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>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
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From: Lloyd Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: "provisional ballot" voter fraud
Date: Sunday, March 05, 2000 9:08 AM

----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Condit Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 04, 2000 8:26 PM
Subject: [NA] She said . . . WHATTT ???


"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin
March 5, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

She said . . . WHATTT ???

With the California primary looming as the big event in Super Tuesday,
we bring you an astounding revelation today. But first ...

Correction, again: Before getting to today's short but incredible piece
of evidence about the treason of our election officials, this time
revealed in California (but not limited to California), I have to again
correct the information I put out about the slide show at www.clean.org
--- it does take place in Pierce County, Washington state, not Bexar
County, Texas as I erroneously stated yesterday.

I went into the slideshow again and was able to view it with no problem,
so perhaps there is a problem with older computers and/or web tv -
although I don't know. If anyone is having trouble viewing it on a
pentium computer, or is able to view it on web TV or a pre-pentium
computer, please let us know by e-mailing to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Now, when you read the following, I think you will see why we entitled
this e-wire: "She said  . . .  WHATTT ???"

The setting is the "defeat" of Robert K. Dornan in 1996 in California's
Orange County. Here is what our Citizen for a Fair Vote Count newsletter
said in late November, 1996:

"The Establishment-sanctioned tactics to defeat Dornan are brazen and
constitute 'the handwriting on the wall' for freedom in America for good
people. (The evil will have PLENTY of freedom.) If the Votefraud issue
is not solved, we will soon be without ANY honest public officials or

"Orange County Election Official Spills the Beans

"10,000 absentee and provisional ballots showed on one election day in
the Dornan race. This out of 98,000 or so votes cast. What are
provisional ballots? Provisional ballots are ballots cast by
unregistered people who show up and claim they live in the district!

"These people just show up and poll workers have no way to check if
their I.D. is fake, or if they have even moved into the district. The
poll workers must take the voters word for it. Thus "motor voter" laws
and other deliberate attempts to punch holes in verifiable election
rules are succeeding.

"How about an official admission? The Registrar of Voters in Orange
County, California is Rosalyn Lever. The following is from the Los
Angeles Times on Tuesday, November 12, 1996:

(Quote from L.A. Times:) "Lever confirmed that, since 1976, prospective
voters have not been asked to provide proof of citizenship when
registering . she said. 'We have no authority to ask for proof of
citizenship'." (End of quote from the L.A. Times.)

Did you catch that? The Orange County Registrar of Voters says that they
haven't had the authority to check if voters are citizens since 1976 !!!

These laws are deliberately destructive of our country, our republic,
and the process of democracy. It's when hearing facts like these when I
feel like I'm living in a big insane asylum. Granted, the powers that be
are deliberately ruining our voting system, but why doesn't anyone care?
Why don't the conservative and independent CANDIDATES care enough to
make it part of every stump speech until its corrected??

To demonstrate how serious this reality can be in an individual
election, here's a few more lines from our Nov. 96 newsletter: ".
(Dornan was ahead by 233 votes after 88,000 regular votes were counted -
when the absentee and provisional vote count began. [Dornan] "lost" by
933 votes after the 10,000 absentee and provisional votes were
"counted.") . . . Dornan's district uses a totally unverifiable optical
scanner system where all ballots are snatched from the precinct at
closing time and counted at an 'off limits to the public' central
location. Dornan should have made an issue of these years ago . . ."
(End of quote from our Nov. 96 newsletter.)

The solution to this problem was the practice that was in use until the
Clinton years in most places, and maybe still in some places: to vote
you had to register 30 days in advance at which time you proved you were
eligible to vote, both as a citizen and as a resident. Then the local
Board of Elections would mail a postcard to the address you gave in
order to make sure it did not come back to them as non-deliverable. If
the postcard did not come back in two weeks, your name stayed on the
voting rolls and you could vote in your precinct of residence. The
clarity and fairness of that system vs. today's deliberate sabotage via
instant registration -- is too painfully obvious for words.

This willy nilly attitude towards the votes that determine our future is
sharply and authoritatively rebuked in "The Committees of
Correspondence" website at

Beginning of the quote from "The Committees of Correspondence:

Vote fraud is a cancer that can destroy a free country from within and
leave little or no trace of its spread. A voting method must be found
that will make vote fraud doubly impossible, and a severe penalty must
await any who defeat the safeguards and alter the vote.

If we were counting money, would it be done with secret count? Never;
all who touch money must sign for it. There are checks and cross checks,
an audit is done and an outside auditor is called in as a check against
inside corruption.

Do you think for a moment that all this expensive auditing is done to
find honest mistakes? No, it is done to detect and catch white collar
thieves and embezzlers! Undetected, they can easily drive a company
bankrupt, so it is imperative that an audit net is spread to catch this
type of thief. Even so, almost daily an embezzler is uncovered; how many
escape detection?

Money Vs Votes

Our freedom is more important than our money, yet where are the
safeguards against vote fraud? Where is the outside auditor? Where are
the checks and balances? Where voting is done in secret and counted out
of sight, who knows the extent of fraud?

If the average taxpayer pays $5000 in taxes yearly, then his vote is
worth at least $5000. Does any company carry around boxes filled with
$5000 bills uncounted and unaudited? If someone robs a Brinks truck,
there is an exact record of everything it was carrying! Money is NEVER
moved without a count. Money never changes hands without someone signing
for an exact amount. The receipts not only say who received it from
whom, but the exact amount, and a listing of cash, checks, bonds, etc.

Have you ever seen a businessman look into the cash register at closing
and say, 'Oh, my employees must be honest, there is still cash here."
No, they ALWAYS check the cash against the register tape. Many years ago
the cash box was abandoned in favor of the cash register just because a
small number of employees were dishonest. . . . Banks hire people to
defeat their security just to find where the holes are. We need to hire
people to find ways to cheat at voting so we can fix the holes. (End of
quote from Committees of Correspondence.)

Nick Hull is listed at the Secretary of the Committee of Correspondence,

Now that's was some powerful writing to demonstrate how absurd are the
operations of our local Board of Elections and the Secretaries of State.
Jim Condit Jr.,
Director Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

To contact us, e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please forward our messages to friends and opinion molders. The year 2000 Presidential 
Campaign offers an opportunity to de-stablize the New World Order Ruling Elite and 
restore honest elections with citizens checks and balances, true Freedom and true Free 
Enterprise in America.

Let fellow citizens, opinion molders, pastors, public officials, and the newsmedia 
know -- that we will not accept the 2000 Election results unless paper ballots with 
citizen checks and balances are restored to the process at the local precinct level.

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Our Address: PO Box 11339, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211

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