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The Shekhina - Methodists Worship 'God the Mother' 2/2
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"The honest man," writes Fr. Wathen, "cannot help seeing that the last three
Popes (omitting all mention of Pope John Paul I) have contributed
positively, powerfully and directly toward fulfilling the Masonic program
for the radical transformation of the Church.' (Ascend, p. 424). Oxfort
concludes that the Popes of Vatican II, 'beginning with John XXIII, have
systematically betrayed the great body of Catholic Social Doctrine that was
established...on Rerum Novarum... Paul VI's 'development which is the new
name for peace" ...means the merging of the "two opposing blocs of the
superpowers into a vast, collectivist gulag. And the conciliar Church is the
principle instrument to bring this unification of the whole human race
about, because she is the 'sacrament and sign...of all mankind" (Lumen
Gentium 1).

...What separates the authentic Catholic Social Doctrine from the evil
illusions of the Popes of the catastrophic Vatican II is this: the former is
centered on Jesus Christ, the Divine Redeemer of the world from all its
social ills. The Popes of Vatican II, on the other hand, center their
heresies on "modern man" and, as the Revolution demands, relate "all things
on earth" to "man as their center and crown. (Gaudium et Spec 12)"
(Christian Counter-Revolution 57).

We hasten to add that we deplore the false salvation of Catholicism, written
into the Declarations of the Council of Trent and never repented of, that
leads multitudes to put their faith in sacraments, saints, apparitions,
priests and the papacy, which can never serve as mediators between God and

For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ
Jesus: who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. (I
Tim. 2:5)

However, the Catholic Church may at least be credited with contending for
and preserving throughout the history of Western Civilization the doctrine
of the divinity of Jesus Christ and the Trinity. This against the onslaught
of gnosticism which assaulted Christendom with various heresies, which are
identified in the aforementioned Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils. These
include the ancient Templar and present New Age notion that Jesus married
Mary Magdalene, whose offspring presently exist in a divine Merovingian
bloodline which will shortly rule the world from the throne of the rebuilt
Temple in Jerusalem.

We have arrived at this opinion after extensive research on the doctrines,
history and political aspirations of a network of operatives who can be
identified with Kabbalism and Freemasonry. A good portion of our web site is
devoted to exposure of this network and its infiltration of Church and
government. For background information on this network, including its
origins in Babylon, please take time to read the following reports which
represent hundreds of hours of research on the part of those who contribute
to the Watch Unto Prayer ministry:

The Rosicrucian Connection
The Masonic New World Order
A Sacred Assembly
To Embrace Hebrew Roots
The Lubavitch Movement

Having stated our case, we now present the London Daily Telegraph article on
the UMC and a commentary which introduces it, noting that at the end of the
page is a subscription form for Rev. Morrison's very worthwhile e-mail



Dear Friends:

An article has appeared in the London Daily Telegraph today,18th Feb,
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ ) with the title "Methodists to Worship 'God the
Mother'", in reference to the introduction of the new Methodist Worship Book
for the Millennium. (The full article appears at the very foot of this
mail). In this worship book there is a prayer which reads:

"God our Father and our Mother,
we give you thanks and praise
for all that you have made,
for the stars in their splendour and the world in its wonder
and for the glorious gift of human life.
With the saints and angels in heaven,
we praise your holy name."

In defence of this prayer (and I quote from the Telegraph article), "Neil
Dixon, the secretary of the Faith and Order Committee, said the prayer was
not an attempt to change the gender of God. During a press conference in
Welsey's Chapel in the City of London Mr Dixon said: "God is not a person.
God is a spirit and is neither male nor female. He is beyond gender. The
fact we have used male imagery for centuries has reinforced the image of God
as a man. But if all human beings are created in God's image then feminine
as well as masculine attributes must reflect God's nature."

Now this is a very clever but -- if I may say so -- devious argument. For a
number of things are being confused here through false inferences. First, it
is quite correct to say that God is spirit and therefore cannot possibly be
either male or female. Second, it is also correct to say that feminine
imagery is used metaphorically in Scripture to describe the character of God
(as is correctly stated in the Telegraph article, e.g. Isa.66:13 and
Psa.131; and one could also cite such texts as Matt.23:37).

But while the use of such imagery is perfectly orthodox, it is entirely
wrong to then make the leap into actually directly addressing God as Mother
in prayer. Do you see the two things which are being confused here? The fact
that feminine imagery is used to denote the character of God does not give
us leave to address God as a female person. I wrote about this in "The
Serpent & the Cross" in the chapter on feminism. Here is what was said:

"The apostle Paul stresses the lack of any inferiority between Christian men
and women in their standing in the kingdom of God, when he says: ‘There is
neither male nor female: for you are all one on Christ Jesus’ (Gal.3:28).
Thus, the Women’s Liberation Movement and Feminism are tragic anachronisms,
because Jesus Christ has already done all the ‘liberating’ necessary for all
those who will receive Him. It is only ‘in Christ Jesus’ that men and women
can become ‘one’.

In this light, it is completely unnecessary for women to become embroiled in
tortured debate about whether or not the Bible is offensive to them because
of the constant references to God as ‘Father’ and ‘He’, or because the
Redeemer of the world incarnated in a male body. Obviously we can have no
truly complete conception of God, but we can certainly say that He is
neither exclusively male nor exclusively female, since both men and women
were originally made in His image. It is just as mistaken, also, to speak of
God as being androgynous — i.e., both masculine and feminine — as some
evangelicals do today, in line with their Jungian analysis of human
psychology. The Lord transcends gender altogether, in spite of the fact that
the Bible speaks of God with male pronouns.

But why do these male pronouns occur in the Bible? Is there not a good
reason for this? The Scriptures could never refer to God as ‘It’, for that
would remove the essentially personal nature of the Almighty. Men and women
are not made in the image of an ‘It’! The use of specifically masculine
pronouns most likely does occur for very special reasons. Professor Roger
Nicole puts this issue into perspective when he shows that God had to be
represented as a male in the Bible because "to do otherwise would have
undoubtedly severely curtailed the understanding of his majesty; and the
licentious developments in religions where female deities are found would
manifest the appropriateness of avoiding this representation in O.T. times"
(Walter A. Elwell, Ed., Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, Baker Book
House, 1985, p. 1177).

It is no coincidence that the very people who are clamouring for the removal
of male pronouns which refer to Deity in the Bible are those who are avidly
worshipping the goddess today. There is nothing new under the sun. God’s
wisdom in representing Himself as male can therefore be seen to be very
astute. Furthermore, to take away the male pronouns in reference to Deity
would be to do irreparable damage to the doctrine of the Trinity — Father,
Son and Holy Spirit — upon which a true understanding of the Godhead of
Scripture depends. Above all, we speak specifically of the ‘Father’ and the
‘Son’ because Jesus did (Jn.6:40; 10:36; 14:13). Even more to the point, we
can wholeheartedly pray to God as Father because Jesus did (e.g., Jn.17:1).
Only the most rebellious persons would dare to set themselves against the
pattern laid down by the founder of the Christian faith. In truth, the whole
Gospel message is offensive to the entire unregenerate human race, and no
mere tampering with a few pronouns will remove that offence. The attempted
detection of so-called ‘sexism’ in biblical literature is a vain and
superfluous activity." (from "The Serpent and the Cross", K & M Books,
1994/1999, pp.325-326).

The remarkable thing (and shameful too) is that, while Protestant
denominations are helter-skelter abandoning the necessary doctrine of God as
"Father", I have come across numerous excellent defences of this doctrine in
Roman Catholic circles. You can find a superb example of this sort of
apologetics at the following web address:
http://catholic.net/RCC/Periodicals/Dossier/mar-apr96/feminist.html in an
article entitled "Does the Bible Support the Feminist God/ess?" (Rabid
anti-Catholics will be in for a shock here!). In the past few years, I have
come across a number of Catholics who -- despite their blind spots on the
Lord's Supper, the Papacy and Mary -- appear to be more aware of the
deceptions of this age than many of today's wishy-washy Protestant

Anyway, you'll find the text of the Telegraph article at the very foot of
this mail. Incidentally, this is no mere side-issue -- it is part of the
vital ground on which the faith will be seen to stand or fall during the
next decade. How would you respond if a so-called ET or alien (androgynous,
of course) was to appear on earth claiming that it is really the God whom
all have been worshipping under different names for millennia? What if such
a being also claimed that it was the Messiah -- the second coming of which
has been awaited by Christians for 2000 years? Do you think this is
far-fetched? Friends, you ain't seen nothin' yet! Some very flakey global
events are going to take place in the next few years. Such things are by no
means impossible in the light of Scripture teaching on the Antichrist and
the lying signs and wonders which will surround this mysterious event.

Understanding the nature of God, the Manhood of Christ and the need for
Divine Fatherhood (and its derivative male leadership) in the face of a
pagan world is most necessary as we come to the close of this present evil
age. Who says that Christians don't need to get genned up on apologetics?!?

Yours, in the cause of God and truth,

Diakrisis U.K.


By Victoria Combe, Religion Correspondent

THE Methodist Church broke with centuries of Christian tradition yesterday
and included the first prayer to "God the Mother" in its worship book for
the Millennium.

The prayer, which initially was removed from the book because of protests
from traditionalists, appears in one of nine services for Holy Communion. It

"God our Father and our Mother,
we give you thanks and praise
for all that you have made,
for the stars in their splendour and the world in its wonder
and for the glorious gift of human life.
With the saints and angels in heaven,
we praise your holy name."

It is the first time in Britain that a mainstream Church has referred to God
as a woman in an official service book, although feminists and liberals have
been pressing for it for decades. The 600-page Methodist Worship Book, which
has taken nine years to complete, replaces the 1975 text and will be used
for the first time in Methodist churches on Easter Sunday.

The Methodist liturgical committee yesterday dismissed claims that the
prayer was in any way radical and said that the femininity of God was
referred to in the Bible and the prayers of the medieval mystic, Dame Julian
of Norwich. The Prophet Isaiah (ch.66, v.13) recounts the words of God: "As
a mother comforts her son so shall I comfort you." And Psalm 131 speaks
about the relationship with God being like a weaned child clinging to its

The Rev Neil Dixon, the secretary of the Faith and Order Committee, said the
prayer was not an attempt to change the gender of God. During a press
conference in Welsey's Chapel in the City of London Mr Dixon said: "God is
not a person. God is a spirit and is neither male nor female. He is beyond
gender. The fact we have used male imagery for centuries has reinforced the
image of God as a man. But if all human beings are created in God's image
then feminine as well as masculine attributes must reflect God's nature."

The Methodist Church was ahead of the Church of England by 20 years in
accepting women's ministry and there is no office in the Church which is
closed to women ministers. The marriage service in the new worship book also
removes the ceremony of "giving away" the bride by her father. This feature
of the wedding is replaced with an option for both the bride and bridegroom
to be "presented" at the altar by a friend or relative.

The Methodist Church has a more liberal attitude to the remarriage of
divorcees than the Church of England and currently 63 per cent of its
weddings involve at least one divorced person. A subtle acknowledgement of
the number of marriages that fail is included in the opening words for the
minister in the wedding service.

In the 1975 text, the minister says: "According to the teaching of Christ,
marriage is the lifelong union in body, mind and spirit." The new version,
however, declares it to be God's will that "husband and wife should
experience a lifelong unity of heart, body and mind". Mr Dixon said: "It is
not a theological shift, but we do want to provide material which people
feel comfortable with."

However, it was not the wedding service or God the Mother which sparked
controversy within the Church, but a decision to drop the "prayer for humble
access" before Holy Communion from a number of services. The liturgical
committee tried to weed the prayer out of the service on the grounds that it
was "grovelly" and placed too much emphasis on sin. The prayer, which begins
"We do not presume to come to this your table, merciful Lord . . .", no
longer appears in the services for Easter, Christmas and two ordinary season
Holy Communion services.

But after sacks of letters calling for the prayer to be rescued, the
liturgical committee has restored the prayer to other services. Rev Norman
Wallwork, one of 15 members of the liturgical committee, said: "An
overriding element of the Eucharist is to be lifted up by the healing of
God. We do not want people to be brought down at this holy moment and
reminded they are a sinner." The new worship book, which is on sale at £15,
also includes for the first time funeral services for a child and for a
stillborn baby.


Diakrisis U.K. was established in 1990 to acquaint believers with the
importance of Christian apologetics, to provide commentary on topical,
doctrinal and pastoral issues, and to hold out a hand of rescue to those who
suffer psychological and spiritual manipulation in the religious scene. The
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