-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Government's license to harass

March 17, 2000

If pro is the opposite of con, a wise man once said, then
progress must be the antonym of Congress.

That proverb (opposite of converb?) never rang more true with me
than it has this week in the aftermath of a congressional
whitewash of Internal Revenue Service political audits.

The investigation began when Rep. Bill Archer, co-chairman of the
Joint Committee on Taxation, was incensed by evidence put forth
by me in 1996 about the audit of my non-profit news organization,
the Western Journalism Center.

I'm sure Archer was quite sincere about seeking justice and
accountability for an abuse of power by the White House. But
Archer must have forgotten who he was playing against. You see,
this White House fights dirty. And Bill Archer is a nice guy
winding down a long career in Congress. It was no match.

All the White House operatives had to do was put their hands on a
few requests Archer had made to the IRS in the past. That's
right. One of the perks of being a member of the House or Senate,
evidently, is being able to sic the most feared agency in the
U.S. government on enemies. And Archer, according to an
Associated Press report, had made referrals, too.

That, for all intents and purposes, was the end of any credible
and meaningful investigation of Clinton's abuse of the IRS.

So, this scandal, like so many others we have endured during the
last seven years, simply became another case of "everybody does

Do you remember the "everybody does it" defense? How often did we
hear that during the campaign finance hearings? How many times
did we hear it when Chinagate first broke? How many times did we
hear it during the impeachment trial?

That's the legacy of the Clinton administration. Everybody breaks
the law, so nobody gets punished anymore. Isn't that great?

Do you want to know why the American people don't know the truth
about the depths of any of the Clinton administration scandals?
It's because of Republicans like Archer who are afraid of getting
slimed themselves. They don't want to tangle with the
professional mud wrestlers of this administration.

No truth. No justice.

That's how you come up with a finding like this one: "The Joint
Committee found no credible evidence of intervention by Clinton
administration officials ... in the selection of or the failure
to select tax-exempt organizations for examination."

The audit of my group, after the Clinton administration had
forwarded a letter of complaint to the IRS, was deemed "routine."

Well, isn't that just peachy? Now using the IRS to go after
enemies -- whether they are political adversaries or media
critics -- is a matter of "routine." I'm so glad this report
could clarify that issue for us all. Aren't we better off as a
nation for that kind of backbone -- for that kind of insight and

I'm telling you people, we no longer have two political parties
in this country, if indeed we ever did. We have one party -- the
incumbents. They protect each other either out of fear or out of
elitism. There is no opposition in Washington -- loyal or
otherwise. Don't kid yourself.

Many of you are still scratching your heads trying to figure out
how Clinton has gotten away with more crimes than any previous
president. Now you know. It's part of the incumbent protection
racket that operates inside the beltway. Gutlessness pervades.
Principle is an unknown commodity. The rule of law is a
theoretical concept they read about in old textbooks. The
Constitution? Oh yeah, that quaint old document collecting dust
in the Library of Congress.

In case you haven't noticed, I'm steamed. I'm mad as hell and I'm
not going to take it.

It's time to take our country back from these manipulators, these
wimps, these cowardly politicians who aren't worthy of occupying
hallowed halls and institutions designed by the founders of this
great nation.

I'm going to channel my energies, as I have been, into lawsuits
that will expose these lies, these injustices, these high crimes
once and for all -- no matter who is in office or who is out. I'm
going to continue to work with my friend and fearless colleague
Larry Klayman of Judicial Watch in pursuing justice -- no matter
how long it takes, no matter what the cost and no matter who
stands in the way. That is my solemn vow to you.

But I have one favor to ask of you.

Let these clowns in Congress -- all of them -- know that you are
on to them. Let them know you don't appreciate the way they have
excused Clinton's crimes once again. Let them know you know they
have ignored hard evidence and misrepresented the truth to the
American people every bit as much as Clinton himself has.

You can do that easier, faster and more efficiently than ever
before by using WorldNetDaily's Legislative Action Center.

But remember. From now on when you do sound off, you are putting
your own neck on the line. By standing up for what's right, you,
too, can find yourself the target of an IRS audit -- or worse.
That's the sad reality of this report from Congress this week. It
will simply be a "routine" matter to turn over your letter to the
IRS Gestapo. Another troublemaker -- deal with it.

However, in strength there are numbers. It's time to tell the
taxman and his bosses to stick these audit reports where the sun
don't shine.

To read more articles like this one, visit

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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