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 Sherman H. Skolnick


by Sherman H. Skolnick


More about WHY and HOW Foster was Murdered and the Reputed Role of
Redspan/Bush. [Note: we decided to call this Part Four instead of Part Three,
Section 2].

The suppressed report of the retired intelligence agents showed that Vincent
W. Foster, Jr., was a high-ranking official of the super-secret National
Security Agency, NSA. There was no actual title for him. In effect, however,
Foster was the Chief of Bank spying, operating jointly with Alan Greenspan,
the bank dictator who is like a Soviet Commissar, hence, called by us Alan

As bank spy chief, Foster did this for some twelve years, purportedly as an
attorney/strategist for the apparent NSA proprietary, Systematics,
headquartered originally in Arkansas. His team included his reputed "lover",
Hillary Rodham Clinton. She certainly was clever and knew how to pose as one
thing and be another. Her late father reportedly was a mob "laundry man",
washing illicit funds. A CIA "darling" from an early age, Hillary went on to
become by 1990 Board Chairman of a reputed CIA proprietary conduit, New World
Foundation, financing apparent CIA-paid agents-provocateurs to discredit
indigenous dissident movements. Publicly, some thought she was a flaming
liberal. Yet, she was for GOP 1964 presidential candidate Barry Goldwater.

Foster's pal Hillary was in a position to understand criminality. Her family
came apparently from the Scranton, Pennsylvania area. Law enforcement
personnel there contend her family was reportedly linked to the Gambino crime
family, New York and Chicago and had mobster-linked cronies on the Chicago

William Rockefeller Clinton, on the other hand, was tied to the Chicago
mobsters and their traditional mobster vacation site, Hot Springs, Arkansas,
where his reputed mother was a mob "party girl".[Documents of the alleged
"Bill Clinton" and his early years have been more or less destroyed. Visit
our website for more details: http://www.skolnicksreport.com.] In its
simplest form, the Bill/Hillary couple was/is a CIA-mobster marriage of

Of the trio, reportedly with Systematics, Foster was the traveler and
super-courier. He did a lot of the "leg work", worldwide. After his demise,
requests under the Freedom of Information Act, FOIA, caused disclosure of
some 700 pages of documents as to him/Systematics/NSA. Many of the records,
however, were heavily blanked out, called in FOIA parlance "redacted". While
traveling, Foster had a more private mission. Hillary had long apparently
confided in him that some day she was going to have to divorce Bill. So,
among other things, like a typical unhappily married wife, Hillary wanted to
know where her husband parked the money. [Our court reform group has a number
of members who have been in divorce court. Finding their spouse's money is a
key matter for them.]

Foster found one of Bill's coded accounts in Switzerland: Ten million
dollars, apparently part of his cut from the CIA-dope trafficking through
southern states jointly with Ollie North and George Herbert Walker Bush.
Account code name included "Chelsea Jefferson", the daughter's first name and
Bill's alleged middle name. Hillary reportedly told Foster that if and when
the marital battle begins, to put a "brick" on the Swiss and other of Bill's
secret coded accounts, EVEN THOUGH THE ELDER BUSH IS INVOLVED, through a
ARRANGED BY ALAN GREENSPAN. One of the accounts is listed as bank account
#18, on the hand-written list of a senior U.S. Treasury Official, Office of
Internal Affairs. [See Part Two of this series, and attached documents.] Some
of Bill's coded accounts were actually an overlap with the Elder Bush and
Caspar Weinberger. After Bush lost the 1992 election, he pardoned Weinberger
from being prosecuted by Independent Counsel Walsh to keep this concealed.
These accounts were arranged by former secret police chief Bush, Bill's CIA

So, in an expected marital battle, Foster was pledged to aid pal Hillary,
even if it meant wrecking and exposing her estranged husband's cronies, the
Elder Bush and Greenspan and Weinberger. A dangerous confluence of events,
howsoever it were to occur.

The Internal Affairs Office of the U.S. Treasury was reportedly well aware of
this criminality overlap. Could the American Republic survive a current
President and former President jointly prosecuted for high crimes and
treason, an event caused by a new top official in the White House named
Foster? Realists thought, probably not.

A series of horrendous events led up to the death of Foster, in July, 1993.
About a week earlier was the downfall of the American CIA plot to topple
Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein, by a CIA-paid-for coup by Iraqi military
intelligence officers. A watered down story of what happened did not appear
in the American monopoly press until on and after November 1, 1993. A top
White House official reportedly called off the coup which was to have
assassinated Saddam. Aborting the cabal was President Clinton himself and/or
jointly with former President Bush. The Elder Bush, as we have written about
exclusively based on a unpublicized Chicago federal court proceedings, had
been for the decade, 1980 to 1990, the private business partner of Saddam in
oil kick-backs and extortions as to the weak oil sheikdoms of the Persian

Bush/Clinton had to stop the assassination of Saddam. Why? Saddam's
half-brother in Geneva, Switzerland, who also had the documents of the
Bush/Clinton/Greenspan/Weinberger criminality and treason and their Swiss
coded accounts, promised documents would be released requiring the treason
avoid such event, Saddam's half-brother himself was assassinated. But the
documents were conveyed to an independent-minded commentator.

Investigating this whole situation of Clinton/Bush/Greenspan/Weinberger was
former CIA Director Admiral Stansfield Turner. The Admiral was checking into
the Elder Bush and his family and their reputed cocaine bank money laundry
wizard Giorgio Pelossi. [Visit our website for related item.] Turner was
traveling with the head of the Costa Rica secret police as well as an
eight-person team from Secret Police of Spain. Their airplane was sabotaged
and crashed, seriously injuring the Admiral and killing his wife, and most of
the secret police onboard who were checking the Spain links to the George
Bush family reputed dirty business aided by Redspan and the bank secret wire
transfers. This occurred not so long before the posting of this story.

So just before the murder of Foster, the Iraqi plotters were tricked into
trusting Bush/Clinton/Greenspan. By this duplicity, Saddam found out and had
the plotters assassinated.
The day before the murder of Foster, the Director of the FBI, William
Sessions, was sacked by Clinton. What was the reason planted in the monopoly
press? That Sessions had misused his position by taking his wife along, at
unauthorized government expense, on official FBI airplane flights. Sessions
had in place an elite team, he believed were above reproach, investigating
the high-level treasonous criminality of Bush/Clinton/Greenspan/Weinberger
and related culprits. The way Sessions was unceremoniously removed was a
tip-off. Sessions should have known he was sailing into shark-invested

Several weeks before the death of Foster, German counter-intelligence in
Frankfurt were actively surveilling three Israelis apparently residing only
temporarily in their venue. This team were reportedly academic types
actually, properly called "professors" in Israel. They had no known criminal
or other negative background. But the German secret police through long
reliable sources came to understand that this trio were actually a one-time
contract "hit" team, not directly under the auspices of the State of Israel
or The Mossad. In plain language, paid, private, contract killers,
exclusively for this mission.

Through their American affiliates, the German spooks traced the team later to
the District of Columbia. The Germans were informed that their bird-dogging
of the "hit" team would lead to tremendous U.S.-German intellience agency
friction. That is, they were told to lay off.

[Also reportedly a part of German Counter-Intelligence from Frankfort, was
Andreas Strassmeir. He reportedly infiltrated one of the several teams
involved in the multiple bombings of April 19, 1995, of a Federal office
building in Oklahoma City. Among other things, he was reportedly aware that
the Elder Bush, upon the conclusion of the Persian Gulf War, quietly brought
some five thousand Iraqi military intelligence officers and their families to
reside in the U.S., many became residents of Oklahoma City. Through
German-U.S. co-operation, arranged by the Elder Bush, Strassmeir was kept out
of the hands of the FBI as part of the FBI cover-up. Prior to the trial of
the so-called "lone bomber", Timothy McVeigh, his attorney filed a Petition
for Mandamus, to try to require the McVeigh murder trial judge in Denver
(where the case was removed to) to put into the public court record certain
documents. The extra-ordinary Petition, filed with the federal appeals court,
was not mentioned, if at all, in the monopoly press. The Petition referred to
documents, some in the secret record and some in the public court record,
showing that Iraq was behind the Oklahoma city terrorism, operating through
U.S. dissidents as surrogates not knowing for whom they are doing it. Saddam
Hussein, Bush's former private business partner, got his revenge on the U.S.,
and Clinton/Bush covered it up because of the treasonous links to

Related facts: Little known, when it comes to security of the President and
other high-level U.S. and foreign visiting dignataries, the U.S. Secret
Service has been known for decades to rely on so-called "retired" or elder
statesmen of the crime syndicate. So, when a President was to come through
Chicago or stop there, the advance team of the Secret Service consults with
local, trusted mobsters. Was there some lone nut weirdo would-be assassin
going to endanger the President, they inquire. The elder mobsters and their
own intelligence network always accommodated the Secret Service with
pertinent answers and data. True in the past, true now.

Further, when the Secret Service works on a particularly difficult project,
they set up what nowadays is called a "focus group", but made up of
university criminology professors, "retired" mobsters, and other highly
well-informed types. So, after the death of Foster, the Secret Service set up
several "focus groups" to consider what had happened. And some of the "focus
group" participants later informed us. Those details were corroborated by the
suppressed report of the retired intelligence agents referred to in this
series. The several sources thus confirmed details included:

===That the Israeli one-time "hit" team was known to be in the vicinity of
the District of Columbia at the time of the murder of Foster.

===They they confronted Foster that fateful day in July, 1993. They dealt
with Foster the same way the Gestapo team did when they came to the home of
General Edwin Rommel, during World War 2. Rommel knew. Foster knew. They had
to go with "them". The Gestapo taking Rommel from his family, went with him
nearby. They told Rommel they knew he was part of the cabal plotting to
overthrow Hitler and thereby committing treason against the German state,
during the War. They handed Rommel a weapon, stating he can either shoot
himself as they walk away, or if not, when they come right back, they will
have to do the job. Either way, he was told, your family will be spared
problems and it will be announced as a natural death or a suicide caused by
bad health. And that Rommel would remain an honored General in the public

Similarly, Foster was told that they knew what he had done. That he cannot be
allowed to endanger the then new President, Clinton, and former President
Bush, and Greenspan, and Weinberger, and the future of the U.S. central govern
ment. At the behest of Bush/Weinberger, Israel was owed a favor. Israel was
the trans-shipment point for weapons from the U.S. to Iran from the start of
the Iran-Iraq war, 1980. That Israeli intelligence had documented proof and
pictures, proving Bush arranged the delay of the release of the U.S. hostages
held by Iran, in return for the U.S. weapons shipments. The delay designed to
show President Carter, running for re-election, as a wimp, unable to get back
the hostages. The treasonous deal, done in a Paris suburb, October, 1980,
called the "October Surprise", put in the Reagan/Bush ticket. The hostages
were released just at the moment Reagan/Bush were inaugurated, January, 1981.
And the Israeli government had proof of President Clinton's complicity later
in the cover up of treason of his crony, the Elder Bush.

Foster was confronted with his role jointly with Hillary Clinton in American
LaFarge, the U.S. unit of a French firm in which the Elder Bush reportedly
has a large financial interest. Hillary had been a director of the firm which
reportedly supplied the ingredients for poison gas to Israel's sworn enemy,

Foster was suicided near the White House. His body was transported to Fort
Marcy Park, Virginia, a Civil War memorial site. Finding the body there would
enable Israel and others to possibly set off an international scandal. In
that, right across the road, about 650 feet away from the park, was the
residence mansion of the Saudi Ambassador. Questions could be raised. Was the
Ambassador complicit in the death of Foster? Did those in the residence hear
the shots? And so on.

Of course, the White House knew the truth. The super-secret National
Reconnaissance Office, in charge of satellites, satellite spy and imaging,
had images showing the body being moved to Virginia. The White House and that
location in Virginia are under total 24 hour surveillance. Fort Marcy Park is
not far from the CIA headquarters. Every blade of grass is under satellite
imagery. A key operative of the NRO, who knew about all this, Daniel Potter,
was murdered in March, 1998, and covered up as an unsolved crime.

Other details discussed with the "focus" groups and corroborated in the
suppressed report of the retired intelligence agents:

===Foster's body was prepared for cover-up burial by a reputed CIA-contract
mortuary, doing work for the "Defense Department" as a cover.

===The prosecutor in the District of Columbia, under the real circumstances
of the death of Foster in the Capitol, certainly knew that his office had
jurisdiction to investigate the murder of Foster, the highest ranking U.S.
government official to be murdered since the assassination of President
Kennedy. The prosecutor's office had more than 500 clear pictures, showing
various aspects of the body and related matters. Some pictures showed Foster
was finished off with a small caliber gun shot to the back of his neck,
directly contradicting any story of supposed "suicide". Three days after that
prosecutor's office began their inquiry, several purported "government
agents", heavily armed, showed up but did not show credentials, if any. They
quickly carted away most anything and everything in the prosecutor's office
that could have contained Foster pictures, documents, and data. This event
was never reported in the monopoly press. The pictures were referred to,
however, in the suppressed report, and discussed during the sessions of the
Secret Service "focus" groups.

Several years later, the Washington Post ran the barest mention of some of
the details of the "hit" team. One story was by then Washington Post reporter
Michael Isikoff. To pander to his CIA-media bosses at the Post, he wrote a
story designed to heckle all items contradicting the Foster "suicide" story
as mere conspiracy theories, starting one article very briefly mentioning me.
[The Washington Post was exposed in a book, the first edition which was
suppressed. "Katherine the Great" about Katherine Graham, supposed owner of
the Post and her CIA links, by Deborah Davis.] Isikoff went to work for the
sister publication, Newsweek. Isikoff reportedly is an asset of The Mossad.
Some contend his meddling and complicity resulted in the murder of White
House intern Mary Caitrin Mahoney, who was murdered by an intelligence agency
team in a Starbucks Coffee Shop right in the District of Columbia, July,
1997, and now falsely blamed onto a "lone nut". Mahoney knew of Clinton
giving U.S. financial, industrial, and military secrets reportedly to the
head of the Red Chinese Secret Police, Wang Jun, who is also a private law
client of alleged "Independent" Counsel Kenneth W. Starr.

Another story about me in the Washington Post was on the front page, July 4,
1995. That early morning I received two calls. First caller, identified
himself as a U.S. correspondent for the Israel newspaper, Ma'ariv. "Mr.
Skolnick, your story is going to cause the head of The Mossad to be
assassinated. You are a Jew. How can you do such a thing?", he blurted out.
He did not want to hear that nobody from the Post had interviewed me in
respect to the story that day. I did not finger the chief of The Mossad. I
offered to FAX him some details. He hung up.

The Second caller that morning, identified himself as the U.S. correspondent
of "Israel National Radio". He started right off condemning me, the minute I
answered the phone: "Mr.Skolnick, you are a bad Jew. Stop these terrible
stories!" he screamed at me. Without hollaring back, I tried to explain what
I knew. I suggested, "You in the Israel press, should grill your man Isikoff
for putting matters upside down and now you condemn me for it as if I own the
Washington Post." The caller did not seem interested in my explanations. So,
in sum, these are the ones who had an interest to either have Foster
murdered, or cover it up when they found out it happened. One way or another,
Foster had to be silenced about his foreign bank accounts which overlapped
those of the Elder Bush/Caspar Weinberger, and were reportedly arranged by
secret bank wire transfers directly arranged and approved by Alan Greenspan,
head of the super-secret PRIVATE bank, called the Federal Reserve:





(5) ALAN GREENSPAN or as we prefer to call him ALAN REDSPAN

Refer to the documents attached to the Part One and Part Two of this story,
and particularly the Swiss bank account, Geneva.


Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963,
founder/chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, disclosing
certain instances of judicial and other bribery and political murders. Since
1991 a regular panelist, and since 1995, moderator/producer, of
one-hour,weekly public access Cable TV Show, "Broadsides", Cablecast on
Channel 21, 9 p.m. each Monday in Chicago. For a heavy packet of printed
stories, send $5.00 [U.S. funds] and a stamped, self-addressed business sized
envelope [4-1/4 x 9-1/2 #10 size] WITH THREE STAMPS ON IT, to Citizen's Commit
tee to Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman, 9800 South Oglesby
Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870. Office, 7 days, 8 a.m. to midnight, (773)
375-5741 [PLEASE, no "just routine calls]. Before sending FAX, call.

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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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