-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

>>> Wasn't this phrase uttered by some Germanic language speaking person?  It
seems as though it took 'em 55 years but have the Germans run the Britlanders
out of the car business?  And GM & Ford straddling the WW2 economic fence on
which two sides ... American & German ?  And, Daimler {Benz} Chrysler is
acquiring a car company from which other Axis power?  And who would have thunk
up the alliances that would take us back to the future of VW (the 'People's
Car' thunk up by who?) as the acquirer of BMW?  Neue ordnung?  A<>E<>R <<<


WSWS : Workers
Struggles : Auto
50,000 jobs in Britain threatened by BMW's Rover sell-off
Anti-German campaign by union leaders blocks united action
against BMW
By Chris Marsden
1 April 2000

to screen version Below is a text of a leaflet distributed by the
Equality Party of Britain at an April 1 rally called by the auto
unions to protest against German auto maker BMW's decision to
sell off its
Rover operations. The March 17 decision by BMW threatens
16,000 thousand jobs
at various Rover plants in Britain and a
total of 50,000 jobs in the West
Midlands region.

BMW has sold the profitable Land Rover section of Rover
to Ford for £1.8
billion. The British venture capital group Alchemy Partners has taken over most
of the rest of Rover's operations,
including the Longbridge factory where only
1,000 jobs out of
a current 8,500 are expected to remain. Alchemy has said
it will end mass production of Rover vehicles and instead produce
a new
"MG" sports car for a specialist car market. BMW
is to retain the popular Mini
model, but production will be transferred
to its Cowley plant, along with the
Rover 75.

When BMW took over Rover six years ago, it was hailed as
the saviour of the
British car industry. Despite a £3 billion
investment by BMW, government
grants, increases in productivity
and restructuring involving 13,000 job
losses, Rover continued
to lose money. This month BMW announced losses of £1.5
for this year, blaming Rover's poor performance for this.
BMW said that
the overriding factor in its decision to sell
Rover was the high value of the
pound and Britain's current position
outside the Euro currency zone.
BMW's decision to sell off most of its Rover operations has
been greeted with a
barrage of anti-German rhetoric, which has
found its most vociferous expression
in the leadership of the
major auto unions.

By whipping up nationalist sentiments, the union bureaucracy
aims to block a
united struggle by British and German car workers.
The unions' "Defend Rover"
campaign is advanced under
the slogan, "Save British manufacturing". Tony
the TGWU's chief negotiator, said that what was taking place was
"Battle for Britain". Union propaganda focuses exclusively
on calls for a
consumer boycott of BMW, together with appeals
for the government to find
another buyer. This reached tragi-comic
dimensions when AEEU leader Sir Ken
Jackson stated, "James
Bond should abandon BMW for future films."

Autoworkers throughout the world face common problems. There
is a worldwide
crisis of overproduction in the industry of around
30 percent, which is
particularly acute in Europe. The equivalent
of all US car production could be
eliminated and worldwide demand
could still be met. The five corporations that
lead volume manufacture
of cars—General Motors, Ford, the more recently merged
Toyota and Volkswagen—are all involved in a wave of
and mergers designed to consolidate their position as global
DaimlerChrysler is well on the way towards acquiring Japan's
Motors and VW is interested in BMW.

These corporate mergers are accompanied by sweeping rationalisations
and job
cuts. General Motors, for example, has shed 300,000 jobs
in the past 20 years,
and plans more. Press coverage of BMW's
decision has overshadowed the threat by
Ford to close its Dagenham
plant as part of the restructuring of its European
including factory closures in Portugal, Poland and Belarus,
possibly Belgium.

Last February the Daily Telegraph wrote, "If car
plants are to be treated as
centres to generate wealth, rather
than branches of social security, Longbridge
should close."
The Economist that same month said, "There is a particular
madness in pouring money into marginal car factories. All told
there are 300
vehicle assembly plants in Europe. The industry
needs to shut down 100 of

The prescriptions advanced by the Telegraph and the
Economist are being
followed not just by the Blair government, but by every major car
manufacturer—through plant closures,
mergers, downsizing and hundreds of
thousands of job losses. It
is estimated that 200,000 jobs will disappear in
Germany's auto
industry by 2010.

Like their counterparts internationally, Britain's union leaders
are incapable
of elaborating a viable strategy to safeguard jobs.
Their call to defend
“British jobs” warrants careful
examination. It is premised on the
identification of the trade
unions with management, subordinating the interests
of Rover workers
to the needs of the employers. This policy of corporatism
been pursued by union leaders in every country for more than two
and has already led to the destruction of hundreds of
thousands of jobs. There
is no reason to assume that it would
have any different outcome today.

There is no common ground between the concerns of the union
leadership and its
members. Workers want to secure well-paying
jobs and decent conditions. In
contrast, the trade union bureaucracy
has worked to defend its privileged
existence by imposing every
attack demanded by management. In the name of
making the company
globally competitive, the union leaders have pushed through
job losses at Rover over the past six years. The constant demand
greater productivity and longer hours has embroiled Rover
workers in a
fratricidal struggle against their class brothers
and sisters throughout the
industry, from which only the employers
can benefit. Every increase in
productivity and every cut in wages
sets a new benchmark that must be
surpassed—and it becomes
ever harder to do so.

The recurrent demand of the two main auto unions, the Transport
and General
Workers Union (TGWU) and the Amalgamated Engineering
and Electricians Union
(AEEU), is that British workers must pursue
this divisive struggle with the
utmost vigour, in order to convince
their employers to cut jobs elsewhere.
No doubt, there will be all manner of militant statements made
on the platform
at today's rally. But this is only a smokescreen
to conceal whatever backroom
manoeuvres are being carried out
by the union tops. The TGWU and AEEU are
seeking another buyer
for Rover. But what are they offering as an inducement?
job cuts? Longer hours? Speed-ups?

The promotion of nationalism is the vehicle through which the
bureaucracy seeks
to subordinate the interests of working people
to those of the major
corporations. It acts as an ideological
weapon to discipline the workforce on
behalf of management. The
union hierarchy is well rewarded for carrying out
this essential
task, with high salaries, knighthoods and even places in the
of Lords.

The calls made by various radical groups for the Blair government
renationalise Rover are futile. Labour has demonstrated again
and again that it
is the avowed representative of big business
interests, not working people.
Moreover, no government in the
world today is prepared to contemplate a return
to the type of
nationally protected industries that existed in the
post-war period, epitomised by the old British Leyland
from which Rover emerged.

The working class cannot combat globally organised capital
by calling for a
return to the narrow confines of the national market. Modern industry and
economic life are international, dominated
by major corporations that have been
reorganised as global concerns.
They call the tune in demanding subsidies from
government, reduced
corporate taxation, the decimation of social services and
an end
to legal restrictions on the exploitation of labour.

In such a highly integrated world economy, Rover jobs cannot
be defended on the
basis of policies of national protection or
consumer boycotts of German goods.
If this were to be implemented,
it would be at a cost of exporting unemployment
to other countries.
History demonstrates that it would provoke tit-for-tat
measures, which would rebound on its instigators by
the trade war for control of markets.

Either the working class develops its own strategic response
to the
globalisation of production, or it will suffer the consequences.
Rover workers
must link their struggle with that of all autoworkers
internationally. A
crucial first step would be to make a direct
appeal to rank-and-file BMW
workers in Germany, calling for solidarity
action based on the demand for no
job cuts and no concessions.

A united movement of European workers would be capable of realising
progressive potential represented by the development of globalised
and the technological advances on which this is based.
It would take democratic
control of the major corporations and
reorganise production to meet the needs
of society, rather than
the enrichment of a handful of company chiefs and major

The defence of jobs and living standards cannot be confined
to strikes and
other forms of industrial action, however important
these may be. It must be
conceived of as a political struggle,
because it challenges the fundamental
interests of the ruling
class. The biggest obstacle to such an undertaking is
the leadership
of the trade unions and a Labour Party which is tied to a
of the profit system and its own nation state. A new workers'
must be built on the basis of a socialist and internationalist

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