-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-




 Bob Jones, the inventor of the CAVITAT (an ultrasound insturment
 designed to detect and image cavitations) found cavitations of
 various sizes and severity in approximately 94% of several
 thousand wisdom teeth sites scanned.  He also found cavitations
 under or located near 100% of root canal teeth scanned in both
 males and females of various ages from several different
 geographic areas of the United States.

 Note:  Cavitations (jaw infections) can be entirely painless,
 or they can cause referred pain elsewhere in the body, such
 as in the lower back.  Cavitations often cause sub-acute
 endocarditis (heart infections) which can flare up and kill.


   Cavitations & Root Canals

   Cavitations - HISTORY and OVERVIEW

   NICO and Chronic Jaw Pain Forum

   Bio-Compatible Dentistry


          Journal of Advancement in Medicine
           Volume 9, Number 4, Winter 1996

 Routine Dental Extractions Routinely Produce Cavitations

 Thomas E. Levy, MD, FACC, and Hal A. Huggins, DDS, MS

 ABSTRACT:  Cavitations (Cvs) are persistent holes found at the
 extraction sites of permanent teeth after apparent healing has
 taken place.  Current dental literature considers this common
 phenomenon to be rare.  In the scientific literature, Cvs have
 a plethora of synonyms.  They have been variably labeled as
 Ratner, Roberts, or trigger point bone cavities, interference
 fields, neuralgia-inducing cavitational osteonecrosis (NICO),
 and alveolar cavitational osteopathosis.  Evidence suggests
 that the incidence of Cvs is presently grossly underestimated.
 Therefore, we reviewed the charts of 112 randomly chosen
 patients treated at the Huggins Diagnostic Center (HDC) from
 1991 through 1995 to determine the incidence of Cvs in old
 extraction sites.  We believe this problem to be important to
 the general health of patients who are being treated for a wide
 range of diseases where such a dental condition may be the
 ultimate cause or a significant contributing factor.

 This manuscript is clearly one written for dental surgeons.  It
 describes, however, a little known phenomenon that is extremely
 important in the general ill health of many patients with a
 number of different diseases that are not usually associated
 with dental problems.  Since there is more and more need for
 health professionals to collaborate in their disciplines, the
 work reported here should be valuable to physicians.


   Laura Lee Interview with George Meinig, DDS & Dr. M. LaMarche
   Cavitations & Root Canals

   Cavitations: More Than Just Another Hole in Your Head

   Root Canal Cover-Up - Are your teeth killing you?



 Elements of Danger: Protect Yourself Against the Hazards of
 Modern Dentistry,
 by Morton, Dr Morton Walker
 Paperback - 304 pages (November 1999)
 Hampton Roads Pub Co; ISBN: 1571741461

 Uninformed Consent : The Hidden Dangers in Dental Care
 by Hal A. Huggins, DDS and Thomas E. Levy, MD
 Paperback - 280 pages (February 1999)
 Hampton Roads Pub Co; ISBN: 1571741178

 Fraud & Root Canals
 by S. Hale Shakman
 Spiral-bound - 130 pages (March 7, 1998)
 Institute Of Science; ISBN: 1892506017

 Root Canal Cover-up Exposed
 by George E. Meinig, DDS
 Bion Publishing, Ojai, California, 1993, ISBN 0-945196-14-8,
 or:  Price Pottenger Nutrition, 1994; ISBN: 0945196199


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