-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

Guardian (London) Thursday March 2, 2000
        George Monbiot

Just say no to biotech business
 Tony Blair should be brave enough to do a swift u-turn on GM foods

The man who never changes his opinion," Blake observed, "is like stagnant
water, and breeds reptiles in the mind." It is, therefore, distressing to
see how determined politicians are to persuade us that they never refresh
their mental fluids. The u-turn, mysteriously, has become the gravest of
political crimes, even when adhering to existing policies is suicidal.
Having bred an imaginary reptile out of one amphibian-loving MP, for
example, Tony Blair is now becalmed in the stagnant water of his own

So the efforts this week of the cabinet enforcer, Mo Mowlam, to convince
us that Tony Blair has not changed his views on genetically engineered
food were sadly predictable. The government, she insists, remains, as it
has always been, neutral: "We are neither for nor against GM."

Well, neutrality, if this is what Mr Blair's position entails, certainly
represents a policy shift. Last year, the government allocated 13m "to
improve the profile of the biotech industry", by promoting "the financial
and environmental benefits of biotechnology". The prime minister, a
Downing Street spokesman insisted, "is very strongly of the view that
these products are safe". The UK "leads the way in Europe", according to
the government's Invest in Britain Bureau, "in ensuring that regulations
and other measures affecting the development of biotechnology take full
account of the concerns of business". If this is neutrality, the Pope's an

Genetic engineering has always troubled Tony Blair, for it divides his two
great constituencies - big business and Middle England. When faced, for
the first time in his premiership, with the need to alienate one by
supporting the other, he chose to side with the lobbyists, and against the
electorate. It was only after the business case for GM food collapsed that
he changed his position. Even so, while acknowledging the legitimacy of
public concerns about the environment and food safety, his article on
Sunday avoided the real issue: the corporate capture of the food chain.

Mr Blair's backing for the biotech companies has, as he now appears to
have recognised, done him untold harm. It has taught businesses that he's
a dupe who will sing to their tune, however off-key it may be. It has
encouraged voters to explore the other insalubrious liaisons in which he
has become entangled. His conversion to neutrality, even in the narrowest
political terms, is long overdue. But it will take a lot more than an
article in a Sunday newspaper to make it look convincing.

To recover his credibility, he must snatch government policy out of the
hands of the biotech business. This means relieving Lord Sainsbury, whose
crashing conflicts of interest remain a major political embarrassment, of
his duties as science minister. He must sack Professor Ray Baker, the head
of the government's biotechnology research council. Professor Baker has
used his post as a platform for misleading public statements in support of
GM, while his council gags researchers who wish to speak out against the

Meetings of the biotech advisory committees must all be made public, and
their members prevented from voting on decisions in which they have a
commercial interest. The flow of research funds should be reversed. Last
year the government spent 52m on developing GM crops, for which demand in
Britain is approximately zero, and 1.7m on research into organic farming,
for which demand outstrips domestic supply by 200%. The Foresight
committees, which help guide the allocation of government science funds,
but are dominated by business people, must be dismantled.

If field trials are to continue (and it's not easy to see the point of
spending taxpayers' money to discover whether plants engineered to destroy
wildlife are bad for the environment), they must be isolated from other
crops and redesigned. It is absurd that one of the key questions - of how
far GM pollen travels - has been left to Friends of the Earth and
Newsnight to investigate.

The government must revoke the legislation, passed by the Conservatives,
raising the permitted levels of glyphosate pesticide residues in soya by
200 times: a menace to public health engineered to allow Monsanto's
herbicide resistant beans to be sold in the UK. It should reverse its
support for the European directive permitting the patenting of genes,
which resulted in the undignified spectacle, at the end of last year, of
the prime minister begging the biotech companies not to use the new powers
his government has granted them.

Genetic engineering has become one of the great tests of Tony Blair's
premiership. If he flunks it, he will validate his reputation as the
corporate prime minister, who treats the electorate with contempt.


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