-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
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Very interesting study......Alfred

This could explain rising temperatures in recent years, said Dr


        According to Posmentier, their results do not rule
        out the possible climate influence of man-made
        fossil fuels, which have caused the atmosphere's CO2
        levels to rise. "During some parts of the last century,
        as the amount of CO2 increased, the temperature
         increased," he explained. "I don't dispute that,
        and I'm not saying that CO2 can't have significant
        effects in the future.

Holes In Sun's Corona Puts A Hole In Climate Science
Brooklyn - March 2, 2000 - An unusual interdisciplinary study by
and climatologists has found a striking correlation between holes in
outermost layer of the sun--or the corona--and the globally averaged
temperature of the Earth, suggesting that the Earth's atmospheric
temperature may be strongly linked to solar magnetism changes
over months or
In a paper that appears in the February 28 issue of the journal New
Astronomy, climatologist Eric Posmentier of Long Island
Brooklyn Campus, solar physicists Willie Soon and Sallie Baliunas
of the
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and physicist Pius
Okeke of the
University of Nigeria chart temperature anomalies seen in the
Earth's lower
troposphere (i.e., the region of atmosphere in which we live) using
Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU) radiometers aboard weather

The scientists compared the Earth's temperature with the size of
holes reported on the Sun during a two-decade period, starting in
1979 and ending April 1998. Results show a clear drop in terrestrial
atmospheric temperature after the Sun's magnetic field activity is
intense. At this point, there is a dropping off of magnetic activity
and an
enlargement of the coronal holes.

"This is the first time anyone has combined these modern, reliable
data sets
to link solar activity and climate, and to cite several alternative
mechanisms that might explain this link," Posmentier explained.

Coronal holes are, literally, gaps in the Sun's outer atmosphere
which the stream of hot, supersonic particles known as the solar
wind pours
out into space to engulf the entire planetary system.

At Earth, this hot bath of charged particles produces the aurorae
(i.e., the
aurora borealis), interferes with electrical and radio transmissions,
may threaten passengers aboard high-flying airliners or astronauts
unshielded spacecraft. The solar wind has also been long
suspected as a
possible indirect contributor to terrestrial climate change.

Posmentier and colleagues think that the connection between the
solar wind
and climate may be more direct, suggesting that the charged
hitting the Earth's atmosphere may affect the properties of terrestrial
water clouds, particularly the percentage of those clouds covering

In turn, significant changes in the cloud cover influence the
temperature of
the lower troposphere, with temperatures falling with increased
cloud cover.
Another possibility is that the charged particles change ozone
chemistry in
the upper atmosphere, in turn affecting the dynamics of the climate.

The scientists note, however, that the charged particles hitting the
could come from either the Sun, or from galactic cosmic rays that
modulated by the solar wind. Or, from a combination of both
Regardless, the percentage of the Sun's surface covered by
coronal holes
seems to be a fairly accurate indicator of temperature in the Earth's
troposphere over months or years.

The correlation comes with some caveats. As Posmentier and
colleagues note,
other major climate factors are also at work concurrently, thus
attempts to correlate Sun-Earth phenomena. Most notable in the
past two
decades have been the warming effects of the 1997-98 El Nino and
the general
cooling that followed the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991.

According to Posmentier, their results do not rule out the possible
influence of man-made fossil fuels, which have caused the
atmosphere's CO2
levels to rise. "During some parts of the last century, as the
amount of CO2
increased, the temperature increased," he explained. "I don't
dispute that,
and I'm not saying that CO2 can't have significant effects in the

"What I am saying is the data do not unambiguously support the
that CO2 increases are the dominant cause of climate variability,"
he added.
"There are other reasons for climate variations that are significant. In
fact, we've found that the strongest correlation is the one between
the area
of the Sun's surface covered with holes and the globally averaged
temperature of the Earth."

Support for this research came from the Mount Wilson Institute and
Electric Power Research Institute, with additional funding from the
Massachusetts Space Grant Consortium, the Smithsonian
Institution, the
Richard C. Lounsbery Foundation, and NASA.

 Full text version of New Astronomy paper


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