctum of international banking.(9) A retired Harvard professor once
told students in his Oklahoma high school class that Hamilton and Washington
agreed to a central bank if the war was ended.(10)

I have a Congressional Research Report that says as a fact that the first
U.S. Bank was mostly foreign owned. On Yom Kippur Eve, 1779, Washington's
soldiers, unpaid for months, were at a point of mutiny before a battle: "At
last a desperate Washington sent a messenger on horseback through the night
to Philadelphia with instructions to obtain, from Haym Salomon, a loan of
$400,000, an enormous sum in those days, to pay and provision his troops. The
messenger found Salomon in the synagogue, and a hasty whispered conference
took place. Salomon rose and quickly moved about the synagogue, collecting
certain friends. A small group left together, and that night the money was
raised. Did Haym Salomon himself contribute $240,000 of the money? So the
legend, perpetuated in many accounts, insists."(11)

Jonathan Williams (1750-1815), a dedicated American patriot, wrote in his now
rare book, Legions of Satan (1781), that Cornwallis revealed to Washington
that "a holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will
be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be
loyal subjects to the Crown." Lord Lothian, the British Ambassador to
Washington, once called George Washington the founder of the modern British
Empire.(12) This is the very same Lord Lothian honored by the 1939 Pilgrims


Disraeli once said: "Read no history, only biography, for that is life
without theory."(13) The real truth about the Pilgrims and the
English-Speaking Union can only be known from studying the biographies of its
membership. What follows is some information I have collected on a few of
those listed in 1940:

Nicholas Murray Butler (2 Apr 1862-7 Dec 1947)--Studied both in Berlin and
Paris. His doctoral thesis was "The History of Logical Doctrine." Married
Susanna Edwards Schuyler (7 Feb 1877) (daughter of Jacob Rutzan Schuyler).
Daughter: Sarah Schuyler Butler. In 1902 Butler became President of Columbia
University with the help of J.P. Morgan.(14) President, Columbia University
(1902-1945). Carroll Quigley wrote that Columbia University was, of all
universities, the closest to J.P. Morgan and Company. Butler was Morgan's
chief spokesman from ivied halls.(15) Head of American branch of Association
for International Conciliation (1906) (parent was located in Paris). Trustee,
The Carnegie Foundation for Advancement of Teaching (3-10-1906). In 1910 the
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace was formed.(16) The initial
direction of the fund was given by Carnegie to Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler.
Butler got excited about the peril of the Allies in World War I and decided
that the best way to establish peace was to help get the United States into
the War.(17) Republican VP candidate (1912). IIE was established in 1919, in
the aftermath of World War I, by Nicholas Murray Butler, President of
Columbia University, Elihu Root, former Secretary of State, and Stephen
Duggan, Sr., Professor of Political Science at the College of the City of New
York and IIE's first President. During World War II Pan European Count
Coudenhove (who received Warburg financing) propagated his idea in the U.S.
with the help of leading citizens Nicholas Murray Butler, Dr. Stephen Duggan
and William C. Bullitt.(18) President, CEIP (1925-1945). Director, New York
Life Ins. Co. (1929-1939). Nobel Prize in Peace (1931) with Jane Addams (for
Kellogg-Briand Pact). Butler is said to have stated at the Lord Cecil
luncheon November 19, 1937 (at the Hotel Astor): "Communism is the tool by
which Britain's international finance is knocking down national governments
in the interest of world government, world police and world currency."

Frank J. Goodnow-American League to Aid and Cooperate with Russia, 1918-1919.
English- Speaking Union, 1919-1924.

Otto Kahn-- Born Feb. 21, 1867. Mannheim, Germany. Emigrated to U.S.
(8-1893). Married Addie Wolff (1896) (daughter of Abraham Wolff). Children:
Maude Kahn, Margaret Dorothy Kahn, Gilbert Wolff Kahn and Roger Wolff Kahn.
Partner, Kuhn, Loeb & Co. NY (1897-1934); main stockholder (from 1908).
Chairman (1911-1918) and President (1918-1931) Metropolitan Opera Company,
NYC. Helped foment the 1917 Russian Revolution in 1916. Trustee, Carnegie
Inst. Tech. Director, Italy American Society. VP, English-Speaking Union.
Otto Kahn was a multi-millionaire who was a German patriot and a patriotic
American. He joined the patriotic party when he wanted to enter the House of
Commons. His attempt to become President of the English- Speaking Union was
defeated by the timely exposure of his Bolshevik activities. His house was a
meeting place for Soviet agents such as Nina Smorodin, Claire Sheridan,
Louise Bryant and Margaret Harrison.(19) Member of Various Orders: Knight
Order of Charles II, Spain; Grand Officer, Order of the Crown, Italy; order
of the Rising Sun, Japan. Died on March 29, 1934 at age of 67.

Thomas Lamont (1870-1948). At Paris the Royal Institute for International
Affairs was created after WWI. In the U.S. the parallel institute was called
the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). It is known as the "Eastern
Establishment" and "has played a very significant role in the history of the
United States..." The rather loosely organized group in the U.S. included
George Louis Beer, Walter Lippman, Frank Aydetlotte, Whitney Shepardson,
Thomas W. Lamont, Jerome D. Green, Erwin D. Canham (Christian Science
Monitor) and others. Quigley called the Lamont family the chief link "between
Wall Street and the Left, especially the Communists." Thomas Lamont later
secured a $100 million loan in 1926 for Mussolini.

Names associated with Provident Loan Society: John Sloane (1883-1971)(S&B
1905), Mortimer Norton Buckner (S&B 1895), Jackson E. Reynolds (1873-1958),
George Fisher Baker, Jr. (1878-1937), Frederick Hudson Ecker (1867-1964), Jere
miah Milbank, Richard Cunningham Patterson, Jr.(1886-1966), Percy A.
Rockefeller (1878-1934) (S&B 1900), Jacob H. Rubin, Mortimer L. Schiff
(1877-1931) and James Joseph Speyer (1861-1941).

David Olyphant, Executive Director, The English-Speaking Union of the United
States, 16 East 69th Street, New York, NY 10021. The national office and the
New York branch of the English Speaking Union share these premises. The
English-Speaking Union was founded to promote union through the medium of the
English language and educational and scholarship programs. Several of the 84
branches nationwide are in the New York consular district.

Frank L. Polk--Wall Street Lawyer. Listed in NY Social Register. Century
Association. VP, CFR. Director, CFR (1921-1943). Director, Bowery Savings
Bank and Mutual Life Ins. Co. (s.10-29-1939). Director, Northern Pacific
Railway Co. (1938). Interlocked with Chase National Bank (10-29-1930 to
5-24-1933). Director, U.S. Trust Co. (1939). Contributed over $140,000 at
death to CFR.

John Hay "Jock" Whitney (1904-1982) (CFR)--CEO of Freeport Sulpher Co. Son of
Payne Whitney (1876-1927) (S&B 1898). Father married daughter of John Hay and
Clara Stone--Helen Hay (2-6-1902). Grandson of William Collins Whitney. Yale
graduate. Brother of Joan Payson.(20) Partner in Selznick International
Pictures (1935) with David O. Seznick (1902-1965) His first independent film
production company was Selznick International Pictures. Movies produced under
the SIP aegis include A Star is Born (1937), The Prisoner of Zenda (1937),
Nothing Sacred (1937), The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1938), and Gone with the
Wind (1939). Selznick was responsible for bringing the Swedish actress,
Ingrid Bergman, and the British director, Alfred Hitchcock, to Hollywood.
Hitchcock directed such movies as Rebecca (1940), Spellbound (1945), and
Notorious (1946) while under contract to Selznick. Ambassador to Great
Britain (1957-61). There is a Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library
at Yale University. In June 1990, a gift from Mrs. John Hay Whitney (daughter
of Harvey Cushing), made possible the completion of a major renovation and
expansion project. The Library was renamed the Harvey Cushing/John Hay
Whitney Medical Library, honoring Cushing and John Hay Whitney (editor of the
Herald Tribune, and patron of the arts). Whitney acquired control of the New
York Herald Tribune in 1958 and served as its publisher from 1961 to 1967.
Mary Elizabeth Altemus Whitney: debutante Betsy Cushing Roosevelt Whitney:
debutante. Heir to one of America's greatest fortunes. John Hay "Jock"
Whitney distinguished himself in a whole slew of careers, not the least of
which was carrying on his family's tradition of public service. In addition
to being an international polo star and a Broadway and Hollywood financier,
Whitney served as an intelligence officer during World War II. Spent eighteen
days as POW in WW II. Shocked when other prisoners could not give a moral or
ideological reason for fighting.(21) He established the John Hay Whitney
Foundation in 1946 as an umbrella for his service endeavors, and also became
a leading thoroughbred horse breeder and collector of art. Became a force in
Republican politics in the post-war years. Elected to Yale Corporation in
1955.(22) Gave $30 million to Yale over next 25 years.(23) Served as
ambassador to Great Britain from 1957 to 1961 after donating $47,000 to Ike.(2
4) Chairman of English-Speaking Union (1961). While Ambassador to Britain,
Whitney set up a press service in London called Forum World Features, which
published propaganda furnished directly by the CIA and the British
intelligence services. In 1967 an expose in the NY Times revealed that the
John hay Whitney Trust for Charitable Purposes had been used a conduit for
CIA funds.(25) Prominent member of what Ike called "the military-industrial
complex."(26) Estimated personal worth: $200-$300 million. Total
benefactions: $50 million.(27) Inherited $20 million trust from his Father
and was left $20+ million in his mother's will.(28) Captain Vincent Astor was
his Brother-in-law.


John Huston Finley (Oct. 19, 1863-Mar. 7, 1940)-Editor; educator;
philanthropist (29) In 1935 he went to Scotland, representing the six
American Carnegie trusts at the Andrew Carnegie centenary observances. He
received various honors in America, including a bronze bust from City
College, New York, on his seventieth birthday; and he has been the recipient
of innumerable decorations from foreign countries, including the Legion
d'Honneur of France and Commander of the Order of the White Rose of Finland.(3
0) He was a director of the English Speaking Union since 1923, and of the
Russell Sage Foundations of Knox and Berea Colleges.(31)

Joseph Godson, in an active retirement, was also organizing European
initiatives for the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS),
the proselytising think-tank which funded the author of the SDP/Liberals
joint policy statement in 987. He combined that with running US
government-funded educational visits for British trade unionists and editing
35 Years of NATO (Dodd, Mead, 1984) a transatlantic symposium on 'the
changing political, economic and military setting', funded by Rupert
Murdoch's Times and introduced by its then editor Charles Douglas- Home and
NATO secretary general Peter Carrington. Godson's foremost British associate
in this CSIS/NATO work was SDP founder member Alan Lee Williams, a former
Labour MP and junior defence minister who was treasurer of the European
Movement from 1972 and 1979. From his office as director of the English
Speaking Union he had chaired Godson's Labour and Trade Union Press Service
operation and, with the renewed rise of CND in the late 1970s, had become a
central figure in the government-funded Peace Through NATO.

Edward F. Howrey (b. Sep. 6, 1903)--United States Government official;
lawyer. As head of the Federal Trade Commission, Edward F. Howrey stressed
the importance of the agency in preventing unfair methods of competition as
well as punishing those committing deceptive business practices. Howrey was a
member of the Metropolitan Club and Chevy Chase Club in Washington, D.C., the
Academy of Political Science, the English Speaking Union, the American Bar
Association, serving on its committee on the FTC, and the District of
Columbia Bar Association.

[This essay was written following a brief biography on George Louis Beer. I
realize some may find the above to be "shocking." Even more could be said...I
am presently in the process of co-authoring an unauthorized biography of
David Rockefeller. In the chapter on Tax Exempt Foundations, it will be
conclusively shown that the Reece investigation was "killed" by British USA
Roundtabler Rep. Wayne Hays (Demo-Ohio). For those who think Quigley was
incorrect in saying there was an American Round Table, I just ask you to
spend some time looking into the possibility before closing your mind...]
Mystery Man: George Louis Beer
The Belmont Brotherhood
Home Page

1. Antony C. Sutton, America's Secret Establishment 39 (1986).
2. Antony C. Sutton, America's Secret Establishment 100 (1986).
3. Fritz Springmeier, The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines 9 (1995).
4. Wickliffe B. Vennard, Sr., The Federal Reserve Hoax 305 (1973).
5. Stephen Knight, The Brotherhood 33 (Dorset Press 1986).
6. H.L. Haywood, More About Masonry 45 (1948).
7. Bookmark, Solar Lodge No. 730, F. & A.M., Dayton Ohio, Arron T. George,
W.M (1953).
8. Paul Blanshard, American Freedom and Catholic Power 236 (1950).
9. Raymond C. Baumgardner, Our World Without Money 44 (1st Ed. 1966).
10. J.R. Church, Guardians of the Grail 177 (1989).
11. Stephen Birmingham, The Grandees 152-153 (1971).
12. Lawrence Dennis, The Dynamics of War and Revolution 23 (1940).
13. Geoffrey Wigoder, Dictionary of Jewish Biography 8 (1991).
14. W. Cleon Skousen, The Naked Capitalist 36 (1970).
15. W. Cleon Skousen, The Naked Capitalist 69 (1970); Quigley, p. 980.
16. Dennis Laurence Cuddy and Robert Henry Goldsborough, The New World Order:
Chronology and Commentary 2 (1992).
17. Rene A. Wormser, Foundations: Their Power and Influence 204 (1958).
18. William F. Jasper, Global Tyranny...Step By Step 237-238 (1992).
19. Rev. Denis Fahey, The Rulers of Russia 34 (3rd Ed. 1984).
20. Jacqueline Thompson, The Very Rich Book 156 (1981).
21. Jacqueline Thompson, The Very Rich Book 269 (1981).
22. Jacqueline Thompson, The Very Rich Book 269 (1981).
23. Jacqueline Thompson, The Very Rich Book 269 (1981).
24. Jacqueline Thompson, The Very Rich Book 374 (1981).
25. Jacqueline Thompson, The Very Rich Book 269 (1981).
26. Jacqueline Thompson, The Very Rich Book 269 (1981).
27. Jacqueline Thompson, The Very Rich Book 269 (1981).
28. Jacqueline Thompson, The Very Rich Book 269 (1981).
29. Current Biography (1940).
30. Current Biography (1940).
31. Current Biography (1940).
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

<A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org</A>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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