From: "Dan Russell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On the heals of Ruby Ridge, the World Trade Center was bombed (Feb. 23,
> 1993), and the Branch Davidians were raided by the ATF (Feb. 28, 1993), and
> finally destroyed by the FBI HRT and the U.S. Military (April 19, 1993). Add
> to this, the Unabomber, the Montana Freemen, the Republic of Texas incident,
> and the Oklahoma City bombing, and you have just the right mix.
>     Note who the players were in these incidents: Ruby Ridge (Christian
> fundamentalist home schoolers), Trade Center (fundamentalist Muslims led by
> Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman), Unabomber (well, that's an aberration; I guess
> could just have to say he was anti-industry), the Freemen and the Republic of
> Tex. (more fundamentalists), the Branch D's (more fundamentalists), and OKC
> (who knows, but there were definite connections to Elohim City -- more
> fundamentalists).
>     What does this tell you? Well, for one thing, if I were in the ruling
> class (the Council of 300, the Illuminati, the Fat Cats, the Big Shots, or
> whatever the hell else you want to call them) I might want as much unity as I
> could get my hands on, because it's those pesky little groups of
> "fundamentalists" that screw things up for the rest of us.
>     Add to that, Clinton's statement on Air Force One, the night after he and
> Gore's re-election ("If it hadn't been for the OKC bombing, we wouldn't have
> made it"), in which he alluded to the fact that the bombing gave him the fuel
> to unshelf his anti-terrorism package, and galvanize sentiment on the Hill.
> He believed (if the statement is true) that without the bombing he wouldn't
> have been re-elected.
I think Rich is pointing to tried and true black ops doctrine. 

John Hull himself was identified by a very experienced military intelligence operative, Robert Hayes, in a sworn affidavit in Florida, 1/8/88, as a CIA black ops specialist with whom he had worked throughout the 70’s:

"After working for a Brazilian engineering company, I eventually formed Hayes-Bosworth, a Brazilian company engaged in heavy engineering and construction projects for Brazilian and foreign clients. Between 1972 and 1976, the company’s success provided me with the funds, contacts and time to indulge my lifelong interest in Latin American politics."

".... After Ryan left the room, Sibley informed me that his ‘real’ name was John Joseph Michaels and produced corroborating identification that I recognized from previous experience as genuine CIA credentials. He then recited in great detail and accuracy my previous connections with and service for various U.S. intelligence organizations, including the agency. He also recited details of my work for Israeli and West German intelligence."

"Michaels then requested my assistance in illegal clandestine operations....[that] ranged from routine intelligence gathering to kidnapping, interrogation and assassination."

".... My relationship with Michaels ended abruptly in 1976 after Michaels proposed an operation that I considered not only absurd, but also contrary to the best interests of the U.S. government."

"In the Spring of 1976, Michaels proposed that I arrange to ‘simulate terrorism.’ I responded that there was no way to ‘simulate’ terrorism. I insisted that an act is either terrorist or not, and anyone knowingly engaging in a violent act against civilians is in fact a terrorist and beyond sanction."

".... When I asked what the target of this ‘simulated’ act was to be, he proposed three: A large Catholic cathedral in Sao Paulo, a twin theatre complex near the U.S. consulate in Sao Paulo and the U.S. consulate itself."

"Although I refused the operation in unmistakable terms, Michaels insisted that I reconsider and said two of his agents would contact me for further discussion."

"In late June or early July of 1976, I was approached at my office by two Americans I knew to be subordinates of Michaels. They once again proposed a bombing attack of one of three targets originally proposed by Michaels."

"The meeting resulted in two other meetings. The third and final meeting ended in an angry exchange in which I rejected both the operation and the concept and told Michaels’ subordinates that I never wanted to see him or them again."

"The following week, the two Americans were found dead in a downtown Sao Paulo park with their hands and feet bound by wire. Each had been shot in the back of the head. No arrests were made in connection with their deaths."

"Reliable contacts in the Brazilian government and military and contacts in other circles warned me that my own death was imminent if I did not flee Brazil."

".... I was met at Miami airport by agents from the local CIA office. Although they denied any specific knowledge of me or my activities, they asked me what my plans were. Upon telling them that I planned to fly to Albuquerque, New Mexico to join my wife, who was staying there with her parents, they asked me to call the Denver CIA office after my arrival."

".... I eventually returned to Lakeland in 1981 and buried the Brazilian incident and my other intelligence activities in my past. But Michaels returned to haunt me late last year when I read a November 16, 1987 Time magazine article titled ‘The Misadventures of El Patron.’ The article detailed the activities of John Hull, an American expatriate operating a farm on Costa Rica’s northern border with Nicaragua. Hull was identified in the a CIA agent whose farm was used to transship weapons and other supplies to the Contra rebels opposing the Sandinista government in Nicaragua."

".... The article was accompanied by a color photograph of Hull, which I immediately identified as John Joseph Michaels. After subsequent research and further examination of the photograph, I remain convinced that John Joseph Michaels and John Hull are the same individual, and that Michaels’ activities in Brazil are part of a continuing pattern of operations that led to the plot to bomb the U.S. embassy in Costa Rica, as he had asked me to bomb the U.S. consulate in Sao Paulo."

Dan Russell

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