-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

>Either he is lying through his teeth and risking his livelihood,

>and a massive lawsuit by Reno, or what he has repeatedly stated is
>he does have a substantial amount of evidence to back up his

Either way, it's hearsay.

Wrong.  He has evidence, which must be very strong otherwise he would not be
risking his career and financial ruin for saying it.
>Which again raises the point I made previously which you conveniently

>ignored, and that is, why hasn't Reno sued him for slander and libel?

Good question. Maybe she has a competent lawyer.

That is right. She knows he speaks the truth and can prove it.
> North: Janet Reno uses call girls?

(1.) If she uses call girls, so what? Prostitution is a job like any
other. It's no different than hiring a masseur or a psychotherapist.

(2.) Ollie North is a liar. He lied to Congress. He lied to the
people. He was deeply involved at a command level in the running of
cocaine and the arming of death squads during the Contra war. He has a
lot of damn gall to criticize anybody, even Reno, for as harmless an
act as hiring a prostitute.

1. If you see nothing wrong with the Attorney General using prostitutes then
we are poles apart on what we expect morally and ethically from very highly
placed government officials.

2.  Such an outburst, which has absolutely nothing to do with what I posted.
Better read it again. North was only asking a question, *Jack Thompson*
is the one stating Reno uses call girls. I've posted it again below to
help jog your memory. Nice try at changing the subject though.

North: Janet Reno uses call girls?

Thompson: Ollie, let me tell you something. I've welcomed Janet Reno to
sue me for the last decade while I've said these things, and more
importantly, the Florida Bar - which is filled with politically correct
some of them her campaign contributors in the race she ran against me. The
Florida Bar has every reason to disbar me if I am not telling the truth. I've
put my law career on the line by making these allegations. But I have the
proof. And I have people independent of me that can prove this."

>The Bush administration, for all it's corruption, can hardly be blamed

>the Waco atrocity.

They set it up.

Once again. The Bush administration, for all it's corruption, can hardly be
blamed for the Waco atrocity.

>I'm not extricating law-enforcement from their

>culpability in this appalling mass murder, but they are the foot

>take their orders from Clinton and Reno.

That was Eichmann's excuse.

I'm not getting through. I'll try again. I'm not extricating law-enforcement
from their culpability in this appalling mass murder, but they are the foot
soldiers and take their orders from Clinton and Reno.

>I am fully aware of many of America's past despicable acts. That does

>change or belittle Janet Reno, Bill and Hilary Clinton's positions in
>hall of infamy's top 10 most evil people in American politics in the


Reno's soldiers killed 89 people at Waco. Pol Pot's soldiers, with the
blessings and assisstance of the American government killed half the
population of Cambodia. Surely you can't mean they are equals.

Comparing the depravity of people based on how many they are responsible for
killing is a useless exercise. Hitler killed more people than Ted Bundy,
Stalin killed more than Pinochet. So what? They are all savage mass

Reno is not equal in body count but she is equally corrupted. You think that
she draws any moral boundaries on how much corruption or how many murders are

Once again, she holds one of the most powerful positions in our government
now and deserves close scrutiny.

>As important as history is, they are implementing their agendas here

>and now so they should be scrutinized as closely as possible.

History is a continuum. What's happening now is happening because of
things that happened in the past. No exceptions.

You are stating the obvious which is of no use. Let me reiterate. As
important as history is, they are implementing their agendas here and
now so they should be scrutinized as closely as possible.

>I have no idea who John Mitchell is.

Then you have a lot of damn gall to be lecturing us about politics. Go
back to school. Learn what you are talking about. Then lecture us about

I'm not lecturing anybody, you are, I'm stating my opinion. We are all
ignorant of many things, but instead of enlightening people you choose to
denigrate them while trying to make cheap points. Indicative of a pitiful

>The three most egregious cover-ups during Clinton's tenure are Waco,

>The Oklahoma City bombing and TWA 800. These mark his presidency at
>the top 3 as the most corrupted in American history, in my opinion.

You don't even know who John Mitchell was and yet you think you can
rate the relative corruptedness of the various presidencies!?! Come on, man.
Be realistic. We aren't all fools here, you know.

John Mitchell, Attorney General during Nixon's presidency, was convicted of
conspiracy to obstruct justice in the Watergate cover-up trial and served 19
months of a 2 1/2-to-8 year prison sentence.

He also was a war hero though, his friend Richard Moore, in a eulogy, noted
that near Mitchell's grave in Arlington National Cemetery was the headstone
of Colonel Gregory ''Pappy'' Boyington, a Medal of Honor winner who used to
call Mitchell yearly to thank him for saving his life.

You compare him to Janet Reno? Get some perspective.

No, we are not all fools here, but you are one if you think Watergate comes
even close to Waco, TWA 800 or the Oklahoma City bombing, not to mention the
rest of Clinton's crimes.

By the way, you are the one who has the gall. You shouldn't be lecturing
anybody about what they should know when you use words that do not exist. For
your edification,   "corruptedness" is not a word. People in glass houses and
all that.

In any event, it doesn't matter who the president is. The president is
puppet, no more, no less. The real power is behind the scenes.
>If the most powerful individuals are totally corrupted, it is better

>on them.

They are corrupt because the system corrupts them. Power corrupts. As
long as we as a society, we as a species, give power to individuals those
individuals will be corrupted buy it. It's only human nature.

Power corrupts. Please, save me the cliche'. They are corrupt because
the system corrupts them? That is your argument? What a load of complete
and utter nonsense.

Nobody makes anybody corrupt, certainly not to the extent that Janet
Reno is. She makes her own choices, she is an adult and responsible for her
own actions.

The kind of excuses that you are attempting to make for Reno are similar to
the excuses made by the Nazi's which you mentioned earlier, they were only
following orders.

According to your reasoning, Reno, Clinton et al. are all products of the
system and cannot really be held accountable. It's human nature, it's
society, it's our species. Blame it on anything but them. Sounds like your
philosophy would fit right in.

 First you exonerate Reno and Clinton for responsibility for their actions
and then blame everything on some nebulous oligarchy. How convenient.

>They are making the laws and policy's.

They make laws their masters pay them to make. Their masters make the

And they do their masters bidding. Give it up. Throughout this whole exchange
you have been making excuses for Reno and Clinton. Jack Thomspon doesn't have
any useful evidence, Pol Pot killed more so we should focus on him, John
Mitchell was bad too, it's not their fault it's the boogiemen behind the
scenes. We should blame their behavior on the system or human nature. It's
all right if the Attorney General uses prostitutes.

You are as debased and nihilistic as they are. Sign up. Although I have a
strong suspicion that you already have. Gavin.

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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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