-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Urgent Joint Appeal on The Situation In Chechnya
8 March 2000, Tokyo

As witnesses of the previous war in Chechnya from 1994-1996 and participants
of the anti-war movement we express our deep concern and horror at the
present unlimited violence being used by Russian forces against the civilian
population in Chechnya.

We condemn the indiscriminate killing of civilians in Chechnya and the
bombing of villages and towns and other assaults on civilian objects,
including hospitals and buildings used for religious purposes. Most of the
republic has been destroyed. Medical staff and patients have been shot dead
by Russian soldiers. We condemn the use of prohibited weapons by Russian
forces. Having gained control of inhabited areas, Russian forces intimidate
the local population, in many cases arresting or executing civilians on the
spot. What Russian authorities name an anti-terrorist campaign, is in fact
widespread harassment of the civilian population, with no respect for human
life and dignity. No civilian in Chechnya can feel safe in any part of their
homeland. Freedom of movement within the republic is denied, with special
permission demanded by Russian-controlled authorities from every civilian
moving from one district of the republic to another.

The mass random arrests, which threaten the local population in every part
of Chechnya, lead often to detainment in filtration camps run by Russian
forces where beatings, torture, rape and killings are commonplace. The
Chechen peace activist Zura Betieva of the Union of Women of Ichkeria was
arrested at her home in the Naur district one month ago and has since been
held with her son in the filtration camp 'Chiornokozovo'. The Chechen
Minister of Health Omar Khambiev and around fifteen members of his medical
staff have also been in such a filtration camp since the beginning of

200,000 refugees living in Ingushetia face poor conditions and insufficient
assistance. Adequate nourishment and medical treatment are particularly
lacking. The Russian Ministry of Emergencies closed down canteens in the
refugee camps in February, and supplies of bread for refugees has been
reduced in March. We fear this to be part of the pressure being applied by
Russian authorities to move refugees back to Chechnya. However most are
afraid to return to face harassment by Russian forces, the threat of
filtration camps and the continued bombing and raids, and the majority have
lost their homes. Internally displaced persons within Chechnya face even
worse conditions than in Ingushetia, with almost no help being provided.
Even basics such as electricity, gas for heating and cooking, basic food and
medications, are absent. Food for many is in short supply.

We consider the first Chechen war and the present war to be crimes against
humanity, peace and civilization. Political and military authorities of the
Russian Federation in particular must be held responsible for the crimes
that they have committed. The Russian leadership has throughout the war in
Chechnya pursued the consistent and systematic policy of genocide, denying
any possibility of a peaceful solution to the issue of the Chechen people's
right to self-determination.

We call on the international community to:

? denounce clearly the military operation and violation of human rights in
Chechnya and increase pressure on the Russian government to halt the
military aggression, withdraw troops from Chechnya and conduct peace talks
with Chechen authorities, primarily with the democratically elected and
legally recognized government of president Aslan Maskhadov, and with a third
party to act as a guarantor for agreements reached in negotiations.
? deploy immediately in Chechnya an international monitoring mission, with a

mandate from an inter-governmental human rights body such as the UN human
rights commission, the Council of Europe or the Organization for Security
and Cooperation in Europe, to monitor and assess all evidence of human
rights violations and war crimes. Any further financial loans or assistance
to the Russian government should be linked to an agreement on the
satisfactory deployment of such a mission.
? establish an international war crimes tribunal to provide a professional
legal assessment of war crimes and the violations of international law, and
to prosecute those responsible for this.
? provide urgent humanitarian assistance for victims of the war both in
Ingushetia and inside Chechnya, channeled through experienced and reliable
locally based international or local NGOs, or governmental humanitarian
agencies working independently of the Russian authorities, to increase the
reliability of its distribution to those who need it.

Madina Magomadova
Chairperson, "Mothers of Chechnya" Association,

Viktor Popkov
Director, 'Omega' Society,

Chris Hunter
Director, Centre for Peacemaking and Community Development

Junsei Teresawa
Buddhist monk, 'Nipponzan Myuohoji' Temple

Tadashi Aoyama
Director, Citizens Fund for Peace

               ------------- *  ENWL (English) * --------
          Ecological  North West Line * St.Petersburg, Russia
                       E-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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