-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

From: "Foxter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>June, the history of the posts between you and I reflects that you
baited me and challenged me to tell you >as a Christian what I know
about the Islamic religion only to say wham bam you are wrong wrong

I never used the word "Christian".  Since you were spouting off about
the Islamic faith as if you were some sort of expert, I challenged you
to present to us what you in fact knew about the facts regarding the
Islamic faith.

And point of fact -- there have NEVER been 'posts between you and I',
at least on my part.  I have posted to the list.  You have sent me
obscene private posts (2 now, which I've forwarded to your ISP with a
complaint) in return, which is a Netiquette no-no.

>Earth to June:  this constitutes flaming.

Earth to Foxter:  challenging someone to present what their knowledge
base is on a subject when they presume to spout off inanities as
'facts' is absolutely NOT flaming.

You obviously have no clue what flaming really is, and if you think
being challenged constitutes flaming, then you better get off the
Internet little person, and leave it to us adults.

>I have watched you bait others on this list in the past.

Really?  You seem to be a recent subscriber -- at least under your
current guise....

>I have had to mark you as one of the unreasonable ones on this list,

Apparently you mark anyone who presents actual FACTS to your
disinformation, rumors, and outright lies, as an 'unreasonable one'...

>one intent on smearing everyone else with your private intepretation
of facts,

I have not presented anything as my interpretation.  I have presented
the actual FACTS regarding the Islamic faith.  I have presented the
actual FACTS regarding Onelist's Family Filter, backed up by a post
from the Onelist merger email list from someone who actually works for
Onelist/eGroups who explained what IN FACT the Family Filter does.

>I stupidly responded to your challenge and answered you to the best
of my ability.  Then you slammed me.

If you consider having your stupidity, errors, and lack of scholarship
pointed out as 'slamming', so be it.

>That hurts me.

Again, you better get a thicker skin, or get off the Internet.
Because it is obvious you are unable and unwilling to LEARN anything,
least of all the TRUTH....

>That is what you intended.  Great job.  What you did  hurts more than
the "f" word I used in a private post >to you this morning.  On your
feigned outrage there, note that this is the year 2000.  Check prime
time tv >for the presence of that word.  The FCC has obviously ruled
that it is not obscene, since little kids can >be exposed to it.

I don't watch primetime TV.

As to what is 'allowed', you will find most ISPs do NOT allow such
obscene and abusive posts, especially when the recipient complains
about it.  As I told your ISP, and am now telling you, any continued
private email from you will be considered harassment and stalking, and
will be prosecuted as such under the full extent of state and federal

>I still complain about the way you treat me and others (should they
complain).  Whether the list does >anything or not, I am not going to
use this list to bait you as you did me.

Which implies you intend to continue to stalk and harass me via
private email...

>PS care to specify the "errors" and "negligible scholarship" you
refer to?

I already have.  You spouted off about Islam as if you were an expert,
but when asked to answer basic questions about the basic tenets of the
faith, you could not.  You mistakenly stated that Mohammed is the
deity whom Moslems worship.  You didn't even know that the deity whom
Moslems worship is the same deity whom Jews and Christians worship.
You had no idea that the Abraham of the Old Testament, patriarch of
the Judaic and Christian religions, is also the patriarch of the
Islamic faith.

You posted rumor and disinformation to this list regarding Onelist's
Family Filter, without doing a modicum of research into what the FACTS
are regarding what the filter actually is, and what it actually does.

Sounds like 'errors' and 'negligible scholarship' to me...


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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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