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The Rockefeller - UFO Connection:
An Alien Conspiracy?
by Dr. M. Sabeheddin

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Late last year, the New York Daily News ran a curious story on 85-year-old
billionaire philanthropist Laurence Rockefeller who is funding a special
report on UFOs to be sent to President Clinton and other world leaders.

Michael Luckman, director of the New York Center for UFO Research, says the
Rockefeller report entitled 'The Best Available Evidence,' "features
testimony from former military officials and astronauts that contradicts Air
Force denials of an alien landing."

The billionaire's name again pops up as a VIP attendee at Bill Clinton's
birthday party held on a Rockefeller estate in August last year. The New
York Daily News of August 24 reported that while President Clinton was on
the prowl for campaign cash, Laurence was on the look out for ETs.

"Rockefeller has been pressing the Clinton administration to open the
government's UFO files," the Daily News notes. Apparently, Laurence thinks
it's time the government came clean on the subject of UFOs, particularly the
rumored crash of a spacecraft in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.

Is Laurence just another 'truth seeker', or could there be a more sinister
motivation behind his devotion to this obscure quest? Certainly, there's no
doubt that the Rockefellers constitute one of the world's wealthiest and
most influential dynasties.

Laurences' brother David, a longtime chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank, heads
the family's global corporate empire. The Rockefeller family played
instrumental roles in establishing powerful supranational bodies like the
Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg

If anyone doubts the global power of the Rockefeller dynasty and their
active behind-the-scenes involvement in international affairs, just consider
these remarks by investigative author Malachi Martin in The Keys of This
Blood. He states:

"Television commentator Bill Moyers found out during a fifteen-day, globe
spanning trip in the company of David Rockefeller that 'just about a dozen
or fifteen individuals made day-to-day decisions that regulated the flow of
capital and goods throughout the entire world.'"

As Bill Moyers himself said, "David Rockefeller is the most conspicuous
representative today of the ruling class, a multinational fraternity of men
who shape the global economy and manage the flow of its capital. Rockefeller
was born to it, and he has made the most of it. But what some critics see as
a vast international conspiracy, he considers a circumstance of life and
just another day's work... In the world of David Rockefeller it's hard to
tell where business ends and politics begins."

History of Social Engineering
A quick history lesson reveals that the Rockefeller family has a long and
some would say -- infamous -- record of involvement in shaping social

Thirty years ago when the radical student movement was gaining momentum in
North America, the Rockefeller dynasty was surprisingly quick to offer
funds. A student leader James Simon Kunen, in his book entitled The
Strawberry Incident, tells about the 1968 Students for a Democratic Society
convention in which, "men from Business International Roundtables,... tried
to buy up a few radicals. These men are the world's industrialists and they
convene to decide how our lives are going to go. They offered to finance our
demonstrations in Chicago. We were also offered ESSO (Rockefeller) money."

The Black Panther leader Eldridge Cleaver warned that the megarich were
buying themselves a revolution. He wrote:

"There is a danger to the healthy development of the American Revolution in
the fact that often revolutions are manipulated by the ruling class to
appear to be a bigger threat than they really are."

Consider this comment by Frank Capell in the U.S. Review of the News:

"Of course, we know that these radical students are not going to take over
the government. What they are going to do is provide the excuse for the
government to take over the people, by passing more and more repressive laws
to 'keep things under control'."

Rockefeller money effectively bought the 60s student revolt and steered it
in the direction desired by the U.S. Establishment. The opportunity for
constructive social change was lost thanks to the 'support' of 'Rockybucks'.

Just ponder some of the social programs and new ideas taken to heart by the
Rockefellers in the past. Rockefeller's Standard Oil was once, well before
the turn of the century, a near monopoly. It was perceived by the public,
quite rightly, as an utterly ruthless brigand which would stoop to
blackmail, murder, bribery, bombing and intimidation to maintain its power.
To 'survive' Rockefeller embarked on a gigantic "philanthropy" program to
finance the pet schemes of the U.S. ruling class. The paternalistic, elitist
nature of one such scheme was set out in Rockefeller's General Education
Board Occasional Paper No.1, which declared:

"In our dreams we have limitless resources and the people yield themselves
with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present educational
conventions fade from our minds, and unhampered by tradition, we work our
own goodwill upon a grateful and responsive rural folk.... The task we set
before ourselves is a very beautiful one, to train these people as we find
them to a perfectly ideal life just where they are. So we will organise our
children into a little community and teach them to do in a perfect way the
things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way, in the home,
in the shop, and on the farm."

Rockefeller the ignoble robber baron was transformed into Rockefeller the
great civiliser and humanitarian. The all-wise father guiding and chastening
his wayward children.

By the 1920s John D. Rockefeller, the founder of the Rockefeller dynasty,
was funding the notorious "racial hygiene" think tank Eugenics Records
Office. Its ideas of mass sterilization, the 'inferiority' of Black people
and "breeding better humans" directly influenced Adolf Hitler and provided
'scientific legitimacy' for the Nazi race laws. This did not stop the
ubiquitous Rockefeller Foundation, a decade later, offering huge grants to
the Black civil rights leader and preacher Father Divine. By 1941 Father
Divines' Peace Mission had over a million members and was quickly gaining
public attention. Father Divine's widow wrote that her husband maintained
his freedom of thought and action by refusing Rockefeller financial aid.

Others were not so fortunate.

Dr. Wilhelm Reich, shortly before he mysteriously died in prison in 1957,
told prison psychologists that the Rockefeller Foundation "made me a tool of
its socioeconomic interpersonal relations."

Both the American Medical Association [see New Dawn No.33 & 34] and the
psychiatric establishment, who had persecuted Reich for years received
substantial funding from the Rockefeller clan.

Rockybucks All Around
[Rockefeller Funds UFO, Alien Research & Gaii / Eco Projects]
Laurence Rockefeller has been splashing out substantial sums of money (aka
'Rockybucks') to prominent UFO/alien researchers and fringe research

He has channelled (pardon the pun) money into Dr. John Mack, the Harvard
psychiatrist famous for his book on so-called 'alien abductions'. Laurence
is alleged, based on well substantiated rumours and published information,
to have also made a contribution of prestige and perhaps money to help Dr.
Mack resist efforts at Harvard to censure him for his 'alien abduction'

At a meeting of the Rhode Island Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), Mack likened
the abductee experience to that of an endangered animal being hunted and
temporarily debilitated in order to be moved to a safe place. The animal
does not know that it is being "hurt" for its own good, for the survival of
its species.

Mack believes the 'greys' (aliens) are trying to tell us in a cryptic way --
through the abduction experience -- our species is in danger. In order to
save us from extinction, they are playing God by doing some evolutionary
tinkering with our DNA.

Greens and Greys [Linking Alien Presence to Environmentalism]
"... intelligences of the highest power are absolutely appalled that this
one species is so out of control, so insensitive to the living ecosystem of
the earth..." -- Dr. John Mack, Harvard Psychiatrist

Mack also managed to link ufology and ecology -- another of Laurence's
longtime causes, which is quite a paradox considering it's no big secret
Nelson Rockefeller -- a dynasty patriarch -- singlehandedly destroyed the
Amazon! Then again, times change and so do strategies if you want to stay
ahead of the rest. (Even if Laurence was on a guilt trip for past family
excesses -- and it is customary for the megarich to make token endowments to
"liberal" social causes -- his current endowments are rather strange.

Mack's bridge between UFOs and ecology is evident in a recent book of
articles compiled by the Sierra Club. Entitled Ecopsychology, Mack asks:
"How do we invent a new psychology of our relationship to the earth?"

Critics accuse Mack of founding a new religion in the "green politics" of
the aliens. His response that he "cannot help it if this is the
communication coming through," digests well with Laurence who concurs with
the aliens that we must immediately stop destroying our precious earth. Mack
states "it's not as if there's no truth to the warning" adding that this
message comes through to people who are "not environmentally sophisticated."

Still on the ecology front, Laurence Rockefeller also funds the Green Earth
Foundation headed by Terence McKenna. McKenna scouts the globe collecting
psychoactive plants, which he is permitted to cultivate in Hawaii. One of
McKenna's theories is that psychoactive substances used by native cultures
in religious ceremonies induce telepathic links with alien cultures. He
believes the patriarchal "dominator" cultures of the past few thousand years
have failed us and the earth, and calls for an "archaic revival", which
requires a return to humanity's last "sane" moment 15,000 years ago on the
plains of Africa "rocked in the cradle of the great horned mushroom

Another of Rockefeller's UFO-related activities is his close cooperation
with the low-profile BSW Foundation, headed by wealthy New Yorkers Sandra
Wright Houghton and Bootsy Galbraith. They, too, both embrace the view
shared by Rockefeller that the earth is being visited primarily by
benevolent ETs who pose no threat to the established order.
Human Potential Foundation [Global Mind - Change Potential]
The Human Potential Foundation (HPF), founded by U.S. Senator Claiborne Pell
and based in Falls Church, Virginia, is another project funded primarily by
Laurence Rockefeller.

According to Dick Farley, who worked for the organisation for about three
years, Rockefeller's interest in HPF seemed to be the promotion of
"alternative religious and psychiatric/psychological paradigms, including
so-called 'UFOs' and 'abductions,' having 'Global Mind Change' potentials.
Rockefeller put more than $700,000 through the 'HPF' from 1991 to 1994, as
Common Cause Magazine recently reported."

The President of HPF, 'retired' naval intelligence officer Cdr. C.B. "Scott"
Jones, Ph.D., was a contractual consultant to the Defense Nuclear Agency
(1981-1985) before next working for Senator Pell as Special Assistant
(1985-1991), ostensibly looking after Pell's "paranormal" interests (Jones
is also listed in John Mack's book alongside Laurence Rockefeller).

The Human Potential Foundation stages conferences like last year's gathering
of luminaries that included author and investigative reporter Ruth
Montgomery, UFO author and psychologist Leo Sprinkle, transpersonal and
para-psychologist Charles Tart, native American historian Paula Underwood,
environmental activist Don Ware, futurist John Petersen, orientalist and
author Zecharia Sitchin, psychiatrist and author John Mack, clinical
researcher Richard Boylan, editor of Omni Magazine Keith Ferrell, founder of
CONTACT James Funaro, Director of United Nations University Jerome Glenn,
and others.

Entitled "When Cosmic Cultures Meet," the conference dealt with a range of
interesting subject matter. Joan d'Arc of Newspeak, who attended the
conference, said the problem she found with "the
'Have-You-Hugged-Your-Gray-Today' school generally prevailing at the HPF
conference is nobody was saying perhaps ETs and abduction experiences are
very bad news."

And whose job will it be to make official contact with our space helpers?
Joan was handed a questionnaire at the HPF conference that asked attendees
to place in order of importance which government/military bodies should be
given the job. No doubt the chosen body will also announce the arrival of
our space brothers. They are apparently a little shy when it comes to human
interaction, choosing instead to 'abduct' and study us on an individual

All Laurence's pet projects contain a familiar theme: Aliens are here to
help us, perhaps aid us along the evolutionary ladder.

Is it a case of he who pays the piper calls the tune?
Alien Invasion?
Acclimating the Public - Disney & Disinfo
"In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much
unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal
threat to make us realize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly
our differences would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside
this world." -- President Ronald Reagan, in a speech made to the 42nd
General Assembly of the United Nations, Sept. 21, 1987

If aliens were visiting earth secretly, and wanted to eventually make their
presence known, who would they approach? Instead of saying to somebody 'take
me to your leader', maybe they worked out for themselves (being more
advanced than us) that the Rockefeller family, being one of the world's most
powerful families (with a penchant for 'steering' social movements and
heralding the 'New World Order'), were the people to approach. After all,
the real power in this world is not in the hands of governments, but resides
with the big transnational corporations.

Now, this being the case, Laurence (their roving ambassador) is doing the
right thing by the aliens and polishing their public image. Next comes the
announcement of their presence, which presently requires some effort to
"condition" the masses for this mind-blowing revelation.

If this theory holds, a gradualist introduction to the aliens is happening
right now. The process of gradualism being the form of social conditioning
favored by such ruling class Rockefeller-dominated world planners as the
Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Society and the Trilateral
Commission. UFO researcher Glenn Campbell in his Groom Lake Desert Rat
newsletter No. 30 proposes the following:

"Let us suppose that the UFO cover-up is real and the government is neither
dumb nor nefarious... The panic associated with the War of the Worlds radio
broadcast of 1938 still impressed the memories of those in power. A
determination was made by competent authorities that the populace was not
yet ready for the news, or perhaps that the news was not ready for them.
More time was needed for experts to study the problem -- both the aliens
themselves and the possible public reaction -- and to prepared a plan. This
might be a very long-term plan....

"The planners devoted much attention to how the news should be released with
minimal social disruption. Ideally, elements of the truth should be let out
gradually over time, but how could this be done? The SGE ['special
government entity'] could not publicly admit any limited alien contact
without being forced to reveal it all. (Can you imagine the press of the
planet demanding any less?) Like the fall of communism, once the wall
cracks, it will come down all at once, with no further opportunity for
information management.

"The goal of gradual release would be to acclimate the population
emotionally to the form and ideas of the alien presence without triggering a
total release. This can probably be done more effectively by selective
fictions than by truth, because fictions can be controlled. A hoax need
contain only that portion of the truth which is ready to be introduced to
public. The rest can be a fabrication, just persuasive enough to get it
distributed on the Fox network. Indeed, some part of the story must
ultimately fall apart to assure it doesn't go too far, as the hoax must
eventually be dispelled to make room for a larger truth."

To further bolster this theory, on the weekend of March 18-19, 1995, with no
prior announcement, the Walt Disney Company conducted a sneak telecast of a
UFO documentary in five U.S. states: Connecticut, Tennessee, Alabama,
Florida and California. This amazing documentary, featuring CEO Michael
Eisner (another prominent member of the ruling elite), put the Disney
reputation behind many startling statements such as these:

"Mankind is in the midst of the most profound event in history: Actual
contact with intelligent life from other planets.

"Intelligent life from distant galaxies is now attempting to make open
contact with the human race, and tonight we'll show you the evidence.

"From beyond the boundaries of our perceptions, intelligent beings are
beckoning mankind to join the galactic community. It's an invitation which
is both wondrous and terrifying.

"Alien ships seem to arrive in waves and, if the last few years are any
indication, planet Earth is experiencing a tsunami of sightings.

"As early as 1947, the large alien ships began to arrive, navigated by
living creatures. Their advanced physics allowed them to traverse the galaxy
and pierce Earth's atmosphere with amazing speed. More than one alien craft
crashed and was recovered for secret U.S. military research.

"This is the actual site where the Roswell saucer was discovered along with
the bodies of three extraterrestrial missionaries who didn't survive the
collision. The debris and the dead were impounded and taken away for
top-secret study, while a classified investigative committee, called the
Majestic 12, was organized by President Truman and a government cover-up was
initiated with a calculated disinformation campaign.

"For governments determined to maintain their authority, extra-terrestrial
contact is pure dynamite.

"When [Jimmy Carter] assumed the office of President of the United States,
his staff attempted to explore the availability of official investigations
into alien contact. As this internal government memo illustrates, there are
some security secrets outside the jurisdiction of the White House.

"In November of 1975, essentially every SAC [Strategic Air Command] base in
the United States was visited by UFOs.

"Indications are that government, military and scientific leaders will soon
release nearly a half-century of official documentation of ongoing alien
encounters on Earth.

"Statistics indicate a greater probability that you'll experience
extraterrestrial contact in the next five years than the chances that you
will win a state lottery.

"[Most] Americans will likely explore outer space aboard crafts of alien

Many UFO researchers feel that Disney's "stealth" documentary broadcasts
were tests of the public's ability to handle the revelation of an alien
reality and the government cover-up.
Four-Part Strategy
Richard Boylan, ufologist and attendee at the HPF conference, claims in
Perceptions magazine (January/February 1996) the ETs have a four-part game
plan to reveal their presence:

"First, they are apparently increasing the pace, boldness and openness of
their appearances. Peter Davenport, director of the [U.S.] National UFO
Reporting Center, stated that the center has been swamped by UFO reports
since the first week of July 1995, and that the numbers are escalating. Not
only are there more incidents, but the center now receives reports of many
UFOs in a single sighting.

"Second, an increasing number of close-encounter contactees are coming
forward to acknowledge their experiences to psychotherapists, investigators
and the public. Many professional researchers and therapists report
increasing numbers of these unsolicited testimonials.

"Third, many UFO contactees and researchers feel compelled to bring the ET
presence to public awareness. Reports from around the country verify that
many people are feeling such an urgency of purpose.

"Fourth is the attitude shift in many government leaders toward allowing the
release or leaks of UFO information..."

Boylan also suggests that well-informed sources in both the Republican and
Democratic national committees are trying to assess whether UFOs, and
particularly government secrecy about them, might be a legitimate issue in
the upcoming U.S. presidential election.

"In an apparent attempt to avoid being taken by surprise in the politics of
UFO disclosure, Republican National Committee Chairman Hailee Barbour and
other RNC officials have reportedly contacted several astronauts to learn
what they know about UFOs. For its part, the Democratic National Committee
is considering putting one or more UFO-related questions on a national
survey questionnaire they are preparing for the 1996 election.

"Actually, the subject may have already become a campaign issue. During the
week of September 17, 1995, two national figures referred to UFOs. When
former President Jimmy Carter was asked a question about them, he answered
by relating an account of how a former CIA director had used a psychic to
precisely locate a downed secret U.S. plane. This was a veiled reference to
intelligence agencies' use of psychics to study UFOs and extraterrestrials.

"The same week presidential candidate Bob Dole disparaged President
Clinton's economic-policy claim that more than 2% growth is impossible
without inflation, commenting, 'That's like the Air Force saying UFOs are

With all this talk about UFOs, alien abduction, and secret government files,
just what are the Rockefellers up to? Are the Rockefellers engineering the
release of secret government information on the ETs -- another tit-bit to
get us used to our new visitors? And if there really are no aliens, are the
powers-that-be preparing humanity for a staged alien visitation using
advanced technology they've kept secret? Also, even if these 'visitors' turn
out to be more psychological than physical, the phenomena is still a potent
force worthy of manipulation for some 'higher' cause.

Whatever the case, the Rockefeller family is no friend of the people. In the
end of the day, staying top dog is their highest pursuit, even if it means
doing deals with aliens.
'When Cosmic Cultures Meet', by Remy Chevalier, PARANOIA, Vol.3, No.3, Fall
'Earth vs. the Flying Saucers', by Joan d'Arc, NEWSPEAK, Vol.2, Issue 2.
'UFO Reality is Breaking Through', by Richard Boylan, Ph.D, Perceptions
magazine, Jan/Feb 1996.
'Autopsy Dissected', by Glen Campbell, Groom Lake Desert Rat #30 New York
Daily News, Aug. 24 & Dec. 18, 1995

Extracted from New Dawn No.35 (March-April, 1996)
© 1996 by New Dawn International News Service, GPO Box 3126FF, Melbourne,
3001, Australia


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