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Alan Keyes hangs on...
Former ambassador determined to give Americans a 'choice'

By Julie Foster © 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

Although Senators Bill Bradley and John McCain are out of the
presidential race, Alan Keyes has chosen to remain in the race, in
order, he says, to give voters a choice apart from front-runners Gov.
George W. Bush and Vice President Al Gore.

"He is still in candidate mode," Keyes spokesman George Cecala told
WorldNetDaily. "If there are people willing to work in any state, he
will be there."

Given attendance at Wednesday's rally in Utah, people are willing --
an estimated 5,000 supporters showed up. And Keyes shows no sign
of slowing down. In fact, his weekend is booked. In addition to a
"Renewing America" rally held Friday at the University of Oklahoma,
Keyes is scheduled to make an appearance on "Saturday Night Live,"
followed by an event in San Antonio, Texas the following morning.

But some have questioned the former ambassador, radio talk host
and orator as to his reasons for staying in a costly, seemingly hopeless

Hopelessness, Keyes says, is when voters are not presented with the
option to choose a candidate that best represents their values and
philosophies. But options do Americans no good if voters do not take
advantage of them, he said.

"The reason that I am honestly here," he said during a debate on
March 2, "is because with the majority of people in the Republican
Party I am the sentimental favorite. I am the one you all listen to. You
know I am saying what's in your heart."

"You know that I speak the truth," he continued, "the true bedrock
conservatism, do it better than anybody who has appeared in these
debates, and it's one of the reasons that my colleagues did not feel
that they had the strength to stand up and say, kick him out, you see,
because they know that, that would rouse your ire. But if it will rouse
your ire, how come it doesn't inspire you to get out there in the voting
booth and stand with the same integrity for what you believe that I
stand with here in this arena?

"Unless you, the voters of the Republican Party, start to be willing to
show that kind of integrity, our cause will be lost. These gentlemen
[Bush and McCain] won't win in the fall because they don't have the
courage of our convictions, and they will not effectively communicate
that to the heart of the American people, and that's what we
desperately need," Keyes concluded.

Keyes has been communicating his message of moral revival to
Americans every week in his exclusive WorldNetDaily column. Most
recently, the former Reagan official cautioned Americans against
succumbing to an attitude of "might makes right." The United States,
he says, played a crucial role in the maintenance of human ethics in the
last century, but will soon become a victim of tyranny if its course is
not altered.

"The American people," Keyes wrote, "have three times in this
century been the essential key in the effort to beat back the global
shadow of evil. Without us, the history of the 20th century would have
been a history of successful tyranny. ... And we must contemplate
what shall be the consequences for the world if we are no longer
fighting the shadow of evil, but casting it ourselves."

"We are not ready for the new century," he continued. "Our national
soul is sick, possibly unto death. And as clouds of future danger, seen
and unseen, gather in the early days of the new century, we slumber in
the easy chair of our material prosperity, and cheerfully send our
children off to be trained in the new ideology of power.

Though he issues a harsh warning, Keyes does believe there is hope
for what he deems an ailing nation -- moral revival through moral
leadership. And Keyes believes he is the man for the job.

While his numbers may be small, they are growing. Super Tuesday
brought the candidate's total delegates to 12, and he garnered more
than 100,000 votes in California. The Wall Street Journal now
estimates the determined presidential hopeful is earning eight percent
of the vote nationwide.

Even with rising support, Keyes recognizes the fact that Americans
tend to support not the candidate who best represents them, but the
candidate they believe will win a presidential bid. In what has become
perhaps his signature line, Keyes rails against such a mentality.

"This is not some kind of stupid horse race where we're trying to pick
the winner," Keyes has said.

"The voters are supposed to determine the winner, not pick the
winner. And there's a big difference there. We're not running in some
sort of race to see who finishes first. We ought to be involved in a
deliberative discussion that results in a choice that is going to be good
for America. And if you believe that you offer that choice, and you're
the best choice the country can make, I think you have an obligation
to stand forward, regardless of what you think your chances are --
because people can't make a choice they're not given."

Math 101:
=Global socialists who don't give a damn
about the Constitution, or American Sovereignty, or
your individual unalienable rights.
They are sell-outs and traitors.
Our chains are forged!
Their clanking may be heard inside the beltway of Washington, DC!
Go look in to your children or grandchildren's eyes
then decide:
Which Traitor are you going to vote for?
When are you people going to wake up?
If you vote for the lesser of two evils, you are still voting for evil.
Vote for Alan Keyes
He is the ONLY candidate that is talking about the Constitution, the Bill
of Rights, and Liberty.
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