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  Egypt casts Lewinsky in female emancipation role
By Myranda Mowafi in Cairo
UK Telegraph 3/28/00

 Muslim divorce [includes links] - Divorce Info

  EGYPTIAN playwrights are having their say about the emancipation of women
by exploiting the country's fascination with President Clinton's sexual
involvement with Monica Lewinsky.
The country's top film stars are appearing in Ahmed El Ebiary's My Wife,
Monica and I, at the Qasr El-Nil theatre in Cairo. A rival production by
Feisal Nedaa, Kimo and the Blue Dress, had its original title changed after
censors threw out plans to name it The President and Monica.

The main characters in both productions are called Monica and they both
travel from America to wreak havoc in the lives of two men, although any
likeness to the original saga is formally denied by the playwrights, who
claim to be using the scandal in the title simply for publicity purposes.

Nedaa says that his production aims to persuade people to change their
attitudes towards the relationship between men and women, by questioning
rules which allow Muslim men to take more than one wife. The plays have
opened against a backdrop of intense media scrutiny of the role of women in
society since they were given the right to file for divorce this month.

Egyptians are also fascinated by a soap opera, called Men of the World Unite,
which tells of a house-husband whose wife works while he stays at home with
the children. All across the country, people are debating issues raised by
the humorous story which also had an elderly woman involved with a "toy boy".

A related controversy flared recently when a Jordanian poet, Zulaikha Abu
Risha, spoke out against Islamic inheritance laws, which allocate twice as
much to men as to women. She claimed that many women had become head of a
household and argued that the law should be changed to reflect that fact.

The American Embassy in Cairo said it was not worried by the theatrical
exploitation of the Lewinsky scandal. David Ballard, the embassy spokesman,
said: "Freedom of expression is something our government has always upheld
and believed in."

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