-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Hello Joshua2:
A few questions:
Do you think it is pure coincidence that
gasoline prices (energy prices) declined for 7 months
leading up to the the Impeachment and Senate trial
of Bill Clinton?
Is it pure coincidence that the lowest gasoline prices
ever recorded by the Dept. of Energy came at
exactly the same time as the Senate trial?
Is it pure coincidence that gas prices started
increasing just 2 weeks after the Senate trial?

Remember that interest rates, which are controlled
by the Federal Reserve, were also at 30 year lows
at this same time.

The two most important variables which greatly
affect our national economy are:
Interest Rates and Energy Prices.

So both of these were at historic lows and
the economy was booming as never before
during Clinton's impeachment.
A large percentage of Americans did not
want to see Clinton removed from Office,
fearing it might disturb "the good times".
So it was easy for Congress to let Clinton
off the hook with so many voters making
money in a great stock market.

Was all of this just Clinton's "good fortune"?
Maybe so.
Maybe so.

    Regards to All

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