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>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sep  9 15:35:12 1995
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 1995 15:20:05 -0400 (EDT)

Subject: CFR: Imperial Brain Trust for New World Order!

A-albionic Research Weekly Up-date of 9-9-95

  Too often, discussions of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and its
plans for a New World Order are seen as "right-wing" or "Bircher"
paranoia.  However, if "paranoia" is defined as disconnection from
reality, it is those who fail to recognize the power of the ruling
class/conspiracy as exercised through the CFR who are the real

  What follows is an excerpt from a "Marxist", left-wing analysis of the
power and influence of the CFR:

     THE IMPERIAL BRAIN TRUST: The Council on Foreign
       Relations & United States Foreign Policy

         By Laurence H. Shoup and William Minter

An Excerpt from the Introduction {pages 3-7}

  Over fifty years ago, in the wake of the First World War, a
group of wealthy and influential Americans decided to form
an organization. The Council on Foreign Relations, as it was
subsequently named, was designed to equip the United States
of America for an imperial role on the world scene. Great
Britain had dominated world politics during the nineteenth
century, not only through its colonial empire, but also
through an even wider informal sphere of influence. In a
similar fashion, so felt these American leaders, would the
United States play a dominant role in the years following the

  But in 1919 the United States was not yet adequately
prepared for world leadership, as was well illustrated by the
conclusion surrounding the issue of United States membership
in the League of Nations. Even the leaders of opinion had
been unable to arrive at a common understanding of the part
the United States should take in world affairs. The Council
on Foreign Relations would help remedy this defect. By
keeping "its members in touch with the international situa-
ton"{l} and devoting itself to a continuous study of the "in-
ternational aspects of America s political, economic and
financial problems,"{2} it would develop a "reasoned American
foreign policy."{3} As one early statement of aims ambitiously
noted, the Council on Foreign Relations "plans to co-operate
with the Government and all existing international agencies,
and to bring all of them into constructive accord."{4}

  The Council on Foreign Relations still exists today, more
than half a century later. Yet it is hardly a household word.
Even many of those Americans who are relatively well in-
formed about foreign policy recognize it, if at all, only as the
organization which publishes Foreign Affairs magazine.  The
Council is rarely mentioned in the press or on television. The
number of articles, scholarly or otherwise, devoted to its ac-
tivities is minuscule, even if one adds together the output of
over fifty years. The lack of public attention might suggest
that the Council's importance does not match its original
ambitious goals. One might conclude that it had become
simply another discussion group, or a specialized research
organization, of little interest except to its own members,
and not particularly important to the overall picture of
United States foreign policy formation.

  But such a conclusion would be profoundly mistaken.
Reading the occasional references to the Council that do ap-
pear from time to time, one gets quite a different picture:

     New York Times: "The Council's membership includes some
  of the most influential men in government, business, education
  and the press."{5} The CFR "for nearly half a century has made
  substantial contributions to the basic concepts of American
  foreign policy."{6}

     Newsweek: The Council's leadership is the "foreign-policy es-
  tablishment of the U.S."{7}

     Peter Schrag: The Council is "the ultimate organization of the
  Eastern Establishment."{8}

     Theodore White: "The Council counts among its members
  probably more important names in American life than any other
  private group in the country."{9}

    Marvin and Bernard Kalb: The Council is "an extremely influ-
  ential private group that is sometimes called the real State Depart-
  ment." {10}

    Richard Barnet: Membership in the Council is "a rite of pas-
  sage for an aspiring national security manager."{ll}

  As several of the quotes imply, just the names of members
give an impressive picture of Council importance. The current
Council chairman is David Rockefeller of Chase Manhattan
Bank {circa 1977}, a man with incredible personal wealth and financial
power. Wall Street lawyer Allen W. Dulles, a Council director
for over forty years, helped establish the CIA and directed it
while his brother John Foster (also a Council member) ran
the Department of State. Diplomatic superstar Henry A. Kis-
singer was a Council protege who began his career in foreign
affairs as a rapporteur for a Council study group. Kissinger
later told Council leader Hamilton Fish Armstrong, who had
played a key role in Kissinger's rise to power, "You invented
me."{l2} The list could easily be prolonged with eminent finan-
ciers, Wall Street lawyers, Ivy League scholars, and high gov-
ernment officials--in short, a galaxy of "establishment"

  It is such intriguing indications of the Council's sig-
nificance that led us to a more detailed investigation of this
little-known organization. Our results show that the Council
on Foreign Relations, despite its relative public obscurity,
plays a key part in molding United States foreign policy. In
the Council, the leading sectors of big business get together
with the corporate world's academic experts to work out a
general framework for foreign policy.

  Since the Second World War at the latest, the Council has
had remarkable success in getting its point of view across to
The government, regardless of the administration in of office. As
government officials, Council members have implemented
policies. As "experts," they have generally succeeded in keep-
public debate in line with "respectable" views. But they
are by no means omnipotent. The decline of United States
power faces them with new problems: defeat in Indochina,
and the new independence shown by Japan, Western Europe,
and the oil-producing countries. They are resourceful, how-
ever, and are presently busy thinking up new ways to main-
tain United States predominance and to convince the Ameri-
can people that such a role is best for everyone.

  That the Council is little known is thus not a sign of in-
significance, but rather points to its mode of operation. The
men at the top meet and work out together the general direct-
tion of policy--the limits of respectable debate. Through a
complex network of channels, the content and tone of their
discussion reach the policymakers and the leaders of opinion.
Eventually they may reach those of us who take an interest
in what our country is doing in the world, but we may have
little idea that what comes to be a natural "climate of opin-
ion" was carefully fostered and guided. For the process is not
public. Council members are selected by the Council's leader-
ship and the meetings are confidential. As the New York
Times expressed it, "Except for its annual public Elihu Root
Lectures, the Council's talks and seminars are strictly off the
record. An indiscretion can be grounds for termination or
suspension of membership.''{14}

   Despite this conscious secrecy, it is possible to find out
something about what the Council is and does. Putting to-
gether bits and pieces from many sources and searching out
references to Council activities in government archives, we
have put together a picture of the inner workings and sig-
nificance of the Council. Our conclusions challenge the con-
ventional interpretations of policy formation as dispersed
among a wide variety of groups or elites. In contrast to this
view, we will show, in the pages to follow, the leading role
played by the Council on Foreign Relations and the sector of
society it represents, the corporate upper class.

   We believe that the process itself is not only undemocratic,
but that the results have been and are against the interests of
both the majority of the American people and of the people
of the world.


 1. Shepardson, 1960:3.
 2. CFR, 1922:1.
 3. Ibid.
 4. CFR, 1919:5.
 5. New York Times, January 14, 1975:18.
 6. New York Times, May 15, 1966:34.
 7. Newsweek, September 6, 1971:74.
 8. Schrag, 1974:130.
 9. White, 1965:87.
10. Kalb and Kalb, 1974:51.
11. Barnet, ]972:49. White, Marvin Kalb, and Barnet are all Council
l2. Newsweek, October 2, 1972:40.
13. For journalistic commentaries on the Council and its prominent
    members, see Kraft (1958), Campbell (1971), and Lukas (1971).
    Far the only previous systematic scholarly treatment of the Coun-
    cil and its membership, see Domhoff (1970), Chapter 5.
14. New York Times, May 15, 1966:34. Quoted in Domhoff, 1970:


Forward by G. William Domhoff



            I: A Portrait of the
         Council on Foreign Relations

1. A Brief History of the Council

2. The Council Network

3. The Council and the New York
   Financial Oligarchy

       II: The Council on Foreign Relations
         and United States Foreign Policy,

4. Shaping a New World Order:
   The Council's Blueprint for Global Hegemony, 1939-1944

5. Implementing the Council's World View:
   Case Studies in United States Foreign Policy

6. The Council and American Policy in
   Southeast Asia, 1940-1975

7. Toward the 1980s: The Council's Plans
   for a New World Order


   1 Key Leaders of the Council, 1921-1972
   2 Trilateral Commission Membership, 1975
   3 Council Directors, 1921-1975



Please write the publishers and encourage them to re-issue
this  important, but now out-of-print book.

Monthly Review Press
62 West 14th Stret, NY, NY 10011
21 Theobalds Road, London WC1X 8SL

A-albionic Research has several used copies in stock at this time,
but due to the rarity of this book, has trouble meeting demand
from eager researchers and collectors.  You may want to get in line
for a copy.

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