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Forwarded intact; is any person suprised at the shackles placed on S&W?
----- Original Message -----

>  Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000
>  To: therepublican
>  From: The Republican
>  Subject: Smith & Wesson Agreement
>  FWD:  This is from James.  Thanks much!
>  Preamble: The city, state, county and federal parties agree to dismiss
>  parties from the pending suits and refrain from filing suits against the
>  manufacturer parties based on an equivalent cause of action.
>  All handguns must meet the following safety and design standards:
>  Second "hidden" serial number, to prevent criminals from obliterating
>  serial numbers.
>  External locking device sold with all guns within 60 days.
>  Internal locking device on all guns within 24 months.
>  Smart Guns -- Authorized User Technology.
>  Manufacturers commit 2% of annual firearms revenues to the development of
>  authorized user technology.
>  Within 36 months, authorized user technology will be included in all new
>  firearm models, with the exception of curios and collectors' firearms.
>  If top eight manufacturers agree, authorized user technology will be
>  included in all new firearms.
>  Child Safety. Within 12 months, handguns will be designed so they cannot
>  readily operated by a child under 6.
>  Performance test. All firearms will be subject to a performance test to
>  ensure safety and quality.
>  Drop test. All firearms will be subject to a test to ensure they do not
>  fire when dropped.
>  All pistols must meet the following additional requirements:
>  Safety device. Positive manually operated safety device.
>  Magazine disconnectors must be available on all pistols to customers who
>  desire the feature, within 12 months.
>  Chamber load indicators on all pistols, showing whether the pistol is
>  loaded, within 12 months.
>  Large capacity magazines. New firearm designs will not be able to accept
>  large-capacity magazines that were manufactured prior to September 1994.
>  (Manufacture of such magazines has been prohibited since that date.)
>  Law enforcement and military exception. If law enforcement agencies or
>  military certify the need, exceptions to these requirements may be made.
>  Manufacturers will ask that these guns not be resold to the civilian
>  market.
>  Warnings about safe storage and handling included with all firearms
>  six months.
>  Illegal firearms.
>  Manufacturers will not sell firearms that can readily be converted into
>  fully automatic weapons or that are resistant to fingerprints.
>  Code of Conduct. The manufacturers will sell only to authorized dealers
>  distributors and allow their authorized distributors to sell only to
>  authorized dealers. Authorized dealers and distributors will agree to a
>  code of conduct. If manufacturers receive notice of a violation by an
>  authorized dealer or distributor, they will take action against the
>  or distributor, including termination of sales to the dealer or
>  distributor. The Oversight Commission will review such actions and have
>  authority to require termination or suspension if warranted.
>  The code of conduct will require authorized dealers and distributors to:
>  Gun shows: make no gun show sales unless all sales at the gun show are
>  completed only after a background check.
>  Brady checks: wait as long as necessary for a completed Brady check
>  that the purchaser is not a felon or otherwise prohibited before selling
>  gun to the purchaser.
>  Safety training for purchasers: transfer firearms only to individuals who
>  have passed certified safety course or exam and demonstrate to purchasers
>  how to use all safety devices and how to load, unload, and safely store
>  firearm before completing the sale.
>  Multiple handgun sales: all purchasers of multiple handguns to take only
>  one handgun from the store on the day of sale, at which point a multiple
>  sales report will be filed with ATF. The remainder of the guns can only
>  collected after 14 days.
>  Employee training: require all employees to attend ATF-approved training
>  and to pass a exam on firearms laws, straw purchasers, illegal
>  indicators, and gun safety.
>  Insurance: carry liability insurance where available, with a minimum
>  coverage of $1 million for each incident.
>  Inventory control: maintain an electronic inventory tracking plan within
>  months
>  Security: implement a security plan for securing firearms.
>  Child access: require persons under 18 to be accompanied by adults in gun
>  stores or gun sections of stores.
>  Weapons attractive to criminals: not sell large capacity magazines or
>  semiautomatic assault weapons.
>  Compliance: provide law enforcement, government regulators, and the
>  Oversight Commission established in this
>  Agreement with access to documents necessary to determine compliance;
>  cooperate fully in the Agreement's Oversight mechanism.
>  Crime gun traces: maintain an electronic record of all ATF trace requests
>  and report trace requests to manufacturers.
>  Indicted dealers: forgo firearms sales to licensed dealers known to be
>  under indictment.
>  Straw purchasers: not to make sales to straw purchasers.
>  Manufacturer commitments. Manufacturers will:
>  Provide quarterly sales data to ATF.
>  Not market guns in any manner designed to appeal to juveniles or
>  Refrain from selling any modified/sporterized semi-automatic pistol of
>  that cannot be imported into U.S.
>  Reaffirm policy of not placing advertisements in vicinity of schools,
>  crime zones, and public housing.
>  Implement a security plan for securing firearms.
>  Designate an officer to ensure compliance with the Agreement.
>  Corporate responsibility for crime gun traces. If an authorized dealer or
>  distributor has a disproportionate number of crime guns traced to it
>  three years of sale, the manufacturers will take action, including
>  termination or suspension, against the dealer or distributor. The
>  Commission will review such actions and have authority to require
>  termination or suspension if warranted.
>  Oversight Commission will be established and empowered to oversee
>  implementation of the Agreement. The Commission will have five members
>  selected as follows: one by manufacturers; two by city and county
>  one by state parties; one by ATF. The Commission's powers will include
>  authority to review compliance with the design and safety requirements,
>  review the safety and training program for dealer and distributor
>  employees, review manufacturer actions against dealers or distributors
>  violate the Agreement or have a disproportionate number of crime gun
>  traces, and require suspension or termination if warranted.
>  Role of ATF. To the extent consistent with law, ATF will work with
>  manufacturers and the Oversight Commission to assist them in meeting
>  obligations under the Agreement. ATF will notify the Oversight Commission
>  of certain violations of the Agreement by distributors and dealers if it
>  uncovers such violations.
>  Ballistics Imaging. Within six months, if technologically available,
>  manufacturers will fire all firearms before sale and will enter the
>  image of the casings in a system compatible with the National Integrated
>  Ballistics Identification Network and accessible to ATF. This will enable
>  law enforcement to trace crime guns when only the bullets or casings are
>  recovered.
>  Access 2000. Manufacturers shall participate in ATF's Access 2000
>  which establishes electronic links with ATF and enables high-speed
>  of crime guns.
>  Legislation. The parties will work together to support legislative
>  to reduce firearm misuse and the development of authorized user
>  Education trust fund. Upon resolution of all current city, state, and
>  county lawsuits, manufacturers will dedicate 1% of overall firearms
>  revenues to an education trust fund.
>  Most favored entity. If other manufacturers enter agreements with more
>  expansive design and distribution reforms, and those manufacturers, along
>  with the manufacturer parties to this Agreement, account for fifty
>  or more of United States handgun sales, the manufacturer parties to this
>  Agreement will agree to abide by the same reforms.
>  Enforcement. The Agreement will be entered into and enforceable as a
>  order and as a contract.
>  [Forwarded For Information Purposes Only - Not
>  Necessarily Endorsed By The Sender - A.K. Pritchard]
>  ------------------------------
>  A.K. Pritchard
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>  "It is a misnomer to call a government republican in which a
>  branch of the supreme power is independent of the nation."
>  --Thomas Jefferson to John Hampden Pleasants, 1821.

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