Fascinating interview.

What a book this would make!

Interesting that Midland is "a principal arms dealer".  Back in 1971 ( when I
was still an accepted member of the  establishment)  I was at a National
Security Conference at Ditchley Park, Oxfordshire.  It was organized by Brian
Crozier  ( rumored  CIA asset) but when I got  there I found the major behind
the scenes influence was Tuke of Barclays Bank ( an elphantine pompous idiot)
and Crozier a little puppy dog. trotting along behind.

This conference included  numerous bankers from Rothschild and European bank
entities and   Antoine Pinay (with his French Intelligence aide Jean Violet)
No one from Midland so do they divide up functions among themselves ?.
Midland does  weapons and Barclays does "security policy"

I agree with David  " greed rules the world"  ( and fear), and the  media is

Yes,  we live in a fascist world.    Bush calls it "compassionate
conservatism".  more accurately it is  "smiling fascism" and if you get too
far out of line they have their "termination procedures" (Group 13).  But
they do warn you first so you can lie low for a while.
The intenet has the potential to surface this vast evil  deception.  Its
gonna take time, persistence and guts.  New Technology willbe a major
ingredient in the revolution.  But it will be done

Wish we had some more David Guyatts. We could make Swiss Cheese out of their
control structure.

Tony S

PS Who got the Fort Knox gold?    Today its 95% "coin melt"?   Very little
"good delivery"/

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