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From: Taylor, John (JH) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 'lloyd' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Echelon hits the news-Spy agencies listened in on Diana
Date: Monday, February 28, 2000 1:30 AM

Echelon hits the news- now we plebs know we are being watched. So roll over
and die

 Sunday Times(London)
February 27 2000 BRITAIN

Global eavesdroppers: calls by Diana were intercepted by a worldwide
monitoring network said to include Menwith Hill in Yorkshire. The consortium
building Tornado fighter planes and Mark Thatcher were also targeted in the

Spy agencies listened in on Diana
Nick Fielding and Duncan Campbell

SPY agencies in Britain and America eavesdropped on Diana, Princess of Wales
and Mark Thatcher, son of the former prime minister, as part of a global
system of monitoring communications, according to former intelligence
Calls by Diana were picked up because of her international charity work;
Thatcher's calls surfaced in the monitoring of British arms deals with Saudi

The officials also revealed that charities such as Amnesty International,
Christian Aid and Greenpeace were secretly spied on. Overseas targets have
even included the Vatican: messages sent by the Pope and the late Mother
Teresa of Calcutta have been intercepted, read and passed on to Whitehall
intelligence officers, the sources say.

Codenamed Echelon, the monitoring system is part of a worldwide network of
listening stations capable of processing millions of messages an hour. At
least 10 Echelon stations operate around the world. Canada, Australia and
New Zealand participate, as well as Britain and the United States.

Former intelligence officials have spoken out after a decision by the
European parliament to launch an inquiry into Echelon's operations.
Officially, the British and American governments continue to deny the
network's existence.

Wayne Madsen, who worked for 20 years at America's National Security Agency
(NSA) and other agencies, said last week: "Anybody who is politically active
will eventually end up on the NSA's radar screen."

Charities operating overseas are monitored because they often have access to
details about controversial regimes. Amnesty was a particular target in the
late 1980s, sources said. According to Madsen, "undisclosed material held in
US government files on Princess Diana was collected because of her work with
the international campaign to ban landmines".

The NSA, a former insider has revealed, has also targeted communications
concerning British military sales to Saudi Arabia in the 1980s.

Its monitoring intercepted communications sent by Thatcher, who was then
involved in the giant al-Yamamah arms contract between Britain and Saudi
Arabia. The NSA also eavesdropped on the Panavia consortium, which builds
the Tornado fighter aircraft. British Aerospace is one of the main partners
in the consortium.

"I just think of Echelon as a great vacuum cleaner in the sky which sucks
everything up," said Mike Frost, a former Canadian intelligence officer. "We
just get to look at the goodies."

Frost, who retired in 1992 after 20 years' service, has also revealed that
Canada's equivalent of GCHQ was used by Margaret Thatcher to monitor two
cabinet colleagues. "She wanted to find out not what they were saying,"
Frost said, "but what they were thinking."

The ultra-secret operation was conducted from an office at Macdonald House
in Grosvenor Square, central London, which houses the Canadian high
commission. According to Frost, Canadian spies were asked by GCHQ to
undertake the operation because it was too politically sensitive for GCHQ to
do itself. After spending three weeks tapping the ministers' communications,
the Canadian officer who led the operation drove to GCHQ and handed over the

Margaret Newsham, an American computer software manager who worked during
the 1980s at the giant listening station at Menwith Hill in Yorkshire,
confirmed last week: "I was aware that massive security violations were
taking place. If these systems were for combating drugs or terrorism, that
would be fine. But not for use in spying on individuals."

Newsham says she was invited to listen in on an American senator's
intercepted phone call at Menwith Hill. Later she informed Congress about
her experiences. "It was evident American constitutional laws had been
broken," she said.

Avenues of redress for those targeted by Echelon are few. The Sunday Times
has established that a loophole in the 1985 Interception of Communication
Act means intelligence officials can put individuals and organisations under
surveillance without a specific ministerial warrant. Section 3 (2) of the
act, governing interception of communications going to, through or from
Britain, allows entire classes of communication to be monitored.



[Ed: Not for the first, or the last time! remember the Wilson government on
the 70s?]:

By PA News Reporters

Margaret Thatcher used a global intelligence network to spy on two of her
Cabinet ministers who had dared to cross her, it was claimed today.
   The former Prime Minister's office refused to comment on the claim by
Canadian ex-intelligence officer Mike Frost, who said she had singled out
the two ministers because they disagreed with her over policy matters.
   He alleged that in 1983 the ministers -- who were not suspected of being
traitors -- had had their telephone conversations monitored by a Canadian
agent through the Echelon network -- a series of listening posts around the
   "(Thatcher) had two ministers that, she said, weren't 'on side' ... so
my boss went to London and did intercept traffic from those two ministers,"
he said in an interview with America's CBS-TV network to be broadcast on
   He did not name the ministers allegedly targeted by the former premier
-- who always demanded to know whether a party colleague was "one of us" --
but speculation centred on the Cabinet "wets" who never fully signed up to
her Thatcherite policies.
   Foreign Secretary Francis Pym was among her least favourite ministers at
the time, having angered her during the General Election campaign that year
when he said landslide victories often did not produce good governments.
   He was sacked shortly after her return to power.
   Jim Prior, who had been moved sideways from the key economic post of
Employment Secretary to Northern Ireland, was viewed as the standard bearer
of the "wets" and may have also incurred her suspicions.
   Peter Walker was another "wet" who had been moved to the job of Energy
Secretary -- widely seen as a backwater but which was to emerge as a key
position during the miners' strike.
   John Biffen, the Leader of the Commons, was not a "wet" but did have a
particularly independent cast of mind which led Lady Thatcher to complain
in her autobiography that he came to prefer "commentary to collective
   The latest allegations come just days after a European Parliament report
claimed the Echelon network, run by Britain, the US, Canada, Australia and
New Zealand, was used for industrial espionage.
   Echelon was designed to eavesdrop on the telephone conversations, faxes
and e-mail messages of suspected terrorists, drug lords and other
governments hostile to the five members of the surveillance network.
   Mr Frost, who worked for Canadian intelligence from 1972 until 1992,
alleged that the five countries could get round domestic laws against
spying on their own citizens by asking another Echelon member to do it for
   He said that the British Government had "total deniability" over the
surveillance of the two ministers, adding: "They didn't do anything ... we
did it for them."

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