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Third Volcano Erupts Within Days of Each Other...04/04/00
by Mitch Battros  (ECTV)

First it was Mt. Usu in Japan, then Mt. Etna in Sicily, now Mexico's Mt.
Popocatepetl. Is there another one yet to explode? Is there a correlation
to solar activity? The sunspot count is now over 300 and expected to go
higher. Watch for a series of M-Class and X-Class flares which have
already begun. Possible series of CME's expected.

Possible escalation in earthquake activity to occur. Yesterday, two
earthquakes hit Indonesia. More expected in next few days to measure 6.0
or larger area unknown. Cyclone Hudah hammered north-eastern Madagascar.
Watch for "extreme weather" all around the world.

Sunspots = Solar Flares = Magnetic Shift = Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream
Currents = Extreme Weather

Mexican Mt. Popocatepetl Volcano Erupts...04/04/00
Nando Media

MEXICO CITY - The huge Popocatepetl volcano spewed ash and gas a mile high
above its crater in two brief bursts Sunday night, monitors said Monday.

The 17-886-foot high volcano calmed after two bursts Sunday evening,
according to the National Center for the Prevention of Disasters. No ash
plume was visible Monday.

Officials in February expanded the recommended no-enter zone around the
volcano to 4 miles from 3 miles because of increased activity, including
the formation of a new lava dome within the crater.

The volcano, about 40 miles southeast of Mexico City, has been spewing
vapor, ash and rock intermittently since December 1994 after lying largely
dormant since 1927. It had been relatively quiet over the past year, but
produced minor eruptions in October and November.

Mitch Battros
Producer - Earth Changes TV

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