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Giuliani Caused Dorismond Funeral Riot
by Robert Lederman

I marched in the Patrick Dorismond Funeral procession from
the funeral home on Flatbush Avenue to the front of the Holy
Cross Church and was at the exact flash point where the
violence initially took place at the barricaded corner of
Flatbush and Church Avenues. Until the procession reached
that intersection it was totally peacefull and non-violent. I left
the area about twenty minutes later immediately after the
casket was brought into the church when it became obvious
that blood was going to flow in the street. What caused the
violence to erupt and who it was designed to benefit, rather
than how many bottles were thrown and how many were
arrested or injured, are the questions that need to be answered.

Media coverage of the march has almost completely focused
on images and descriptions of barricades and bottles being
thrown and of a U.S. flag being burned. I believe the violence
was carefully orchestrated to take place at that exact location in
order to eclipse the intense political nature of the march. The
media had a massive presence at that spot including
photographers and video crews that had been allowed by the
police to set up on rooftops on either side of the street. How
many times before have we seen the media exploit images of
“terrorists” burning a flag to incite public opinion in support of
military intervention? Remember also how many times the
media showed a handful out of tens of thousands of peaceful
protesters breaking windows in Seattle last year to justify a
military style police response.

I’ve been in as well as led a lot of anti-Giuliani marches and
protests but this one was unique in that a group of thousands of
Black New Yorkers were unanimous in their bitter
denunciation of Mayor Giuliani. The single portrait of the
Mayor as Hitler which I carried was just one of hundreds of
Giuliani as Hitler portraits and intensely anti-Giuliani signs in
the march. The chants, many of which were in French, were all
about the Mayor and the urgency of his being removed from
office. If there had been no violence the coverage would have
had to focus entirely on the political message, which would
have been devastating for Giuliani.

There were no barricades set up along the entire length of
Flatbush Avenue on the route between the funeral home and
the church which is atypical of Giuliani/NYPD procedure.
Marchers were allowed by the police to walk in the street and
on the sidewalk without interference. As the column reached
the corner of Flatbush and Church Avenues the situation was
entirely different. The street was completely closed off by rows
of hundreds of heavy steel barricades. Barricades lined the
sidewalks and almost completely blocked off the entrance to
the street. Behind the barricades were hundreds of police

officers. The marchers were stopped at the entrance to the
street and held there for no apparent reason. Vehicular traffic
had been banned hours earlier and there was no traffic of any
kind justifying the holding up of the column. From  my
perspective there was no reason whatsoever to stop and hold
the procession at that point as they were finally in sight of the
church other than to antagonize the marchers.

Two young black males at the front suddenly picked up
barricades and tossed them at the police. As the foremost
obstacle was removed the crowd surged through the opening
pushed along like a stream of water by the built up human
pressure behind them. The same two young men that had
initially tossed the barricades proceeded to systematically move
down the street turning over barricade after barricade with the
police standing right there doing nothing whatsoever to stop
them and not even verbally warning them. As someone who
has been falsely arrested and charged with disorderly conduct
and even inciting a riot simply for holding up a cardboard sign
I know this is not normal NYPD procedure. In my opinion,
these young men were exactly what NYPD Commissioner
Safir called them in an article in this Sunday’s NY Post POST
OUTSIDERS “The protesters who clashed with cops after
Patrick Dorismond's funeral were outsiders "ginned up by
demagogues trying to pursue their own agendas," Police
Commissioner Howard Safir charged yesterday.”

What Safir neglected to mention was that these young men
were doing political work for Safir’s boss, the demagogue
Rudy Giuliani. I’ve seen this exact same Giuliani technique at
work a number of times. During the busiest day of the Diallo
protests at the Bronx courthouse last year a black man got into
the middle of the protesters and began urging them to attack
the police, set fires and initiate violence. Not one person in the
crowd responded to him other than to call him a police plant
and order him to leave. He continued his harangue for almost
20 minutes with numerous police officers listening in and
doing nothing despite the legal fact that the man was blatantly
committing a felony, inciting to riot. The man was well dressed
and appeared completely normal. Despite the inflamatory
nature of his words he appeared calm, composed and
professional. It’s a historical fact that Mayor Giuliani has
personal expertise in inciting riots as his performance on the
steps of City Hall during the 1993 Mayoral campaign

Until the confrontation at the barricaded entrance to Church
Avenue the march was dignified, peaceful and one hundred
percent political. The marchers appeared to be mostly
well-dressed middle class Haitians and certainly didn’t appear
to be looking for any kind of trouble let alone to be involved in
a violent riot. Many had little children with them. After the
march reached the barricaded corner it became violent, chaotic
and totally lost its political message, degenerating into a
meaningless battle between the cops and the marchers. This
outcome exactly supports Giuliani’s Manhattan Institute
Eugenics-inspired ideology that Dorismond and all Black
people are violent, genetically inferior and must be surpressed
at all times by a massive police presence.

It must be remembered that Giuliani has a Haitian connection
that predates the Abner Louima and Dorismond incidents. As
the # three official in the Reagan Justice Department Rudy
Giuliani visited Haiti, met with Duvalier and bizzarely declared
that there was no political repression in Haiti.

If it can be proven that those who started throwing the
barricades were not simply hotheads but were either NYPD
agents working on behalf of the Mayor to disrupt the march or
Haitians connected to repressive right-wing elements in Haiti
that are available to work with Giuliani, and that the street was
closed off in order to start a riot rather than to prevent one, then
Mayor Giuliani and Commissioner Safir must be charged with
some very serious crimes. Not only are these crimes against the
people of New York City but in a sense they are even more
crimes against the NYPD. If Giuliani and Safir are inciting
riots against their own police in which officers are going to be
injured or possibly killed, the NYPD’s various unions must do
more than mouthing soundbites about how restrained the police
were and how many injuries they sustained. These officers
have a right to know if the Mayor is making a dangerous job
more dangerous just to protect his political image.

Robert Lederman is an artist, a regular columnist for the
Greenwich Village Gazette [See: http://www.gvny.com/ for an
extensive archive of Lederman columns] The Shadow, The
[see:http://www.vigo-examiner.com/archive.htm] and Street
News, and is the author of hundreds of published essays
concerning Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. His essays and letters
have appeared in the NY Times, NY Post, Daily News,
Newsday, Brooklyn Bridge, Park Slope Courier, The Daily
Challenge, Amsterdam News, Sandbox, Penthouse, Our Town,
NY Press and are available on hundreds of websites around the
world. Lederman has been falsely arrested 41 times to date for
his anti-Giuliani activities and has never been convicted of any
of the charges. He is best known for creating hundreds of
paintings of Mayor Giuliani as a Hitler like dictator.

Robert Lederman, President of A.R.T.I.S.T.
(Artists’ Response To Illegal State Tactics)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (718) 743-3722
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