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Europe's Dirty Secret

by Rick Rozoff (3-27-00)

[Note - the following is excerpted from a most thought-provoking email
note that Mr. Rozoff sent to friends on the Internet. ]

I've hesitated to weigh in on this issue for fear that my ethnic
background might leave me open to the suspicion of "special pleading."
But this issue has to be met head on.

To someone outside of Europe or not of European ancestry, all Europeans
must appear homogeneous. Similarly, Europeans and North Americans are
often shocked when they learn of the extensive ethnic and cultural
diversity that obtains in Asia, Africa and the Middle East, as those
areas are presented in the West as stereotyped and monolithic. In fact
Europe is and has always been divided in a number of ways: Language
groups, different branches of Christianity, social class, ethnic
pluralism within nations, with certain groups historically disadvantaged
(Celts, Basques, Romany, etc.), and - perhaps most demonstrably - by
geographic divide. North vs. South and West vs. East are the major

Anti-Slavic prejudice - more properly, racism - is a dirty secret in
European history.

It reached its most monstrous level of refinement with Hitler, who both
'scientifically' codified and savagely implemented this prevailing view
of Slavs as Untermenschen - subhumans. Fifty million human beings lost
their lives in World War Two, the majority of them Slavs. Estimates of
Soviet dead, which include Jews, Roma and other non-Slav minorities, but
which were overwhelmingly Slavic, range as high as thirty million.
Additionally, millions of Serbs, Poles and other Slavs were killed in
battle or along with Jews and others in death camps.

Every action has its rationale and every policy its doctrine. Had
anti-Slavic (and related anti-Eastern - that is, anti-Romanian, Greek,
etc.) bigotry not been allowed to simmer in Europe for centuries, it
wouldn't have been as easy to exterminate tens of millions of Eastern
Europeans as it was for the Third Reich.

A resumption, an hysterical revival, of this racism has been dredged up
since the beginning of the break up of Yugoslavia in 1991. Often the
pronouncements of Western government and media spokespeople are a barely
disguised recycling of Nazi race propaganda from the 1930s and 40s. As
one British journalist put it a few months ago, this campaign of
collective dehumanization (another trick infamously practiced by Hitler,
Rosenberg, Goebbels and company) has led to the word Slav being
synonymous with criminal. Or subhuman. Or inherently (read: racially)
inferior, lazy, dishonest, violent people who deserve all the misery,
disease, bombing and eventual physical elimination NATO and IMF/World
Bank policies have brought on them.

When the life expectancy of a Russian male (one current estimate is 56
years) is lower than that in most 'official' Third World countries; when
Romanians, Bulgarians and others are eating out of garbage cans and
sleeping in sewers; when 1.2 million ethnic Serbs are driven out of
their homes and living destitute in Serbia proper, consituting the
largest mass scale refugee crisis in Europe since World War II and its
aftermath; when all this is occurring and nobody in the West says
ANYTHING about it, except to callously and contemptuously blame the
victims - it's time for all people of good will to oppose the
ethnopsychological (that is, racist) and other propaganda devices use to
perpetrate and excuse this travesty.

T.V. and Alida Weber and 'Stormie' Leporte (who by the way runs a superb
Web site: http://www.abolishnato.com ) have performed an indispensible
service by analyzing and exposing this campaign of racial dehumanization
and persecution.

Lastly, it's not a matter of contrasting one group's tragedy with
another's, but of learning from many experiences to recognize a current
catastrophe. The Roman poet Virgil has a line that says, "Taught by
misfortune, I pity the suffering." United by our horror at past acts of
racial stereotypng and persecution, we can condemn it whenever it

One point of information. The D-Day invasion didn't occur until Spring
of 1944. By that time the Soviet Union and numerous Eastern European
partisan groups (Serbian, Greek and others) had been holding off and
driving out the overwhelming bulk of Axis troops for over two and a half
years. They, more than anyone else, saved the world from fascism. They
deserve far more consideration and gratitude than they've ever received
from the Western nations who, with the exception of Britain in Europe,
didn't even put up a decent fight against Hitler.

If you find emperors-clothes useful, we can use your help...
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Now we have an excellent new expense.
We are proud to have produced the English-language edition of
"JUDGMENT!" This film proves the media used false images to demonize the
Serbs starting in 1992. When we say "proves" we mean it. Eric Garris,
webmaster of www.antiwar.com decided to help distribute the film
because, he commented: "It's much better than you described. It's
political dynamite."
Please order copies of this film for yourself, your friends who may
doubt that pictures can lie, for open-minded newspeople, for politicians
who may have been misled. Show it to churches, unions, business groups,
veterans groups. Show it on every campus.
Remember the pictures we all saw, the emaciated man behind barbed wire
in Bosnian Serb "death camp"? There was no such "death camp" - it was
all fabricated. This film shows exactly how that lying picture was
fabricated. The conclusion is indisputable.
We need donations to produce French, German, Dutch and other language
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Secretary General
Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Art  historian

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