In The Name of God Most Gracious Most Merciful
An Open Letter to "Clive Doyle"
I am coming to New Jerusalem (Mt.Carmel) to declare the"Truth" about the crimes that you are committing against the Martyrs and against the laws of God.
I will not trespass on the property, because as I said on November 28,1999 when you had me arrested for speaking the Truth, "I don't want to come on that land be be a part of the "Synagogue Unto Satan" that you are building there for the Bill Clinton Murders of the Children of Waco.
I will be unarmed, because my God is enough of a protector from the EVIL you and the KKK spread. I will again raise the flag of Christ again against your flag that is soaked in the blood of the Children of the World. If you attack it again I will defend it again...and again you will lose.
I will be handing out flyers that state:
X                 X            X
The Abomination That Maketh Desolate
The foundation of this "church" was laid on the Sabbath by
Clive Doyle
This is a violation of the Laws of God and a Slander of the
*Now that you know "DO NOT" enter it or support it*
For more information about the current government control of
New Jerusalem
Contact Andrew "The Watchman[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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