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Who is UN Secretary- General Kofi Annan?

Might this man destroy your liberties? You need to know who this veritable
"President of the World" is, and what he is up to!

By Ken Raggio

 While the President of the United States is experiencing a credibility
crisis, (his morals and honesty are under skepticism internationally), and
Boris Yeltsin plays Russian Roulette with his cabinet and his presidency,
the Secretary General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan (pronounced Koh-fee
Ann-inn) is rapidly becoming the most highly credible world figure.

Since his selection on December 16, 1996 as the first black African to that
post, and with the boisterous support of both President Clinton and
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Annan is quickly becoming the
brightest star on the world stage. "He is a renowned international statesman
and has made his mark in history," Albright recommended.

AsiaWeek reported in March what people are saying about Annan. He is
"Quiet," "Soft spoken," "Effective consensus-builder," "Brings personal
touches to the job," "Good with the news media," "Dignified, gracious
wisdom," "Epitome of politeness," "A diplomat's diplomat," and "Bureaucrat
par excellence." Thomas O’Dwyer of the Jerusalem Post said recently, "The
world has become aware that the United Nations may now be headed by the
consummate diplomat it has long been in need of."

That the United Nations has such a formidable force in its general secretary
could come at no more opportune time. A U.S. official described him as
having "the right credentials and mix of skills that should bring the United
Nations into the 21st century." Annan’s popularity translates into a power
surge for New World Order, while individual nations appear to be weakening.

Kofi Atta Annan, born April 8, 1938, is a native of Ghana. He is descended
from prominent ruling chieftains of the Fante people, and son of an elected
Provincial governor. Annan attended a Ghanaian university, then took a
degree in economics at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota. He pursued
graduate studies in Geneva, Switzerland, then an MS in management at
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. An economist by training, he speaks
English, French and several African languages.

At the UN since 1971, Annan is a lifelong bureaucratic insider. He held
numerous influential administrative posts. Since 1993, he was Under
Secretary General for Peacekeeping Operations. He had a number of delicate
and complex jobs. He went to Iraq to negotiate the release of hostages
during the Gulf War, and the safe transport of half-million Asian workers
who had become stranded in that area. Representing the UN Secretary General,
he negotiated among the four contentious powers who intervened in Bosnia –
the United States, Britain, France and Russia.

His achievements include many major advances in New World Order. He worked
to bring the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund under tighter
controls of the United Nations. "I am going to attach a great deal of
importance to the economic area," he says. "I don’t think our roles should
be seen as competitive but as complementary." Annan intends to further
empower the UN with international money controls.

He appointed Maurice Strong (Canadian billionaire industrialist,
humanitarian, environmentalist) as his Senior Adviser on United Nations
reform issues. Mr. Strong is to coordinate the effort to redesign the world
organization for the future. Strong is an intensely devout New Age occultist
associated with the Rockefeller and Rothschild families, the Trilateral
Commission, population control, wealth redistribution, and a host of other
hard-core socialistic projects. Annan’s selection of Strong is a harbinger
of woes to come for Christians and Patriots. Keep your eyes open for this
man!  We will be writing articles on him in the future.

Kofi Annan has profoundly impacted the Middle East crises. In a recent
whirlwind tour of Middle Eastern nations, he was said to have spoken with
"velvet-coated steel barbs." He described himself as a "happy fool – who
jumps into it (the Mideast quagmire), oblivious to the risks and the
dangers, but who feels it has to be done." After reciting a list of
grievances the international community had against Israel, Annan left Israel
’s Council for Foreign Relations lecture room to a standing ovation. Many in
the audience declared themselves impressed by this person and leader who
replaced Boutros Boutros Ghali. He scored similar victories in Jordan,
Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Palestinian territories the same week. This
portends increased dominance of World Government over Israel and the peace

Annan has tackled the U.S. Congress for not paying its share of UN bills.
Staunch anti-UN forces on Capitol Hill, who managed to withhold funds from
the UN for years, recently capitulated to the silver-tongued statesman. In
the showdown between the US and Saddam Hussein, Kofi Annan plainly preempted
the President and rendered the American agenda almost impertinent. We can
expect to see a dramatically empowered New World Order at the expense of
old-fashioned nationalism and bilateralism. Kofi Annan is boldly ascending
into what is arguably the most powerful office on earth, in the one
remaining Superpower - the UN.

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