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WSWS : News & Analysis : North America : Elections
The Christian right and the Republican Party: the dirty secret of American
By Patrick Martin
6 March 2000

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The political crisis within the Republican Party has reached an extraordinary
level of intensity with the speech given by Senator John McCain February 28 in
Virginia Beach, Virginia. McCain's indictment of Texas Governor George W. Bush
as a prisoner of right-wing bigots was more than a campaign broadside. He put
his finger on the dirty secret of modern American politics—the pervasive
influence of extreme-right, racist and fascistic elements in the Republican

Traveling to the city which is the headquarters of the Christian Broadcasting
Network and the other business and media ventures of Pat Robertson, McCain
denounced Robertson and Reverend Jerry Falwell, founder of the Moral Majority,
declaring that the two right-wing fundamentalist preachers were “agents of
intolerance.” McCain labeled Bush a “Pat Robertson Republican” whose
subservience to the ultra-right would alienate voters and produce a Republican
defeat in November.

It is easy to point to the hypocrisy in McCain's attack on the extreme right.
Contradictions abound, as McCain blasted Robertson and Falwell while standing
side by side with the equally right-wing fundamentalist Gary Bauer, who
abandoned his own presidential campaign last month and threw his support to the
Arizona senator. McCain proclaimed the Republican Party the “party of Abraham
Lincoln, not Bob Jones,” after having refused to condemn the flying of the
Confederate flag over the state capitol in South Carolina during the recent
primary campaign there.

Barely 24 hours after issuing his denunciation McCain began to retreat, after
he was attacked by erstwhile supporters such as Bauer and former Secretary of
Education William Bennett. McCain apologized for a later comment to the press
in which he sarcastically referred to Robertson and Falwell as “the forces of

But in an appearance Thursday night in a debate with Bush and Alan Keyes
sponsored by CNN and the Los Angeles Times, McCain amplified his criticism,
saying that unlike Falwell, he didn't consider President Clinton a murderer,
and unlike Robertson, he rejected “cockamamie theories about the freemasons.”
McCain's speech may have little effect on the course of the primary
campaign—Bush swept primaries in Virginia and Washington and the North Dakota
caucuses February 29, and was leading in polls in advance of the March 7 votes
in California, New York, Ohio and Georgia. Nonetheless, his attack on the
Christian right and the ferocious response from the Republican establishment
reveal political fissures within the ruling elite which have far more
significance than who wins the Republican presidential nomination.

The origins of the conflict

Like all political developments in contemporary America—where the media and
official circles systematically exclude any open discussion of class issues—the
Republican Party crisis is a distorted expression of more fundamental social
processes. The current conflict has been building up for years, since the
unholy alliance of Wall Street and the Christian right was cemented in the
early 1980s. Corporate America sought a base of support for the anti-working-
class policies spearheaded by Ronald Reagan, under conditions where both big
business parties, Democrats as well as Republicans, were shifting sharply to
the right. Both parties embraced, to varying degrees, an agenda of eliminating
all restrictions on the pursuit of profit—whether in the form of government
regulations, taxation, or union contracts.

This policy, accompanied by corporate downsizing and the wave of union-busting
triggered by Reagan's smashing of the PATCO air traffic controllers' strike,
had a shattering effect on the working class, especially the lower-paid and
minority workers who traditionally supported the Democratic Party. Equally
significantly, it accelerated a marked decline in the social position of the
middle class layers—small businessmen, family farmers, independent
professionals—who once provided a substantial proportion of the electoral base
of the Republican Party.

In the course of the 1980s and 1990s, the social base of the Republican Party
has narrowed and it has been steadily transformed from the party of the
corporate establishment into a party which far more resembles the extreme-
right, anti-immigrant and chauvinist parties which have arisen in many European
countries. In state after state, Christian fundamentalist groups have taken
control of the party organization or exercise effective veto power over the
selection of candidates for statewide and even national office. Every
presidential election campaign in the past decade has featured a parade of
presidential hopefuls at the national convention of the Christian Coalition,
seeking the nod of Pat Robertson.

These leaders of the Christian right would have once been regarded as the
deranged fringe of American political life. Falwell, as McCain noted in the Los
Angeles debate, is the producer and distributor of a video documentary, “The
Clinton Chronicles,” which portrays the current occupant of the White House as
a Mafia-style capo responsible for dozens of political murders, including the
death of Vincent Foster. Robertson has advanced an eclectic and increasingly
bizarre set of pronouncements, ranging from predicting the end of the world on
January 1, 2000 to ravings of an anti-Semitic character.

The simmering conflict within the Republican Party has come to ahead in the
wake of the failed impeachment drive against the Clinton White House, which
produced an overwhelmingly hostile reaction among the general public to the
methods of Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr and the congressional Republicans.
The attempt to force Clinton from office by means of an anti-democratic back
room conspiracy, backed by media witch-hunting and moralizing, ended in a

Powerful sections of corporate America, concerned that the attempted political
coup in Washington was undermining the entire big business-controlled political
system, sought to put a leash on the radical right forces which had spearheaded
the impeachment campaign. However, they have discovered that this is easier
said than done. The Republican Party is not simply a mechanical instrument of
Wall Street, but a political organism in which, over the past 20 years, extreme
right-wing elements have come to play the dominant role.

McCain was pulling his punches when he listed only Bob Jones University,
Falwell and Robertson in his litany of bigotry. In Congress, for instance, the
entire Republican leadership is in the hands of individuals with the closest
ties to fascist, racist and ultra-right circles. Senate Majority Leader Trent
Lott of Mississippi was revealed last year to have close relations with the
Council of Conservative Citizens, successor to the White Citizens Councils
which organized terrorist resistance to the civil rights measures of the 1960s.
The Republicans in the House of Representatives feature such leaders as
Majority Whip Tom DeLay and Georgia Congressman Bob Barr, with similar
political connections.

McCain and Bush

McCain himself would appear an unlikely vehicle for the exposure of fascist and
extreme-right influence in the Republican Party. His political record in
Arizona and Washington is at least as conservative as that of George W. Bush,
and he had largely cordial relations with the Christian right until his entry
into the presidential race.

It is, however, unlikely that McCain would have issued a public attack on
Robertson and Falwell without having first discussed such a move with prominent
financial backers of the Republican Party. As one columnist noted: “What the
Arizona senator has done is say out loud what many Republican leaders have been
saying privately—that they resent the influence of the Christian
fundamentalists in shaping both policy and national tickets.”

In recent statements about his Bob Jones University speech, Bush has complained
that the rules have changed. Ronald Reagan, the elder George Bush and Robert
Dole all spoke at the racist and anti-Catholic college without any political
repercussions, as did the Democratic candidate for governor of South Carolina
in 1998. This only demonstrates that Bush has little understanding of the
political factors which propelled him, despite a brief and inconsequential
political apprenticeship, to frontrunner status in the Republican Party.

Ironically, Bush's own candidacy was initially promoted by sections of big
business and the Washington establishment as a means of repairing the damage
inflicted on the Republican Party by the impeachment drive. His early campaign
pronouncements laid stress on the creation of a more “inclusive” political
atmosphere. While clearly representing more of a marketing strategy than
genuine conviction, this posture seemed to distance him from the moralizing and
demonizing which are so characteristic of the Christian right.

But Bush was aggressively courted by a section of the fundamentalists, led by
Pat Robertson, who declared that only Bush could defeat Gore, retain control of
Congress for the Republicans and maintain right-wing control of the Supreme
Court. The Texas governor, for his part, moved to cement relations with the
extreme right.

After the right-wing presidential hopeful Patrick Buchanan published a book
suggesting that the threat of Hitler and Nazi Germany were exaggerated during
World War II, Bush rejected calls—most notably by McCain—that Buchanan be read
out of the Republican Party. This was followed by Bush's declaration during a
debate that Jesus Christ was his favorite political philosopher—a particularly
shameless bit of groveling to the fundamentalists.

It is significant that McCain, unlike numerous other Republican hopefuls, was
able to raise the enormous sums of money required to maintain the viability of
his campaign during the period when Bush was presumed the runaway favorite. Dan
Quayle, Elizabeth Dole, Lamar Alexander—all candidates with longer records in
presidential politics and more initial recognition within the party—dropped out
of the race complaining they could not compete with Bush in fundraising. But
McCain raised nearly $15 million in 1999, and his total fundraising, including
federal matching funds, now exceeds $38 million, an indication of significant
backing from big business.

A crisis of the political system

The Republican primary campaign has revealed conflicts and divisions which will
continue to intensify in the coming months, regardless of the immediate outcome
of the nomination contest. The mutual recriminations are extremely bitter,
leaving wounds that will fester. They could presage a breakup of the party.
Certainly if McCain were to confound expectations and emerge with the
nomination, a large section of the Christian right would either sit out the
election or bolt to the likely Reform Party candidate, Buchanan.

McCain supporters such as New York Times columnist William Safire have
speculated that there could be an effort to challenge the legitimacy of the
California delegation—one-sixth of the total delegates—if McCain wins the
popular vote in the March 7 primary but loses the Republicans-only portion of
the vote, which is the basis for awarding delegates. Conversely, Bush
supporters have denounced McCain's reliance on support from independent and
Democratic crossover voters and called for closing so-called “open” primaries,
like that in Michigan, in the future. It is within the realm of possibility
that the presidential nomination struggle could culminate in a bitter conflict
at the party's nominating convention this summer, or a court suit between the
rival campaigns.

The deep divisions revealed in the Republican primary elections are indicative
of a crisis that goes beyond that one party. The Democratic Party is no less
plagued by internal differences and alienated from what once was its mass base
of support in sections of the middle class and working class. Last year's
impeachment crisis and this year's presidential contest have exposed a crisis
of the entire two-party system—a political structure that provided the American
corporate elite a virtual political monopoly for more than a century. It is
significant that McCain's attack on the extreme right is considerably sharper
than anything offered by any of the Democrats, even during the impeachment
drive when the far right was seeking to oust a Democratic president through
flagrantly undemocratic methods.

Two years ago Hillary Rodham Clinton criticized the media campaign over the
Lewinsky affair as the product of a “vast right-wing conspiracy.” After that
observation, however, she fell silent. Bill Clinton and the congressional
Democrats consistently sought to cover up the political character of the attack
on the White House, even after the 1998 congressional elections had delivered a
public verdict against Starr and his right-wing cohorts.

Now, Mrs. Clinton's characterization of the forces behind the Starr
investigation has been confirmed in the speech of John McCain, one of the
Republican senators who voted for impeachment!

McCain's attacks on Robertson and Falwell, limited as they are, point up the
decades-long conspiracy of silence by the media and the political establishment
over the fascistic coloration of the Christian right and this element's
enormous influence—out of all proportion to its support in the population at
large—over the Republican Party and all levels of government. McCain has simply
said aloud what the Washington establishment has known for many years and
concealed from the American people.

This only underscores a central lesson of the impeachment coup—there is no
significant constituency for defending democratic rights in either big business
party or among the leading spokesmen of bourgeois liberalism. Nor, for that
matter, is there any concern for such issues in the corporate-controlled media,
which still applies innocent-sounding terms like “conservative” to Falwell,
Robertson, Buchanan and their co-thinkers, and never alludes to their
profoundly anti-democratic and fascistic leanings.

It is not clear what the eventual course of the Republican Party will be, but
it is certain that a major realignment of bourgeois politics in the US is in
the offing. An even more right-wing political formation is struggling to emerge
from the decay of the two traditional parties of big business. At the same
time, the objective conditions are maturing for the development of an
independent, anti-capitalist political party of the working masses. Only such a
party, basing itself on a socialist program, can defend basic democratic

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