-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (The Scoop)
 The Scoop - http://www.bobharris.com/

 Hi all --

 Before the column, a quick radio update…

 1) Thought you'd like to know that we're giving away $5000 a week on my
 new morning radio show...

 Working Assets is actually giving away over $100,000 total to worthy causes
nominated by listeners who visit their web page at

 If there's an activist group you like -- national or local -- just go to
their online form, and then fill out who you are and why you support the
group.  We draw names every Thursday morning shortly after 9 am eastern time,
and if you hear your name drawn, run to the phone and call in, and you can
tell our growing audience what's so cool about the group on the air yourself.
 Working Assets will then send them the $5000 posthaste.

 This week's winner was the Safe Schools Coalition.  Becky, who nominated the
group, was really fun to talk with.  Maybe next Thursday I'll be talking with
you… it could happen…

 2) Not really a radio thing, but what the hell: congratulations should be
 sent to Doris "Granny D" Haddock, who completed her 3000-mile march for
 campaign finance reform on Tuesday.  If you were listening to the show,
 she was kind enough to squeeze my show ten minutes for an interview that
 very morning, in between NBC's Today Show and ABC's Good Morning America.
 What a sweet, amazing, cool woman.  You can read the news from the end of
 her journey and send her congrats at http://www.grannyd.com.

 3) Listenership to http://www.radioforchange.com has more than tripled in
 the last month.  I'd be writing about it even if I wasn't directly
 involved.  I hope you'll tune in.  Almost the entire Congressional
 Progressive Caucus have been guests on one show or another, and a number
 of our Action Alerts have already resulted in changes in government or
 corporate policies.

 On yesterday's show, Laura Flanders had an interview from Santiago with
 the brother of Orlando Letelier (the leading dissident assassinated by the
 CIA-supported Chilean secret police), speaking about the return to Chile
 of dictator Augusto Pinochet; I stopped blithering long enough to report
 on 24-hour satellite surveillance programs now being used on parolees,
 tracking their every move via the Global Positioning System; and Matt
 Rothschild from The Progressive told listeners about the resignations of
 the UN's main inspectors in Iraq in protest of the human cost of continued
 sanctions, a story almost completely unreported in the U.S.

 The hope for a genuine progressive, alternative broadcast medium seems to
 be a real one.

 This whole thing excites the hell out of me... check it out!



 THE SCOOP for March 6, 2000
  © copyright 2000 Bob Harris

 Fascism is on the rise... possibly because nothing else is for these people.

 Digressing for a moment: it's amazing what sort of lunatic ideas people can
choose to believe.  In England, there's a libel trial underway in which the
plaintiff (who claims that Auschwitz was a kind of "Disneyland") is basically
putting the Holocaust itself on trial.  So Israel, which has an obvious
interest in making sure that the millions of victims aren't dishonored, has
released the memoirs of Adolf Eichmann.

 The memoirs, while not the most fascinating reading, turned out to be, in
the words of the newspaper Ha'aretz, "very orderly."

 Well, *of course* they were orderly.  The guy *was* a Nazi, after all.
Adverbs, line up!

 And now much of the civilized world is alarmed and puzzled at the rise of
Nazi apologist Joerg Haider and his far-right Freedom Party.

 Is it caused by an influx of refugees from the Balkan wars?  A more general
resentment of economic union with the rest of Europe?  A societal
 desire to reframe and shed a shameful past?

 Maybe.  Or maybe there's a simpler, more direct explanation.

 Psychologist Wilhelm Reich explained fascism "the political manifestation
 of sexual repression."  Maybe so.  Look, the Nazis were consumed by the
 idea of sexual purity.  Phallic symbolism was ubiquitous in Nazi drag,
 right down to the stiff right arms extended in national salute.  Even the
 uniforms look like hardcore fetish gear.

 And now get this: the very same day the Haider's resignation -- a
 strategic move intended to improve his future chances of becoming
 chancellor -- crossed the newswire, so did the following:

 The European Union has set a uniform standard for latex condoms across
 Europe.  And according to Focus magazine in Berlin, there's only one
 problem: the standard condom keeps falling off German men.


 To paraphrase a line from my comedian friend Mike Irwin, maybe Haider's
 next platform should include free handouts of rubber bands.


 Want proof that some stock prices are truly insane?  Even some of the
 companies *themselves* are telling day-traders to leave their stocks alone.

 Let's back up.  Just for fun, next time you see a tiny stock you've never
 heard of suddenly go up 40% in a single day, look and see how many shares
 changed hands, and compare that number to the total number of shares are
 on the market.

 When the stock in question is a small high-tech firm -- the kind
 day-traders love to seek out in hopes of finding explosive growth --
 you'll often find things like 500,000 shares changing hands in a stock
 that has only maybe 200,000 shares public.  Which means the same shares
 changed hands over and over and over again, very likely back and forth
 among many of the same traders.  Which means the ultimate price of the
 stock may have nothing to do with the company whatsoever.

 So hats off to OnLine Power of Denver, which recently had the courage to
 come right out and say so.  These guys' stock went from five bucks to over
 thirty - a 500% return - in about a month.

 That's an annualized growth rate of over 217 billion percent.

 (And you thought Qualcomm was hot stuff.)

 But OnLine Power only has exactly 19 employees, some of whom were
 evidently a little confused by their sudden reputation, and understandably

 Imagine being the Human Resources director for a company which might
 logically now be expected to increase its staff to roughly seven times the
 current population of the planet Earth...

 So get this -- the president of the company filed a statement with the
 Securities and Exchange Commission stating flatly, quote, "there is no
 relationship between this recent price and our current financial


 So of course the stock tanks almost instantly, losing more than half of
 its newfound value.

 Which you could see coming, which is why I'm so impressed: how many
 executives in that situation would have been quite that forthcoming?

 Why, it's just the sort of thing that makes you want to run out and

 PS -- Shortly before press time, OnLine Power's killjoy of a boss left the

 And the stock started going back up almost immediately.

 Some people never learn.


 Ladies, next time you wear expensive perfume to entice a man, just
 remember: the main thing you wind up arousing could be...

 Wild ocelots.


 This is one of those stories that makes me glad to get out of bed in the

 I, for one, have never worn cologne or after shave, nor have I ever dated
 a single woman who wore perfume.  I just don't getthe point.  Whatever
 your gender, if you're in decent shape and your heart is kind, you don't
 really need to smell like flower-scented whale blubber, and if you have
 the personality of a sociopathic musk ox and the physique to match, then
 no amount of pseudo-lilac chemical spritzing is going to ignite my passion.

 But that's not to say people don't try, plunking down big coin for tiny
 bottles of stink-pretty.

 But they might also get more than they bargain for.  Turns out researchers
 at the Dallas Zoo have found that Calvin Klein's "Obsession" is remarkably
 efficient at sexually exciting their caged felines.

 They don't know why.  It just does.

 So well, in fact, that the U.S.  Fish And Wildlife service has now begun
 using it to lure wild ocelots.

 You wanted crazed animal lust?  Congratulations, you got it.

 And when the ICU lets you get back on solid food, I hope you'll treasure
 the memories.


 Bob Harris is a writer, syndicated radio humorist, and morning host at

 No Plug-O-Rama this week… there was more than enough plug at the top, I

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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