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From: Internet Search Co-ordinator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fw: Mass Killing "Psyop"
Date: Monday, March 20, 2000 5:14 PM

----- Original Message -----
From: Netwatch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.activism,alt.conspiracy,talk.politics.guns,talk.politics.libertarian
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2000 4:04 PM
Subject: Mass Killing "Psyop"

This mass murder in Australia served as an explosive catalyst for gun
confiscation in that country.  The evidence in that case points to the
inescapable conclusion that the mass killing had to have been done by
a highly trained special forces combat shooter, and not the mentally
retarded man who was convicted of the crime.

This event is highly relevant to current conditions in the U.S., where
several strange and inexplicable shootings have lead to official
demands for firearms control.



The initial reaction of most readers to the reality that Martin
Bryant killed no- one at Port Arthur but was deliberately set up
as a patsy is a combination of horror and complete disbelief. Are
we to believe that a bunch of planners sat round a table and
arranged the premeditated murders of 35 Australians?
Unfortunately the answer is yes. All of the hard evidence at Port
Arthur bears the distinctive trademark of a planned "psyop",
meaning an operation designed to psychologically manipulate the
belief mechanisms of a group of people or a nation for
geopolitical or military reasons.

Because of their illegal nature, psyops are never formally
ordered by governments, but are discreetly arranged through
multinational corporations and others. Some psyops ordered during
the last forty years are known to have been carried out by
independent contractors hired from a small specialist group,
staffed mostly by retired members of American and Israeli special

Patsies are normally used as decoys, deliberately inserted into
the psyop to deflect attention away from the specialist group,
allowing the latter time to extract safely from the operational
area while the patsy takes the blame, But the planners leave
tell-tale signs and occasionally make critical mistakes. It is a
little-known fact that Lee Harvey Oswald was proved a patsy when
a New Zealand newspaper printed a story about his guilt several
hours before he was accused of the crime in Dallas. The planners
put the decoy story on the news wires too early, forgetting the
crucial time difference would allow the New Zealand paper to
print the story long before Oswald was even accused. It was a
single planning error, but one that proved in absolute scientific
terms that Lee Harvey Oswald was deliberately set up as a patsy.


Martin Bryant, an intellectually impaired registered invalid with
no training in the use of high powered assault weapons, could not
under any circumstances have achieved or maintained the
incredibly high and consistent killed-to-injured ratio and
kill-rate which were bench marks of the port Arthur massacre.
Whoever was on the trigger that fateful day demonstrated
professional skills equal to some of the best special forces
shooters in the world, His critical error lay in killing too many
people too quickly while injuring far too few, thereby exposing
himself for what he was: a highly trained combat shooter probably
ranked among the top twenty such specialists in the western

Over the years television viewers have been subjected to such a
barrage of Rambo-style television programs that most now believe
every time Sylvester Stallone points a gun and pulls the trigger,
twenty bad guys immediately fall down dead from lethal shots to
the head or heart. Unfortunately this Hollywood media rubbish is
hopelessly misleading and in no way reflects the difficulties
involved in killing large numbers of people quickly, regardless
of whether those people are armed or not, and regardless of the
ranges involved. For a number of reasons explained later, killing
efficiently at close range in crowded and confined spaces
presents the shooter with far more complex targeting problems
than those associated with conventional open-air combat


Scientific terms such as killed- to-injured ratio and kill-rate
are enough to bore most readers to death, but in order to fully
comprehend the enormity of the media lies about the massacre, and
expose the planned nature of the operation it is essential
information. The killed-to-injured ratio is used to calculate
reliably how many injured survivors should be expected for every
person killed for a given number of rounds fired. Even assault
rounds as powerful as those fired by the Colt AR15 can only
ensure a one-shot kill if the target is hit in the head, a six by
six inch target: or in the heart, a ten by ten inch target.
Together these areas form between one fifth and one seventh of
the over-all body target areas, so for every person killed there
will be between five and seven injured, expressed as "1 to 5" and
"1 to 7".

The records show that a total of 32 people were shot in the Broad
Arrow Cafe, so at best we would expect 4 dead and 28 injured, or
at worst 6 dead and 26 injured. These are very reliable military
figures based on hard science, but the actual figures in the
Broad Arrow Cafe were 20 dead and 12 injured - an incredible
inverted ratio of 1.66 to 1, or nearly two dead for every one

Special forces train continuously for months on end to achieve a
ratio as high as this, which lies far beyond the abilities of
regular soldiers, and is an absolute scientific impossibility for
an intellectually impaired registered invalid.

Media apologists desperately trying to protect their obscene
"lone nut" legend will scream foul at this point and claim that
flukes happen. No they do not. About seven months ago a trained
Israeli soldier went beserk in Hebron and fired a complete
thirty-shot magazine of ammunition from an identical Colt AR15
into a crowd of Palestinians at the same range. His thirty high
velocity bullets injured nine and killed no-one at all. This
Israeli example helps to drive home the absolute lunacy of
crafted media insinuations that Martin Bryant was a registered
invalid who suddenly metamorphasized into the lethal equivalent
of a fully trained and highly disciplined US Navy 'SEAL'.

Next we come to the kill-rate which refers to the speed at which
people are killed, thereby reflecting the skill, co-ordination,
and accuracy of the shooter. It is accepted by all the
authorities in Tasmania that immediately after the shooter
entered the Broad Arrow Cafe he killed his first 12 victims in 15
seconds, a claim apparently opposed by some sporting shooters in
Tasmania because of the seemingly impossible speed and lethal
efficiency. This is a very reasonable objection so long as those
shooters remain media-fixated on Martin Bryant, but there is
nothing impossible about such a high kill-rate at the hands of a
top special forces shooter operating at peak efficiency.

The first thing special forces do when entering an enclosed area
containing superior numbers is lay down very fast accurate fire
designed to kill as many hostiles as possible, thus gaining
absolute control of the area in record time and minimizing the
risk of injury to themselves; and because hostiles frequently
wear body armour protecting the heart area, special forces are
trained to aim instinctively for the smaller head target.
Following these unpublished protocols precisely, the shooter at
Port Arthur gained absolute control of the Broad Arrow Cafe in
fifteen seconds flat, killing most of his victims with a single
shot to the head.

To even suggest that Martin Bryant, whose proven weapons handling
experience was limited to a single-shot Webley Osprey air rifle
could have caused this carnage is absurd


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