LOL,  Andy...
Don't buy gas?  Where do you live that it is only $1.39?
I watched an attendant put the sign up yesterday for $1.57.

For me,  if I don't buy gas,  that means I don't go to work. 
Maybe you are a millionaire,  retired and live on your own private island and you can afford NOT to buy gas. 

But for me,  I travel about a hundred miles a day to and from work,  plus I travel between businesses.... and I prefer to get there my own way,  and when I have to be there. 
Don't buy gas?  LOL
THIS ludicrous expense,  TOO, SHALL PASS.
eagle 1
----- Original Message -----
From: blue honey
Sent: Saturday, March 04, 2000 4:42 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Don't buy gas!

$1.39 for a gallon? Come on!!!

Last year on April 30,1999, a gas out was staged across Canada and the U.S. to bring the price of gas down, and IT WORKED!!  It's time to do something about it again. This time, lets make it for three days instead of just one. The oil cartel decided to slow production to drive up gasoline prices. Lets see how many Canadian\American people we can get to ban together for a three day period in April, NOT TO BUY ANY GASOLINE, during those three days. LETS HAVE A GAS OUT. Do not buy any gasoline from APRIL 7, 2000, THROUGH APRIL 9, 2000. Buy what you need before the dates listed above, or after, but try not to buy any during the GAS OUT. If you want to help, just send this to everyone you know and ask them to do the same.

We brought the prices down once before, and we can do it again! Come on North America lets stand together. WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Even if you receive this 100 times keep passing it around, this way you know everyone is being informed and no one will forget!!!!!!!!

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