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Click Here: <A HREF="http://www.ishipress.com/casey-ob.htm">William J. Casey,
CIA and SEC Director, Obituar…</A>
Obituary of William J. Casey, CIA and SEC Director, by Ismail Sloan

by Ismail Sloan

One of the most disreputable characters in American Government finally got
his reward two days ago, when former CIA Director William Casey died.

Casey's most recent notoriety came as the man-in-charge of the now well-known
Iran-Contra arms-for-hostages deal. His death came at an inopportune time for
most. It came too late to save the thousands of Iraqi lives which have been
lost as a result of his masterminding the plot to deliver arms to Iran. It
came too soon for him to testify before the Congressional committees who want
to learn more details about his role in the affair.

Although official White House press releases yesterday characterized him as a
"great patriot", his actual role in history is much less clear. Like so many
government officials around the world, his rise to prominence came by abusing
the powers given him. In the late 1960s, Casey was the Chairman of the United
States Securities and Exchange Commission. His enforcement chief was Stanley
Sporkin, whom Casey later brought with him to the CIA.

Nowadays, officials at the SEC distance themselves from Casey and his
policies. They say that under his leadership, the initials of the S.E.C. were
understood to mean "See Everything Crooked". However, in their heyday, Casey
and Sporkin made quite a dynamic duo. Their favorite trick was the
"enforcement proceeding". Every day, they read the newspapers for anything
unusual or interesting. When they found something, they would bring a suit to
stop whatever it was. These suits were actually hardly ever litigated in
court. However, they were invariably accompanied by banner headlines about
how the public was being protected.

The technique they practiced thousands of times can be illustrated by one
fairly random example of this method. In the late 1960s, the Franklin
National Bank, a prominent New York financial institution, folded. Although
the SEC does not regulate banks, Sporkin, when he read about it in the
newspapers, filed suit on the same day. The great genius of Casey and Sporkin
was to think up creative theories for new kinds of lawsuits they were
constantly inventing. Here, the theory for the suit was that the bank failed
adequately to disclose to its stockholders that it was in financial
difficulty. Had the bank been regulated by the SEC, this theory would have
been reasonable. However, banks and bank stocks were all regulated by the
federal and state banking authorities.

The main thing about this was that it was all just a publicity stunt. In
accordance with the custom in those days, the same day that the SEC filed
suit, its lawyers met with the officials of the Franklin National Bank. They
then entered into what was known as a "consent decree". The way this worked
was that the bank officials agreed to an injunction "without admitting or
denying the charges". In other words, they promised never to do it again,
without admitting to whatever it was that they did. They all then walked
together into the office of a federal judge, who gave a rubber stamp approval
to the deal. By this procedure, more than 95% of the suits which the S.E.C.
filed under Casey were "settled" either the same day or the next day. The
defendants got an exceptionally good deal. In return for their consent, the
SEC promised to close the book on whatever they had done. There would be no
further civil or criminal proceedings. The guilty officers would not have to
go to jail. They would not even be asked to give the money back. They could
even open a new bank. The SEC got, in return, newspaper publicity. Both Casey
and Sporkin loved to see their name in the newspaper every day.

This gave Casey and Sporkin the opportunity to get favorable publicity for
themselves in the newspapers all around America by claiming that they had
taken strong steps to remedy this situation, whereas in reality they had done
nothing at all. Needless to say, neither the uninsured depositors nor the
stockholders of Franklin National Bank ever got a dime back.

In the particular rare case of the Franklin National Bank, the guilty
officers did eventually go to jail. However, the SEC had nothing to do with
that, even though they constantly issued press releases giving themselves
credit. The actual work on the case was done by the Department of Justice,
which does not normally issue press releases. The SEC's actual involvement in
the case lasted a total of two days. (Although Casey had left the SEC by the
time this was concluded, the methods and techniques were his.)

Casey and Sporkin were not, of course, completely independent. Their
activities were overseen by the Senate Banking and Finance Committee and its
chairman, Senator Harrison Williams. Williams was always pressing for tougher
securities laws. Williams remained in his position until the late 1970s, when
he was nabbed by the FBI in the famed "Abscam" scandal, in which undercover
FBI agents posing as oil-rich Arabian sheiks paid bribes to Williams.
Williams went to jail for securities fraud. The SEC always looked after its
own. They did not prosecute Williams, even though his activities were
directly within their jurisdiction.

Why would a securities swindler like Williams always be pressing for tougher
securities laws and tougher enforcement of those laws? Only the most naive
person who does not understand the methods of corrupt government officials
will fail to realize the answer to this question.

Another fairly typical example of creative litigation was the SEC's suit
against Global Marine. Global Marine had salvaged a sunken Soviet submarine
from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. When Sporkin read about this in the
newspapers, he dreamed up the theory that Global Marine had violated
securities laws by failing to disclose this top secret operation in its
annual report to stockholders.

Similarly, the SEC brought suits against corporations for failing to disclose
the amount of bribes that the corporations had paid to officials of foreign
governments to secure government contracts. These lawsuits filed by the SEC
made it extremely difficult for American corporations to compete in world
markets and to secure foreign government contracts, thereby contributing to
poverty and destitution in America.

Although it was obvious that these suits were often inherently flawed, they
were sought solely because Casey and Sporkin were hounds for publicity. These
two operated the SEC like a Gestapo. Anybody who criticized their methods
became a target for investigation. Sporkin often implied in speeches that
anybody who criticized the SEC must be guilty of a crime. "That is clearly a
smokescreen", Sporkin would say of anybody who disagreed with his methods. In
one speech, Sporkin demanded "double-digit prison sentences" for anybody who
disagreed with the SEC.

Worse than that, the SEC was a slipshod operation. It rarely conducted an
actual investigation of anything. For example, it hardly ever conducted an
audit of a company's books and records. What it actually did was reward
lawyers who convinced their clients to turn themselves in.

But what about the actual crooks who flourished while Casey and Sporkin were
in power? Not only did they hardly ever go to jail for what they did, but
Casey's office was always open to them. Nowadays, when Michael Deaver has
been indicted for a few conversations about acid rain, what Casey did after
he left the SEC was unbelievable. The nation's leading securities crooks were
able to hire Casey as their lawyer. Consider the case of Glen Wu, one of
America's leading securities swindlers in the early 1970s, who had suspected
connections with organized crime. A typical example of what Wu did can be
found in the case of Galco Leasing. Galco was a shell corporation with
essentially no assets. Wu controlled the market at nominally about $1 per
share. The president of Galco died and left in his estate one million
unregistered shares of Galco stock, which Wu was able to obtain. Then, in a
period of one week, Wu manipulated the stock of Galco all the way up to $9
per share. He then bribed a man named Yamato who was the manager of a small
mutual fund to buy the entire one million shares for $9 per share. Wu then
walked away from the market and, within a few days, Galco was back down to $1
again. Wu's profit was a cool nine million, since the shares were
unregistered and worthless, and the corporation had no real assets.

Wu did many other deals like this. Training With The Pros, M & H Studios and
perhaps 20 others which are now textbook examples of stock market swindles
were all Glen Wu deals. Wu was the kind of man who made defrauded business
executives jump out of windows. This is not an exaggeration. One oil
executive in Houston went out the 33rd floor window. Wu was able to get away
with all this, because he had a very good lawyer. The name of his lawyer was
William J. Casey. As long as Wu was under the protection of Casey, he was
essentially immune from prosecution, because the SEC's enforcement chief was
still Sporkin and Sporkin was still Casey's friend.

Many federal judges, including Judge Lee P. Gagliardi, wrote long published
opinions about Wu's activities. They all considered him to be a criminal.
However, Wu was never criminally indicted and he never paid back a penny of
the money he stole. Meanwhile, almost everybody else besides Wu who was
involved in these deals served actual jail time, even though Wu was the
actual mastermind.

Casey successfully argued that to close Wu down would be to deprive him of
his constitutional right to earn a living. It was not until the late 1970s
that Wu was finally forced out of the securities business and barred for
life. Some say he is still there, but in a less publicly visible capacity.
Only a criminal like Wu could afford to pay Casey's fees. Casey became rich
representing defendants like that. Then, President Ronald Reagan called Casey
back to public service as the director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
Naturally, Casey needed a man of Sporkin's talents to back him up.

Although Sporkin was deeply involved in the arms for hostages scandal, his
name is not often mentioned in this capacity. The reason for this is that
just before the scandal broke, Sporkin managed to get himself appointed as a
federal judge. The last of this story has not yet been heard.
Sam Sloan
[This obituary, translated into Arabic, was published in Al Fajar newspaper
in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates in 1989.]

Here are links:

*   Obituary of William J. Casey, by Ismail Sloan, in Arabic
*   Review of Sam Sloan's Book, "How to Take Over an American Public
Company", from the Japan Times
*   "How to Take Over an American Public Company"
*   Samuel H. Sloan & Co. Broker-Dealer
*   Sloan's glorious victory over Casey and his SEC in the United States
Supreme Court
*   Another rendition of SEC v. Sloan, 436 US 103 (1978)
*   Stanley Sporkin Gets His Man

My Home Page
Contact address - please send e-mail to the following address: Sloan@ishipress

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