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1. Gore thinks "human civilization is now the dominant cause of
change in the global environment." Nevermind the sun, the oceans,
volcanoes, and other natural phenomena that actually do control
the environment.

2. Gore believes that "industrial civilization" is engaged in a
"terrible onslaught against the natural world." Of course,
without industrial civilization, we'd all be riding horses and
growing our own food. Forget about cars, computers, air
conditioning, television, telephones, plastic, pharmaceuticals,
et cetera.

3. Gore’s "strategic goal" is to "eliminate the internal
combustion engine" by the year 2020. This particular kind of
engine can be found in automobiles, trucks, vans, and a whole
host of labor saving devices.

4. Gore believes that the "cumulative impact" of automobiles "is
posing a mortal threat to the security of every nation more
deadly than that of any military enemy we are ever again likely
to confront."

5. Caught making campaign finance calls from the White House,
something that is against the law, Gore declared that there was
"no controlling legal authority" regarding this improper
behavior. Like any longtime legislator, he knew federal law
prohibits soliciting campaign funds in a federal building.

6. Gore favored a government crackdown on the tiny trickle of
electricity used by devices like television sets, whether they
are on or not, because it results in a steady emission of carbon
dioxide. All his talk of greenhouse gases and global warming
ignores the fact that 95% percent of all carbon dioxide produced
annually comes from the evaporation of water from the oceans,
decaying organic matter, and the respiration of human beings and

7. In October 1997, Gore told television weathermen gathered at
the White House that global warming could be eliminated if the
over-population of Third World nations could be controlled. This
is a kind of Final Solution approach. The entire population of
the world could live in Texas. Populations in industrialized,
prosperous nations have steadily decreased.

8. Gore was responsible in having Timothy Wirth named
Undersecretary of State. Wirth is on record saying, "Even if the
theory of global warming is wrong, to have approached global
warming as if it is real means energy conservation, so we are
doing the right thing anyway in terms of economic policy and
environmental policy." Since there is no global warming (the
earth hasn't warmed in over 50 years), this is a justification
for a bad policy based on bad science. Wirth now administers Ted
Turner's billion-dollar gift to the United Nations.

9. Gore has pushed hard to make environmentalism the basis for
our foreign policy. He called it "a turning point in US foreign
policy." A turn for the worse since national security and the
advancement of our economic growth is widely regarded as a sound
basis for foreign policy.

10. While the economy of Japan remains stagnant, Gore advised
them in 1997 to agree to "limit carbon monoxide and other
greenhouse gases" by supporting the much-disputed UN Treaty on
Climate Control. This treaty exempts nations that include China
and India. The US Senate is on record saying it will never
approve it.

11. Gore attended an April 29, 1996 campaign fundraising event at
the Hsi Lai Buddhist Temple in Hacienda Heights, California and
then called it "a community outreach" program. Three months
earlier, his own staff had told him it was a fundraiser.

12. During his Democratic nomination speech, Gore told of his
grief over the death of his sister caused by her having smoked
cigarettes. He neglected to mention that his family's fortune had
been based on raising tobacco in Tennessee and that the family
farm continued to do so for years after her death or that he
continued to accept tobacco industry political action committee
money through his re-election as Senator in l990.

13. Gore once told reporters that Eric Segal's novel, "Love
Story", was based on the romance between himself and his wife
Tipper. When Segal said this was nonsense, he disclaimed his
statement calling it "a miscommunication."

14. Gore has compared the "struggle to save the environment" to
"the struggle to vanquish Hitler" adding that this time "the war
is with ourselves." Apparently, the entire human race is now the

15. Gore advocates that the United Nations consider "the idea of
establishing a Stewardship Council to deal with matters relating
to the global environment." In other words, give the UN total
control over the actions and decisions of sovereign nations
worldwide. Meanwhile, the UN already has a plan for "global
governance" complete with the ability to tax nations, set up its
own permanent army, and now has an international court which can
indict and convict American citizens.

16. Gore has written that the "deforestation of Haiti, perhaps as
much as the repression of the Duvalier regime" was the cause of
Haitian immigration, numbering over a million, legally and
illegally, to the US. Sure, they all left because trees were
chopped down.

17. Gore once claimed that, if the Republicans didn't go along
with the Clinton Administration's environmental legislation, "our
drinking water would be dirtier; (it) would make more people
sick, and would kill more people." This is typical of his habit
of over-statement and harsh attacks on opponents of his beliefs.

18. Gore has claimed during a 1999 interview with CNN's Wolf
Blitzer that "During my service in the United States Congress, I
took the initiative in creating the Internet." The preliminary
discussions for the creation of the Internet took place in 1967
and, in 1969, the Defense Department commissioned the creation of
the "Arpanet." Gore was 2l years old at the time and it would be
eight more years before he was elected to the US House of

19. Gore was a supporter of the creation of the so-called
"Superfund" to clean up toxic sites. It was supposed to be a
short-term program costing $1.6 billion. The program still exists
and has cost more than $30 billion without having successfully
cleaning up more than a fraction of sites.

20. Gore was an advocate of the "V-chip" to permit parents to
block out programming they considered inappropriate for their
children. It is widely regarded as a complete failure.

21. Despite the viewing public's disenchantment with the
television show, "Ellen", starring Ellen DeGeneris, an outspoken
advocate of the lesbian lifestyle, Gore lauded the star for
"forcing" millions of Americans to "look at sexual orientation in
a more open light." They stopped looking and the show was

22. A comparison between the statements found in Gore's book,
"Earth in the Balance", and the "Manifesto" of the Unabomber,
demonstrates that it is impossible to determine which one is the
author of which statement. (See "How to Tell the Difference
Between Al Gore and the Unabomber" on this site.)

23. Gore is on record declaring William Jefferson Clinton as one
of the greatest Presidents of modern times.

24. Gore has placed some of the most radical advocates of
environmentalism in posts throughout the Clinton Administration,
first of whom would be Carol M. Browner, director of the
Environmental Protection Agency. The bad science, bad laws, and
lies coming out of this single agency will impact the US economy
for years to come. Another Gore appointee, the former director of
the White House Council on Environmental Quality, Kathleen
McGinty, has resigned to play a role in his presidential
campaign. There are others too numerous to name.

25. Gore was put in charge of "reinventing government" in the
Clinton Administration, but not a single union job was found
expendable. Nearly three-fourths of the positions that were
eliminated came from the Defense Department, which lost 16% of
its civilian jobs. Many other jobs that were supposedly
eliminated were "privatized", using government contracts. Other
reductions came from retirements. The Federal Register of new
laws and regulations has increased dramatically during the term
of the Clinton-Gore Administration.

26. During the 1992 campaign, Gore said that the government
should fund the "information highway", but reversed himself the
following year saying the private sector should pay for it.

27. The Gore family had close, personal ties to oil magnate,
Armand Hammer. After his defeat as Senator, Al Gore, Sr. was
given a $500,000 a year job to head up the Occidental Petroleum's
coal division. Hammer, however, was a longtime Soviet agent, a
personal friend of Lenin and the only American to receive the
Order of Lenin from the then Soviet government. Today, Al Gore,
Jr. serves as co-chairman of the US-Russian Joint Commission on
Economic and Technical Cooperation, better known as the
Gore-Chernomyrdin Commission.

28. Despite being provided with evidence in 1995 by the Central
Intelligence Agency of the personal corruption of Victor S.
Chernomyrdin, Gore dismissed the findings and did not want to
receive further reports.

29. Gore's advocacy of the widely disputed global warming theory
led him to blame it for everything from floods in North Dakota,
droughts in Texas, and forest fires in Florida. One would think
that floods, droughts and forest fires had never occurred before,
but history reveals they are a common annual occurrence.

30. Gore did serve briefly in Vietnam, but his assertion that he
came under enemy fire is false. He served as a journalist behind
the front lines and never saw combat.

31. While a journalist in Tennessee, Gore said that his reporting
"put people in prison." An examination of the record shows this
did not occur and he admitted that he lied about this.

32. Both Al Gore and his wife, Tipper, have admitted to being
"recreational" marijuana smokers when he attended Harvard. The
Clinton-Gore Administration is notorious for having failed to
stem the flow of drugs into the country.

33. When President Clinton gave misleading testimony about his
relationship with Monica Lewinsky to the Grand Jury and the tapes
were shown on television in September 1998, Gore characterized
his behavior saying, "My overall impression was that it was much
ado about not much new."

34. On a visit to New Hampshire in 1998, Gore predicted that
Clinton would end his term in office "with a distinguished record
and will go down in history as a virtuoso performance, producing
economic recovery and an American renaissance with new solutions
to problems once thought impossible to solve." Most people
believe Clinton has disgraced himself and the office of the
Presidency. The nation’s economic success is attributed to the
end of the Cold War and the former Soviet Union. Policies
administered by Alan Greenspan, chairman of the Federal Reserve
are also credited. By contrast, the Clinton Administration has
been engaged in efforts to purchase more of the nation’s
landmass to put it off limits to any development or the use of
our natural resources. The Clinton- Gore Administration has
attacked major industries that include tobacco and one of the
most successful corporate enterprises, Microsoft.

35. Gore once accused then President Bush of having "taken our
tax dollars and subsidized the moving of US factories to foreign
countries", but omitted that the program he was describing, the
Caribbean Basin Initiative, was one for which he had voted when
he served in the Senate.

For these and many other reasons, Al Gore, Jr. is a proven,
accomplished liar, an environmental fanatic, and co-equal with
President Clinton in the cover-up of the Administration's


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  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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