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The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

April 1, 2000

Beyond the Myths

by William Dorich

April 1, 2000 - In a recent article in Air Force Associates magazine
entitled, Kosovo Retrospective Balkan
Myths by Rebecca Grant, president of IRIS, an independent research firm in
Washington, should have been the
magazine's April Fool's Day editorial, it was sick.Sadly it reveals that Ms.
Grant and Air Force Associates are
in the myth-making business that they both criticize.

Bombing a defenseless population from the safety of 15,000 feet is no myth,
it's a war crime. Or is shooting
fish in a barrel the ''Be All You Can Be'' military today in the U.S? That
motto was coined by Maxwell Thurman
known as ''Maxatollah'' head of the U. S. Southern Command during the Panama
invasion. This is the same, 'be
all you can be' American general who sold his military knowledge and
experience to train, aid and abet
genocide in Croatia. He is one of several retired American generals for hire
at Military Professional Resources,
Inc. of Alexandria, Virginia, a sub-contractor used in foreign involvements
to skirt American laws. These
American generals trained the Croatian army just prior to Operation Storm
which ethnically cleansed the last
200,000 Serbs from Croatia in August of 1995.Not a single Croatian general
has been indicted for these war
crimes which included the slaughter of over 4,000 Serbian women and
children, the destruction of 65 UN
posts, the killing of 2 UN troops and the use of 60 UN troops as human
shields.The blind eye of Rebecca
Grant is as offensive as President Clinton's blind eye which ignored the
flow of Iranian weapons and Islamic
holy warriors in Bosnia and to Osama bin Laden's support of the
narco-terrorists Albanians who now reign
terror over Kosovo.

In the recently released book, Kosovo Crisis: A Study in Foreign Policy
Mismanagement by Dr. Vojin
Joksimovich, which I published and which I presented last week before the
House of Representatives in
Washington, DC, Col. David Hackworth, the highest decorated American soldier
in Vietnam, endorsed the book
by saying, ''This brilliant fact-filled book exposes a Clinton/Clark phony
victory. Kosovo Crisis destroys the
myth of NATO's invincibility and exposes NATO's General Clark as an inept
fumbler and military lightweight.
Contrary to his claims, Clark, a Perfumed Prince, barely scratched the
Serbian Army.''Ms. Grant would have us
believe Col. Hackworth is a liar.

Rebecca Grant cleverly omits any reference that the Serbs figured out a way
to rig microwave ovens to
operate with the doors open which resembled the heat of a radar site to a
HARM missile.General Clark
launched hundreds of HARM missiles costing $700,000 each to destroy $70
microwave ovens.Ms. Grant
protest too much, or is this an indication of the level of contempt she has
for the truth?

Her claim that, ''Aerospace power has been proven to be decisive in joint
military operations'' makes her look
stupid since the Russians beat NATO forces to Pristina without joint
approval. British General Michael Jackson,
to his credit, refused to follow General Wesley Clark's orders to bomb the
Russians.He said, ''I'm not going to
start World War III over you.'' It was obvious the United States worked
outside of NATO command and carried
out a war within a war proven by the fact that the U.S. sent an aircraft all
the way from Missouri to bomb the
Chinese embassy when the U.S. already had 700 aircraft a few hundred miles
away in Italy.Meanwhile NATO
forces were finding it necessary to borrow weapons from SFOR troops in
Bosnia to use in Kosovo because
theirs were not working.Calling this Keystone Cop effort ''decisive'' is a
joke.One can only wonder who is
paying Rebecca Grant for her opinion, I am convinced it is the Industrial
Military Complex.

It is more than apparent that Rebecca Grant believes that we Americans have
so much power that we can do
as we damned well please.However, the 1980 Vienna Conventions on the Law of
Treaties ''forbids the use of
coercive force to exact adherence to a treaty.''Rambouillet was Albright's
illegal concoction that would have
allowed NATO troops to occupy all of Yugoslavia or be bombed.What a
disgusting assault on international
laws, sovereignty and the rights of the Serbian people to defend themselves
against terrorism.

The hideous aspect of this article is the omission that our American forces
are afraid to leave their barracks in
Kosovo fearful of being shot by the very KLA terrorists they were sent to
defend. It has become obvious that
our military is only omnipotent at 15,000 feet. According to the Sunday
Times, March 19, 2000 the CIA has
finally admitted to training these KLA goons and thugs prior to the bombing.

''Be all you can be'' has come to mean being a thief, a dictator, a rapist
and murderer of Merita Shabiu an 11
year-old Albanian girl allegedly killed by an American Sergeant.How proud
the military must be that condoms
out-sell all other products at camp Bondsteel in Kosovo and that 60% of the
women in our military leave due
to pregnancy.

Even if we pretend that this was a ''humanitarian war,'' everything that has
happened on the ground since the
end of bombing make this a shocking lie.KFOR has not attempted to stop the
massive ethnic cleansing of
350,000 non-Albanians. KFOR stood in silence as more than 50,000 Serbian and
Roma homes and 84 Serbian
churches went up in flames. More than 30,000 troops proved incompetent in
stopping the murder of 911
people, 805 of whom were Serbs. Last week the last remaining Serb in
Prizren, a 70 year-old woman was
beaten and thrown out of her home. All medical assistance was denied her by
Albanian doctors as the KLA
seized her property and KFOR helpelessly looked on.What a repugnant example
of our military impotence.
German forces in Kosovo claim that former Marxist turned Socialist, Dr.
Bernard Kouchner, the administrator of
Kosovo refuses to arrest KLA criminals fomenting much of this kind of

On June 6, 1999, President Clinton said on CNN, ''If somebody comes after
innocent civilians and tries to kill
them en masse because of their race, their ethnic background or their
religion, and it is within our power to
stop it, we will stop it...''He continues to lie to the American people.

Our military should hang their heads in shame for allowing one of the
smallest and weakest countries in Europe
to down the Stealth Bomber the most secret, most costly and the most
sophisticated military weapon known
to mankind. Little wonder the CIA finds the need to send Psyops officers to
CNN to spin the news.

Shocking, too, was General Clark's propaganda spin in showing the world his
attack on a civilian train at three
times normal speed to hide his own lies.At regular speed that video footage
shows that the NATO pilot
targeted that train for a full 7 seconds, then lied by saying he ''could not
alter course because the train was
moving too fast.''

As far as Ms. Grant's remark that ''a good level of destruction was
achieved,'' I agree. The United States
succeeded in destroying 11 Serbian hospitals, 430 Serbian schools, 9
museums, 5 historical sites, two
synagogues, 7 Serbian churches, 62 bridges, all of Serbia's radio and
television transmission towers and 105
non-military factories that employed over 700,000 people a year ago. The
real ''myth-making'' here is that our
military leaders bury the truth as easily as they bury their victims.

Another endorsement of the book Kosovo Crisis is by Congressman Randy
Cunningham. He states on the back
cover, ''Serving on the Defense Appropriations Committee, and viewing highly
classified information daily, I was
amazed to watch the White House spin - attempting to justify an illegal,
costly invasion of a sovereign
country. The massive evidence is corroborated?sustaining the assertion that
the American public was duped
into confusing, noble humanitarian motives with a transparent fraud,
resulting in devastating ecological and
humanitarian consequences. This war will cost the U.S. $50 billion. But that
is nothing compared to another
Clinton stain on the moral fabric of our country and NATO.'' Apparently Ms.
Grant calls this Congressman a liar,

After the bombing of Serbia and the State Department Rambouillet excuse,
General Michael Short, a lunatic
with a lust for killing, testified before a Senate committee last October
that he planned to bomb Serbia with a
''devastating blow.''He was outraged that ''France repeatedly vetoed
proposed targets in Belgrade.''Another
sign of the lack of cohesion within NATO that Ms. Grant simply ignores. In
his sick testimony he said of Serbs,
''If you wake up in the morning and you have no power to your house and no
gas to your stove, and the
bridge you take to work is down and will be lying in the Danube for the next
20 years, I think you begin to ask,
'Hey Slobo, what's this all about.''So in other words this moron of a
general was telling our Senators that had
NATO followed his plan he would have commit a war crime by bombing civilian
targets first to get at the
Milosevic regime. However, Spanish NATO pilots have now confessed that ''the
bombing of civilian targets were
not by accident.''How disgusting.

The bombing of numerous cemeteries throughout Serbia and Kosovo were no
accidents either. This clearly
shows that NATO (read Americans) were trying to destroy one of the best
sources of historical evidence - the
tombstones that attest to Serbia's claims to Kosovo.Resorting to this sleazy
level of bombing makes the U.S.
no better than Hitler. Erasing the history of a people is pure racism.

Walter Rockler, a Washington lawyer who was a prosecutor at the Nuremberg
War Crimes Trial said: ''We have
engaged in flagrant military aggression, ceaselessly attacking a small
country primarily to demonstrate that we
run the world. The rationale that we are simply enforcing international
morality, even if it were true, would not
excuse the military aggression and widespread killing that it entails. It
also does not lessen the culpability of
the authors of this aggression.''

UN resolution #2131, ''Declaration of the Inadmissibility of Intervention,''
reinforced the view that a forceful
military intervention in any country is aggression and a crime without
justification.Putting a 'NATO' label on
aggressive policy, especially since the U.S. avoided obtaining Security
Council approval, does not give the
conduct any sanctity.This is simply a perversion of the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization formed as a
defensive alliance under the UN charter.

Rebecca Grant said, ''A just war is one that is based on just principles,
not on the degree or appointment of
bloodshed.'' What double-speak, Grant and her ilk obnoxiously betray the
Serbian people whose human and
civil rights are being trampled by those who have assigned Serbs with
collective guilt much like Hitler's policy
of racially deciding who deserved to live and die for his political agenda.

The 630,000 Serb cleansed from Croatia were denied any rights and 375,000 of
their homes were razed along
with 98 Serbian churches. The Serbs were betrayed as having no rights in
Bosnia either where they
represented one-third of the population. While Ms. Grant looked the other
way 410,000 Serb refugees in
Belgrade were denied the right to vote in the first Bosnian election in
which Alija Izetbegovic, a
twice-convicted criminal was elected the first president of Bosnia by a mere
44,000 votes.

The vile military media manipulations are made obvious when KFOR 'spin
doctors' turned the discovery of an
abandoned infant in Kosovo into international news this week but remained
silent last month when they
discovered the body of a 65 year-old Serbian woman who was impaled with a
wooden stake driven through her
vagina and exiting out of her back that pinned the murdered victim to the
floor of her burning house.
Apparently KFOR has the stomach to pretend that Serbs deserve to be
liquidated in this abhorrent fashion.

Finally, Rebecca Grant insists that ''we have to move beyond the myths and
understand what it is that
aerospace power really does for us today.''What Ms. Grant arrogantly ignores
is that this policy wounds, kills
and brutalizes the young, the old, the sick and the helpless while making
damned sure that not a single
perpetrator of this violence is put in harms way.We have become the ''evil
empire'' and this article fully
supports crimes against humanity done in its name.

The writer is the author of the 1991 book, Serbian Genocide 1941-45, the
1992 book, Kosovo, the 1994 book,
The Suppressed Serbian Voice and the Free Press in America, and his 1999
book, Hilandar's Octocentenary.

Secretary General
Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Art  historian

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