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>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
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From: Jim Condit Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [NA] Who Says Vulnerable Elections? NYT, thats who.
Date: Tuesday, March 07, 2000 3:49 AM


"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin
March 6, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

Who Says Vulnerable Elections? NYT, that’s who.

Part of what the Network America e-wire is accomplishing is to put “on
the record” of the world wide web the documentation that we at Citizens
for a Fair Vote Count have been accumulating for over two decades. All
of these e-wires will eventually be on networkamerica.org – but I
haven’t been able to get that done yet due to day to day pressures.
Today we put “on the record” the New York Times front page article which
appeared on July 29, 1985.

But first, let’s have a McCain / Stop Buchanan  / Third Party update.
Yesterday on Meet the Press, John McCain said very firmly that he was a
Republican, a happy Republican, and would never run third party. We note
that for the record. If McCain is firm in that, then our alert that a
Perot-McCain alliance might try and stop Buchanan from the Reform
Nomination --- would be wrong.

However, please note that the McCain Third Party band wagon continues to
roll in the Big Media. Art Bell, the omnipresent overnight radio talk
host, has made it know that he’s like McCain. Bill Maher of Politically
Incorrect, and comedian Dennis Miller of Saturday night fame – as well
as others are boosting McCain as “unique” --- we’ll see if the McCain
train stops after Super Tuesday. McCain could stay a Republican but try
and position himself to accept the Reform nomination. Or maybe he would
go with the flow if enough others position him to do so.

I will simply say again, for the record, that I find it hard to believe
that the establishment is going to let Buchanan slide into the Reform
Nomination, 15 Million $$dollars, and a clear moral imperative to be in
the nationally televised Presidential Debates, -- without trying to
derail him.

Sean Hannity, today sitting in for Rush Limbaugh, talking about and
apparently salivating over, the  upcoming “battle” between that pair of
old druggies, W. Bush and Algore, said that we could have a clear
battle, “if Buchanan would just get out of the way.”

Fat chance. Pat Buchanan’s last statement, as carried by Linda Muller’s
internet news service, was that, "And if you think they've been shedding
a lot of blood in the Republican Party lately, wait until we get ahold
of ol' `W' ..."

The third parties must not back off of characterizing the Repubs as
every bit as destructive and evil as the Dems. One group is calling them
“The War Party”, -- I’d call them the “Trotzyite Party” – if I could
wave a wand and dub them both with a name. Hannity swooned over the
chance to have a Republican President AND a Republican Congress. WOW!
Treason everywhere. A Republican total victory would lead the same place
as a Democratic victory – maybe more deceptively, as the professional
“conservatives” and “pro-lifers” have proven how little they are willing
to settle for --- a few words, soon thereafter violated, and a pat on
the head. Then they can tell their naïve supporters that they “have a
seat at the table” and continue to raise and waste millions of dollars.
… On to that New York Times article …

Reporter David Burnham wrote an excellent article which ran on the front
page of the New York Times on July 29, 1985. Perhaps it was what Michael
Hoffman calls “revelation of the method” – where the Ruling Elite allows
a truth to run for a brief period to plant in the subconscious mind of
the readers “how helpless we are” in the face of their power. In any
case, here are a few quotes:

Article title: “Computerized Systems for Voting Seen as Vulnerable to

“The computer program that was used to count more than one third of the
votes cast in the presidential election last year [note: 1984] is very
vulnerable to manipulation and fraud, according to expert witnesses in
court actions challenging local and Congressional elections in three

“The allegations that vote tallies calculated with the widely used
computer system may have been secretly altered have raised concern among
election officials and computer experts. That is because of the rapidly
increasing use of such systems, the lack of Federal or state standards
that mandate specific safeguards, and the widespread lack of computer
skills among most local voting authorities.

“Potential for Problems

“There is a massive potential for problems,” said Gary L. Greenhalgh,
Director of the International Center on Election Law and Administration,
a consulting group in Washington. He added that the problem with
computer-assisted voting systems was that they ‘centralized the
opportunity for fraud.’

“ …. The vote counting system that has been challenged in Indiana, West
Virginia, and Maryland was developed by Computer Election Services of
Berkeley, Calif. In Indiana and West Virginia the company has been
accused of helping to rig elections. The computer program has also been
challenged in Florida, but so far experts there have not been permitted
to examine the program in connection with the challenge. . . .” (End of
quote for the New York Times)

And things have only gotten worse.

Tomorrow, on Super Tuesday, 2000, almost all the votes will be counted
by such secret, “off limits” computer programs. The challengers in 1985
were not allowed to see the computer programs then, or since. And
neither was anyone else. What type of people want to run elections in
the dark? What type of people want to deprive citizens for the right to
check or double check the counting of their ballots on election day? The
type of people running the offices of Secretary of State in 49 of the
states, and almost all of the 3075 local Election official teams which
run the vote-tallying in each of our local counties – that’s who. Their
objective treachery, treason, and malfeasance – must not be allowed to
Jim Condit Jr.,
Director Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

To contact us, e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please forward our messages to friends and opinion molders. The year 2000 Presidential 
Campaign offers an opportunity to de-stablize the New World Order Ruling Elite and 
restore honest elections with citizens checks and balances, true Freedom and true Free 
Enterprise in America.

Let fellow citizens, opinion molders, pastors, public officials, and the newsmedia 
know -- that we will not accept the 2000 Election results unless paper ballots with 
citizen checks and balances are restored to the process at the local precinct level.

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Our website: www.networkamerica.org
Our Address: PO Box 11339, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211

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following: 1) go to www.topica.com  2)if you have not yet done so, log in as a topica 
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