From: "kate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

By Virginia McCullough. All Rights Reserved. Use only with written  permission             



Read the telexes for the October Surprise $MULITIBILLION GOLD Payoff:            

President Ronald Reagan's first executive order, Operation Exodus,  extended the stringent requirements of the Export Administration Act of 1979 and added strict enforcement for violations of the Act.  The choke hold would effectively strangle the vibrant economy created by the West Coast's high tech industry.

When it became apparent  that the order would  severely limit their marketing ability, the newly rich of Silicon Valley made their voices heard all the way to Washington D.C.  They were shouting, "We have the products.  Let us sell them in an unrestricted world market."

Quietly the giant corporations whispered in the ears of politicians, "Remember us -- we support the old slow technology used by the Pentagon.  The defense of the United States is at stake.  We have faithfully supported you; don't abandon us now.  Without government contracts,  these upstarts can't last; their technology can be acquired.  Just give us time.  We will catch up".

From the west came the siren song of Silicon Valley seducing the bureaucrats.  Like the thunderous waves of the Pacific Ocean breaking on the rocks of Big Sur, the tempting beauty of a new dawn relentlessly wore away the resistance of politicians sunning themselves on the sandy beaches of the Atlantic Ocean.  The magic of  Initial Public Offerings  (IPOs) rocked the tranquility of the New York Stock Exchange, creating thousands of instant millionaires attired like the rebels of the '60s.  A new, militant voice, not belonging to the military, emphatically told the entrenched government officials, "Give our industry our freedom and we will give you a new, vital economy".

The United States Congress listened.  The Congress would not approve Operation Exodus.  It is obvious that newly elected President Reagan knew of their decision.  Within days of taking the Presidential oath,  Ronald Reagan circumvented the will of Congress and issued his first executive order, Operation Exodus.

Who, then, had this President's ear?  The history of the 1980s tells the story.  Reagan's ear was owned by the military industrial complex.  Promoting myths such as Star Wars, scientists like Edward Teller appealed to Reagan's belief in the Apocalypse.  Rabid anti-communists convinced the executive branch of government that Russian missiles would soon rain from the skies over America.  The President's fears assured a  massive national debt in future years as the country spent billions for fanciful weapons to defeat a mythical enemies.  That debt would guarantee that Reagan's Vice-President, former CIA Director George W. Bush Sr.,  would be a one term president.  The battle cry now became "It's the economy, stupid!"

Has any citizen wondered how their newly elected President "gets up to speed" so rapidly  that he is able to take over the most important job in the world without missing a heartbeat?  The United States allegedly has an unrestrained media - why haven't they ever asked that question?  Why doesn't CNN do a twenty minute piece exploring that question?  Shouldn't A&E do a one or two hour special to explore that never addressed question?  Shouldn't every American want to know how these extraordinary men who are our presidents learn their job so quickly?

If the question is never asked, it is possible the answer might be that we do not have a democracy after all.  We might have a form of government that simply submits to the dictates of world politics by placing a different figurehead on America's throne as events dictate.  In the year 2000, as Bush Jr. seeks to be elected to Bush Sr's former position, it is time to ask the question, "Is the keeper of the flame  -- the gatekeeper of the secret government?"

President Kennedy's bloody assassination on the streets of Dallas in November of 1963 proved to the majority of Americans that no president is safe from the very agents and agencies sworn to protect him.  Presidents are isolated from the citizens that elect them and "protected" by people with their own agendas.  The President of the United States is probably the most venerable of all America's citizens.  Individuals who seek that position do so because they passionately want power and control.  If  they disclose the gatekeeper's secrets when elected, they find they have neither.

Assuming the keeper and the gatekeeper share and protect the same horrible truths, one must ask, "What was happening in the world in the 1970s that persuaded newly elected President Ronald Reagan to endanger the economy and well being of the nation he swore to protect and serve?

Read the entire article and see the GOLD TELEX'S at:


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