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   The Washington Post,   March 11, 2000

   A Bosnian Village's Terrorist Ties
   Links to U.S. Bomb Plot Arouse Concern About Enclave of Islamic

   By R. Jeffrey Smith
   Washington Post Foreign Service
   Saturday, March 11, 2000; Page A01

   BOCINJA DONJA, Bosnia-A sign along the road into town warns visitors
   to "be afraid of Allah." It is a message worth taking to heart: Two
   NATO generals who ventured here in the past year were assaulted or
   threatened by residents. Last August, the windshield of a visiting
   relief worker was shattered by an ax.

   The village's 600 residents include 60 to 100 former mujaheddin,
   Islamic guerrillas from the Middle East and elsewhere who came to help
   Bosnia's Muslims during the 1992-95 war. Since the conflict ended,
   they and their families have organized a community that stands apart
   from the rest of Bosnia, whose Muslim majority largely follows a
   relaxed version of Islam. Bocinja Donja's affairs, in contrast, are
   governed by strict Islamic law. Women wear veils and long black robes;
   men have long beards. They do not smoke or drink--or speak to

   Washington and its allies have complained periodically about the
   mujaheddin, who were technically obligated by international treaty to
   leave the country in 1995. But Western complaints lacked urgency until
   two months ago, when U.S. law enforcement authorities discovered that
   a handful of the men who have visited or lived in this area were
   associated with a suspected terrorist plot to bomb targets in the
   United States on New Year's Day.

   Among them was Karim Said Atmani, whom authorities have named as the
   document forger for a group of Algerians accused of plotting the
   bombings. He is a former roommate of Ahmed Ressam, the man arrested at
   the Canadian-U.S. border in mid-December with a carload of explosives,
   according to authoritative Western sources. Atmani has been a frequent
   visitor to Bosnia, most recently a few days after Ressam's arrest.

   A recent Bosnian government search of passport and residency
   records--conducted at the urging of the United States--revealed other
   former mujaheddin who are linked to the same Algerian group or to
   other suspected terrorist groups and who have lived in this area 60
   miles north of Sarajevo, the capital, in the past few years.

   One man, a Palestinian named Khalil Deek, was arrested in Jordan in
   late December on suspicion of involvement in a plot to blow up tourist
   sites; a second man with Bosnian citizenship, Hamid Aich, lived in
   Canada at the same time as Atmani and worked for a charity associated
   with Osama bin Laden, the fugitive Saudi financier Washington has
   blamed for masterminding the bomb plan.

   A third suspect, an Algerian named Abu Mali who was regarded as a
   community leader in Bocinja, was asked to leave the country with his
   family last spring after Washington accumulated evidence that he
   worked for what it described as a terrorist organization, U.S. and
   Bosnian officials say. Another former resident, Mehrez Amdouni, was
   arrested by Turkish police last September in Istanbul, where he
   arrived on a Bosnian passport, and charged with counterfeiting and
   possessing stolen goods.

   "We have been concerned about this community for years," said a senior
   U.S. official in Washington, who spoke by telephone and asked not to
   be named. "We flushed out a lot of them [after the end of the war].
   Bosnia's not becoming the crossroads of terrorists. [But] we find the
   whole group of them a threat, and we want them out of there."

   Atmani, for example, obtained his first Bosnian passport in 1995,
   using a false address in Sarajevo. After being deported by Canada in
   October 1998 and escorted to Sarajevo, he was allowed to stay without
   a valid passport. He obtained a new passport last June in Zenica, 35
   miles northwest of Sarajevo. He traveled to Istanbul, then returned to
   Sarajevo in late December before dropping out of sight.

   So far, complaints about the town by Western diplomats and
   international officials charged with resettling displaced Serbs have
   largely fallen on deaf ears in the Bosnian government, which is run by
   the same Muslim leaders who welcomed Islamic fighters during the war.

   Bosnian officials have said the former mujaheddin--who came here from
   Tunisia, Sudan, Algeria and Afghanistan, as well as Egypt and other
   Middle Eastern countries--obtained citizenship by marrying Bosnian
   women, many of them war widows. That made it hard to enforce the
   Dayton peace accord's December 1995 requirement that foreign fighters
   leave within 30 days.

   "They should have been gone long ago, but now we're stuck with them,"
   said a senior Western official in the area. He said NATO soldiers, who
   are charged with policing implementation of the Dayton accord, have
   been reluctant to act against them, in part for fear of retaliation.

   "There is absolutely no reason why Muslims can't be here," said
   British Lt. Gen. Michael Willcocks, the deputy chief of NATO
   operations in Bosnia. "We can't singularize people over beards and
   veils. . . . They are not engaged in overt acts of terrorism, nor do
   we have evidence of them sitting around and indoctrinating people. We
   investigate and carry out surveillance, and there is no evidence of .
   . . ranges [for weapons or military training] of the kind most people
   have in mind."

   But the real reason the former fighters have stayed, Western officials
   complain, is that Alija Izetbegovic, the Muslim member and chairman of
   Bosnia's three-member presidency, wants them to stay. They say that
   Izetbegovic turned Bocinja Donja over to 100 members of the "7th
   Muslim Brigade" after the Bosnian army organized a massive sweep
   during the last months of the war and forced Serbian residents to

   The sweep ended a long and bitter artillery siege of several Muslim
   enclaves in the area by Serbs and Croats, making the village a
   hard-fought prize. Moreover, Western officials say, the town's
   location at the head of the Bosna River Valley makes it easy for its
   residents to block Serbs traveling south from returning to seven
   villages in the valley. As a result, ethnic resettlement--a major goal
   of the Dayton accords--has been stunted in the region, with up to
   10,000 people thought to be hesitating to return home because of the

   Mirza Hajric, senior foreign policy adviser to Izetbegovic, said he
   understands the community is creating a problem. "We've raised the
   attention of police. We have been approaching everyone and saying, 'Do
   you want to go back home?' " He said the government recently
   formulated "an ambitious plan to displace all of the residents--to
   make them go back to their own countries or move elsewhere."

   A local official of Bosnia's ruling Muslim political party--which
   dominates decision-making in the area--said there is no reason for
   concern, even though residents of other towns say they resent
   Bocinja's efforts to close bars and punish public displays of
   affection. "We have no problems" with the people there, said Redzic
   Ismet, the party chairman in nearby Zavidovici. "I don't think the
   other people have any problem with them. There are no kind of
   incidents with them."

   Efforts to obtain comment from Bocinja residents were unsuccessful.
   Contacted by telephone and on the street here, a community leader
   named Abu Hamza asked three times for $60,000 to give an interview.
   When the request was refused, he said residents do not speak with
   foreign reporters.

   But in 1998, in the group's sole published interview, Hamza told
   reporters for a Bosnian magazine called Dani that "our president is
   Alija Izetbegovic. It will be as he says. If he will say that we have
   to leave this place, we will do it. If he says stay, we will stay."

   Branko Jovanovic, 67, an ethnic Serb who says he owns the two-story,
   eight-bedroom house that Hamza occupies, said at least 150 families
   from the village would like to return but "there is no possibility . .
   . while there is one mujaheddin in that area. They did bad things to
   us. We cannot live with them." He cited the vandalization of Serbian
   graveyards by former mujaheddin, an act witnessed by Western officials
   who have driven through the town.

   Three local men beat and tortured two Serbs who strayed nearby 16
   months ago, only to be given suspended sentences by a local judge.

   During an inspection visit last year by Willcocks, the British
   general, one resident tried to pull open the door of his guard vehicle
   and made slashing motions across his throat. "It was a very
   threatening atmosphere," Willcocks said. "They do not like
   [peacekeeping] troops patrolling there. But any suggestion we're
   terrified to go in is absolutely nonsense."

   Local officials say that several U.S. military officers who visited in
   January 1999 received even rougher treatment. More recently, the
   Norwegian commander of the NATO brigade responsible for peacekeeping
   in the town was assaulted when he attempted to escort an ethnic Serb

   "We were approached by two residents, both of foreign origin, who
   physically tried to attack the Serb and pushed me away," said retired
   Brig. Gen. Kjell Grandhagen, who left Bosnia at the end of January and
   now runs the Norwegian war college in Oslo. "We decided immediately to
   return to our armored vehicle, where a third foreigner flashed a
   knife. It was quite tense. There were verbal threats" by a man from

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Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
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