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Note from Ken Raggio

Barry Chamish is an investigative reporter who covers Middle Eastern events
in the light of the New World Order agenda. I previously published his
article UN and the Vatican to rule Jerusalem? which reveals a secret
agreement between Shimon Peres and the Vatican to grant the Catholic church
hegemony over Old Jerusalem. Barry's coverage of the assassination of
Yitzhak Rabin was featured on EXTRA! TV magazine. Barry recently sent me
this article with permission to republish it here. It continues to expose
the work of the New World Order and the Roman Catholic Church in Israel's
internal affairs.

Israel In The New Millenium
(How the CFR and the Roman Catholic Church are setting the stage for

by Barry Chamish
January 1999

Background- Don't believe anything you are told by the mainstream media

It is not for me to argue in favor of the existence of the New World Order
conspiracy. What is unarguable is that literally every American politician
who left a profound legacy on the Middle East, and especially Israel, was
and is a member of the Manhattan think tank considered the headquarters of
the NWO, the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR). A short list of some of the
better known characters would include Henry Kissinger and his deputy Joseph
Sisco, Cyrus Vance, James Baker, Warren Christopher, Walter Mondale,
Madeleine Albright et al. Beneath this level of public exposure lies an
insidious cabal of CFR members such as Edgar Bronfman, head of the World
Jewish Congress and Henry Seigman, chairman of the American Jewish Congress,
who exert a powerful influence on Israeli and Diaspora leaders and
ultimately on Jewish public opinion. All the evidence more than just
indicates that the current Middle East peace process was hatched by the CFR
and is promoted with all the necessary weapons at its disposal.

This peace process is a surefire formula for war...and soon. The year 2000
will most likely see Israel and its neighbors caught up in bloody turmoil.

The Oslo Accords- Made in New York

In August 1993, the Israeli government headed by Yitzhak Rabin announced
that it was on the verge of signing a "peace" accord with the PLO. The
American public was told that Washington was completely caught off guard by
the announcement and was even angry for being left out of the negotiations
held in Oslo.

Later testimony by actors in the Oslo Accord tell a very different story. In
February, 1994 I interviewed one of the two Israeli Oslo negotiators, Ron
Pundak. He told me that, "From the first day we arrived in Oslo we
coordinated our negotiations with the State Department. At the end of each
day's sessions, we reported back to Washington. Warren Christopher was very
skeptical at first, but later became most helpful to us."

In August 1995, Rabin told NY Times columnist William Safire that he never
wanted to become involved with this peace process. He admitted that he was
ordered to by President George Bush at a meeting in Kennebunkport, Maine in
September, 1992. Bush demanded that Rabin, "prepare the Israeli public for
some painful withdrawals." The CFR had long before corrupted Rabin, in large
part through his "friendship" with Kissinger and now was calling in its
cards. The same grooming and corrupting process has taken place throughout
the top rungs of the Israeli political leadership, including with Prime
Minister Binyamin Netanyahu who has now isolated himself from his government
by carrying on what Rabin was forced to begin: Israel's weakening and then

Goals Of "Peace"

Although Rabin was the tool to sell Oslo to the Israeli public, the ultimate
goals of this peace process were taken over by Foreign Minister Shimon Peres
and his deputy, Yossi Beilin. Ron Pundak noted, "Beilin doesn't believe in
borders. He thinks they are the root cause of conflict and doesn't care if
Israel loses hers." Shimon Peres advanced such thinking with a program he
called The New Middle East. In his vision, Israel would give up its present
borders, including its most vital strategic positions, to join in an
economic union with its Arab neighbors. To secure the pullback of Israel's
present borders to those of 1948, some 200,000 Jews would have to be removed
from their homes. The Israeli government, through Beilin, obligated itself
to carrying out a plan of delegitimization, in fact demonization, of the
Jewish residents of the Administered Territories and later the Golan
Heights, as a prelude to their forced removal.

The secret clauses of Oslo were leaked by an alarmed employee of a
government ministry, first to Jerusalem Post reporter Steve Rodan. After a
three month fact checking period, the Post printed the less frightening
details on its front page and suffered expensive government retaliation
immediately after.

Through an intermediary, I was given the details of what the Post backed off
printing, which I published in my newsletter Inside Israel. Beilin's plan
called for a covert war against the "settlers" or Jewish residents of
disputed territories, which included incriminating the innocent in timely
outrages and murdering public figures to instill terror and uncertainty.
This plan ultimately led to the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak

When these charges were first published, there was widespread disbelief that
the political leadership of Israel could be so evil. Today in Israel, thanks
to the bungled Rabin murder, perhaps a third of the public accept that this
covert war did take place and is still taking place.

It is inevitable, that by the year 2000, the festering cover-up of the Rabin
assassination will finally break down. When the truth comes out, that
Rabin's convicted assassin was a minor fall guy for a high level
international conspiracy, and that the leaders of the ruling Labor
government carried out the hit, a sense of utter dismay and abandonment will
erode the very foundations of Labor Zionism. The effects will be profound
beyond immediate comprehension. One would hope that the ultimate result will
be a massive reform of the Israeli political system.

What The Outsiders Want

In July, 1997, the CFR finally revealed its plans for Israel in its Middle
East Task Force report, headed by Henry Seigman. All doubts about the CFR's
intentions evaporated in the report. It was recommended that Israel withdraw
to its 1948 lines, that Jerusalem be divided and that half the city be the
capital of a Palestinian state. The world now knew for a written fact what
were the ultimate goals of the diplomacy of CFR members Albright and
Clinton. The task force report was a formula for guaranteed war.

And, in fact, on a global plane, what has been done to Israel is no
different than what was previously and subsequently arranged for Bosnia,
Croatia, Rwanda, Somalia, Kosovo et al. Bitter enemies were armed to the
teeth and through diplomacy, forced to cooperate with each other elbow to
elbow. One spark was all that was needed to explode numerous peoples placed
in this situation recently and that spark will fly in Israel before or
during the year 2000. Probably several months before.

Superficially, Israel is just another in a long line of nations chosen for
chaos in preparation for the international change of status quo called the
New World Order. But there is far more to the story and it centers around

There is a much symbolism surrounding Jerusalem and the end of the millenium
and not a few people want a piece of the city when the flames die down.
First among them is the Vatican. In a story broken first by La Stampa in
Italy and Shishi in Israel, and later verified with documented proof in
Haaretz, in May 1993, Shimon Peres promised the pope hegemony of the Old
City of Jerusalem by the end of the year 2000. In October of 1998, the
Vatican forced out Hebrew University, the tenants of a large property they
own in West Jerusalem and are now building an embassy to be opened prior to
the millenium. Barely a month later, the Holy See demanded a say in the
final status of Jerusalem as dictated by the first Oslo Accord.

If the Vatican gets its way and inherits political control over the holy
sites of Jerusalem, it will be greeted by many hundreds of thousands of
Protestant groups from America and Europe who are planning to descend on the
city prior to and during the year 2000 in anticipation of a messianic
return. To satisfy these hopes, prophecies of Gog and Magog may have to be

The War Of The Millenium

War is a near certainty and numerous scenarios could presage it. Most likely
it boils down to the PLO and its sister organizations creating some atrocity
too big for Israel to ignore. Troops will try to crush the Palestinian
Authority and neighboring Arab states will attack Israel on land or with
missiles to defend Islamic honor. Israel, now withdrawn from many of its
most strategic defensive positions, and with an army of 50,000 PLO
"policemen" standing mere meters from its cities will be overwhelmed and
forced to use unconventional weapons. The big powers will then step in, send
foreign (i.e. UN) troops en masse to keep the peace, dictate terms over the
sovereignty of Jerusalem and greet the new millenium with a New World Order.

Barry Chamish's website is at  www.webseers.com/rabin The author's books Who
Murdered Yitzhak Rabin and Traitors And Carpetbaggers In The Promised Land
are available from www.amazon.com

If you want to subscribe to Ken Raggio's weekly prophecy newsletter, send a
blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(This article forwarded to us from Tim Aho)
Ken Raggio PROPHECY Newsletter is providing this article for your
consideration. Note: UN Secretary General Kofi Annan was in Israel on
Tuesday, March 24, 1998. References to this visit are in this article.


The Gang's All Here

by Barry Chamish

But no Hail, Hail, for Israel. In the past ten days Israel has had the
dubious honor of hosting an insulting EU Foreign Minister Robin Cook, a
patronizing UN Secretary-General Kofi Anaan and the longtime Council On
Foreign Relations squeeze artist, Dennis Ross. Leaks from Hillary Rodham
Clinton, of all people, which floated across the net this week (I received
my notice from Murray Kahl's list), more than merely implied that Clinton
and Blair coordinated their strongarm tactics against Israel, in no small
part, to get the public's mind off the President's problems.

Folks, it's New World Order endtime for Israel and the globalist gang-rape
has begun in earnest. It's Israel against the CFR, EU and UN. And there is
another player in the game that barely anyone is noticing, the Vatican. In
this same ten day period when the globalist powerbrokers descended on Israel
to weaken and ultimately dismember the state, the Holy See began his final
act to pick up the scraps of Jerusalem.

First, the pope issued a weak proclamation almost apologizing for the
Vatican's role in the Holocaust. This was followed a few days later by a
meeting in Jerusalem between the Nablus-born Patriarch of the city and
Israel's two chief rabbis. Not many details of the meeting were released but
Rabbis Lau and Bakshi-Doron, who seldom get along on any issue, agreed with
the Holy See's position that Jerusalem is a special case and should not be
subjected to the same security restrictions as the rest of the Administered
Territories. In other words, in the event of a Palestinian bombing campaign,
traffic in worshipers to Jerusalem should carry on unimpeded. Now why would
the chief rabbis of Israel agree to something as risky as that?

Because, the Pope's pressure on Israel is no less profound than Cook, Anaan
or Ross's...but it's a lot more covert. And the Vatican wants its piece of
Israel's violated honor.

What follows are a few central events in the secret Vatican-Israeli
diplomacy since the start of the CFR's "peace" process:

The Peres-Beilin Sell-Out

The ink was barely dry on the Declaration of Principles between Israel and
the PLO in September '93, when intense negotiations by the Israeli Deputy
Foreign Minister Yossi Beilin and the Holy See began.

The timing was not coincidental. On September 10, '93, the Italian newspaper
La Stampa revealed that one of the unwritten clauses of the DOP was PLO
assent to a deal brokered between Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and the
Pontiff. To cut to the meat, Peres promised the Vatican hegemony over the
Old City of Jerusalem by the end of the year 2000. This story was later
confirmed with highly convincing evidence and testimony by the Israeli
newspapers Shishi and Haaretz and the radio station, Arutz Sheva. (For
details I can only suggest reading my book Traitors and Carpetbaggers In The
Promised Land).

Beilin's secrets were no less profound. By December '93, he had completed
one agreement with the Vatican for public consumption and another for
privileged eyes only. Nonethless, some of his staff at the Foreign Ministry
were so alarmed by the secret passages that they initiated leaks or in the
case of Esther Samilag, public statements. She was transferred to the
Israeli Consolate in Katmandu, Nepal in retaliation and for that Ms. Samilag
can probably count herself lucky.

Deputy Jerusalem mayor Shmuel Meir got hold of some of the damning evidence
and publicly stated, "I have received information that properties promised
to the Vatican in Jerusalem would be granted extraterritorial status."
Beilin did not deny the accusation, rather he admitted, "Included in the
Vatican agreement is the issue of papal properties in Israel which will be
resolved by a panel of experts that has already been formed." If it had been
formed, its activities have been totally secret until today.

Out of fear of a foreign takeover, Meir became an active member of Ateret
Hacohenim, an organization which buys properties in the Old City from their
Arab owners. He travelled abroad often to raise funds for this noble cause.

Not long after Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated, Shmuel Meir died when a
Palestinian truck driver, driving a UN vehicle, crushed him in his car. The
Israeli police barely questioned the driver, conducted on a perfunctory
investigation and quickly released the driver. As a result, Meir's demise
was viewed as still another peace process murder by many among the Oslo
Accords opposition camp.

Just a few days before Robin Cook's unfortunate arrival, the weekly
newsmagazine Yerushalayim reignited the suspicions. Speaking to reporter Avi
Segal, Deputy Mayor Nissim Zeev said, "Meir was murdered and I'm not just
talking out of the side of my mouth. Meir himself told me he was a marked
man and I know he was targeted by the Palestinian secret services. There are
a lot of ways to murder someone but the easiest is a fake car accident."

The Netanyahu-Levy Sell-Out

On November 10 of last year, Foreign Minister David Levy, in one of his last
major acts of diplomacy for resigning, signed an agreement with Papal Nuncio
Archbishop Andrea di Montezemolo which was "part of the Fundamental
Agreement signed in December '93 between Israel and the Holy See."

Levy explained that the agreement stipulates "the Catholic Church and its
institutions in Israel are to have a legal status similar to that of
voluntary organizations." What the public was told was the Catholic
properties in Israel would be granted "autonomy to handle their own internal

Back in March '94, when Pere's promise to the pope was publicized in Israel,
all rabbis banned him from their Passover meals. An embargo on Peres was
fast spreading among the haredi religious community and he chose to nip it
in the bud in his usual fashion: by lying. He explained that a cable sent
from the Rome Embassy to the Jerusalem Foreign Ministry outlining the Old
City giveaway, that was published on the front page of Haaretz and broadcast
by Arutz Sheva, was genuine but someone had whited out the word, not. In
other words, Israel would, not, hand over the Old City to the Pope.
Incredibly the rabbis bought the falsehood and lifted the embargo.

But the lesson was learned. If the Jerusalem deal was ever to go down, the
haredim would have to be neutralized. Enter Yossi Beilin. On 2/1/98, the
magazine Yerushalyaim, clearly the only news outlet left in Israel with an
inkling of the secret diplomacy taking place, revealed that Beilin had
chaired a secret meeting of Likud and Labor Knesset Members at the
suspiciously non-descript Israel Institute For Democracy, chaired by the
surreptitious Arik Carmon. The goal of the get-together was to create "a
bi-partisan forum to find a solution to religious political blackmail."
Beilin's partner in the effort was/is none other than Likud "hawk" Michael
Eitan. Besides the expected doves at the meeting ie. MKs Ofir Pines, Yonah
Yahav, Meir Sheetrit and Zeev Boim was another "hawk" Tzomet's Mudi Zanberg.

The Jewish religion is about to lose its Temple for the third time. Cook's
defiant appearance on Har Homa was the first signal, Anaan's demand that
Israel obey the UN's will was the next, and Ross's 13% pullout formula was
still another turn of the rack. And while the New World Order powerbrokers
openly declare their ambitions for Jerusalem, the Vatican is preparing for
the day in the near future when it will finally secure its second Holy City
in what was the capital city of the Jewish state of Israel.

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