... far and wide!!


by Declan McCullagh
> 6:00 p.m. 19.Jan.2000 PST
> WASHINGTON -- Visions of stealthy black helicopters landing on your
> and disgorging Nomex-clad troops to steal your PGP keys aren't just
> conspiracy theorists.
> The Clinton administration wants to be able to send federal agents
> with search warrants into homes to copy encryption keys and implant
> secret back doors onto computers.
> "When criminals like drug dealers and terrorists use encryption to
> conceal their communications, law enforcement must be able to respond
> manner that will not thwart an investigation or tip off a suspect,"
> Attorney General Janet Reno and Deputy Defense Secretary John Hamre
> wrote in a seven-page letter to Congress.
> The idea first surfaced in mid-1999, when the Justice Department
> proposed legislation that allowed them to obtain surreptitious
> and "postpone" notifying the person whose property they entered for 30

> The Justice Department's thinking was that if a suspect was using
> data-scrambling encryption products, the FBI's G-men might need to
> the suspect's home and install software to tap into and decipher
> scrambled communications.
> After vocal objections from civil liberties groups, the administration

> backed away from the controversial plan. The final draft of the
> Cyberspace Electronic Security Act (CESA) submitted to Congress had
> removed the secret-search portions.
> But the White House now appears to think it doesn't need new
> to enter a suspect's computer.
> The letter from Reno and Hamre to House Majority Leader Dick Armey
> that, in the future, the Feds will use "general authorities" when
> judges to authorize so-called black bag jobs. Commerce Secretary
> Daley also signed the letter.
> They say that law enforcement should have the ability to "search for
> keys" without immediately notifying a suspect.
> According to legal experts, all current search warrants -- with the
> exception of the related category of wiretaps -- require police to
> inform the person his property was entered.
> Privacy groups say Americans should be alarmed.
> "It sounds like they're returning to the provision in CESA that they
> backed away from," says Barry Steinhardt, associate director of the
> American Civil Liberties Union.
> "The basic principle is that people who are the subject of searches
> should have notice and the opportunity to challenge the search. This
> particularly dangerous since it will be difficult to guarantee that
> evidence hasn't been tampered with," said Steinhardt. "What they are
> proposing to do is alter computer files. It's quite a chilling
> proposal."
> "What they're saying is that they want to eliminate that Fourth
> Amendment requirement or limit it so much to make it meaningless,"
> Dave Banisar, co-author of the Electronic Privacy Papers. The Fourth
> Amendment prohibits the government from conducting "unreasonable"
> searches and seizures.
> The Clinton administration cabinet officials wrote the letter this
> in their latest exchange with Majority Leader Armey. Although dated 7
> January, Armey's office said they received it on Wednesday.
> In Armey's letter to Reno on 27 September, the Texas Republican wrote:

> "Questions remain about the Administration's commitment to personal
> privacy.... While I understand that this [secret search] provision has

> been dropped from the most recent draft, the fact that it was ever
> proposed at all raises concerns in Congress."
> In its reply, the administration wrote, "You specifically ask whether
> law enforcement has the authority to search for keys without notifying

> the subject.
> Although some courts have permitted the government to conduct a
> analogous circumstances, without notifying the target at the time of
> search, these same courts have held, and we agree, that in a
> criminal investigation the government must ultimately provide
> notice to the target of the search."
> The letter further urges Congress to pass CESA and defends Fidnet, a
> plan to monitor online intrusions into federal computers.
> "Fidnet is entirely aimed at improving the security of government
> computer systems.... We strongly support its development. Federal
> computer networks are a favorite target of computer hackers," they
> Last summer reports said that the system would monitor not just
> computers, but other Internet traffic -- a claim that the FBI
> general counsel denied as recently as during a panel discussion last
> week.
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