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Southern Baptist Pastors Sexually Use Sheep


Christian News Today has been reporting on the factual fact and truth that
Southern Baptists Leadership in America

1) Sexually use their sheep in their churches

2) Pretend to love everybody but think everyone is cultist except themselves
who alone have the truth while they deny the truth

3) Are Bigoted, anti-Catholic and segregationists

4) Are Savage wolves who rob, rape and use their own sheep

5) Are not financially accountable and are complete thieves and totally

- Southern Baptist pastors sexually use their sheep in their churches. On Nov
8, 1999 the Southern Baptists in Texas admitted that at least 10 percent of
their pastors sexual use their sheep. Phil Strickland, director of the
Southern Baptist convention's Christian Life Commission, said research shows
that 10 percent to 12 percent of "ministers of all faith groups have engaged
in extramarital sexual relations with members of their congregations." He
said that, according to the American Association of Pastoral Counselors,
about 15 percent of ministers violate sexual ethical boundaries. He said his
office receives calls nearly every couple of weeks reported the Dallas
Morning News

"We have a deep concern about the way this issue is treated in many Baptist
churches," he said. "We have run into instance after instance in which there
has been a clear sexual abuse by a minister, and the response of the church
has been to sweep it under the rug." And for the first time in the
convention's history, ministers were urged to sign a covenant of sexual
Christianity Today, which was founded by Billy Graham, did not report on one
of its own pastors Ollin Collins of Harvest Baptist Church in Fort Worth, and
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary's board chairman. A man who
resigned amid sexual misconduct allegations when he was accused of having
sexual relationships with two women who sought counseling.

But it did report about the adultery of a black man and a National Baptist
but not about the adultery of a white man and Southern Baptist. An adultery
which was more hideous and gross because Collins raped unsuspecting trusting
women while, Lyons adulterous relationships were consensual. It has been said
that Lyons will go down in the history books as "Hugh Hefner of the New

Now concerning the fallen hero, the church had suspended Pastor Collins with
pay pending an investigation. He resigned from his board position Sept. 6,
one day after a story in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported the women's
allegations and their intent to sue. Southwestern is the world's largest
evangelical seminary, with 3,000 students on eight campuses.

But of course neither the Seminary nor the Church did nothing for the real
female victims but they did help and console the aggressor? Just like Billy
Graham stated about Bill Clinton "I forgive him . . . because I know the
frailty of human nature, and especially a strong, vigorous young man like he
is. "He has such a tremendous personality that I think the ladies just go
wild over him."
Of course Bill Clinton was the victim and not the victimizer and it was the
fault of the ladies who went wild about him? No compassion or concern from
these Southern Baptist wolves in sheep's clothing for the victims but only
for the victimizers? Their deeds and lack of compassion for the victims
speaks volumes of their hypocrisy?

- It is a fact that for over a half of century all across America,
Fundamental Evangelical Southern Baptists have thrown out of their churches
those who spoke in tongues or were charismatic Christians while pretending to
be Christians and loving everybody. They have labeled all those who do not
believe and think as they do as cultist.

Southern Baptist generally believe that the Charismatic movement is of the
devil and play with words but in reality do not accept others whose religious
experience is different from theirs. For example the Florida Southern Baptist
Convention has on its books a resolution that no "tongue speaker" or
Charismatic Christian could be a member of a Baptist Church in Florida. The pa
stors of Idlewild Baptist Church, the largest Southern Baptist Church in
Tampa, Florida can often be heard berating and verbally abusing those who
speak in tongues and believe in the Baptism of the Spirit, forcing them to
leave the church.

In Oct. 1998, the Webster County Baptist Association voted to "disfellowship"
Calvary Baptist Church in Marshfield, Mo., because its pastors and many of
its members received the baptism in the Holy Spirit and where "slain in the
Spirit." Openly demonstrating their bigotry and intolerance of those whose
religious experience was the same as Apostle Paul about whom the bible

"Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?" So they said to him, "We
have not so much as heard whether there is a Holy Spirit." And he said to
them, "Into what then were you baptized?" So they said, "Into John's
baptism." Then Paul said, "John indeed baptized with a baptism of repentance,
saying to the people that they should believe on Him who would come after
him, that is, on Christ Jesus." When they heard this, they were baptized in
the name of the Lord Jesus. And when Paul had laid hands on them, the Holy
Spirit came upon them, and they spoke with tongues and prophesied. Acts

Pastor Roger Hicks, 42, who pastors Calvary Baptist Church 42 was born and
raised a Southern Baptist, and had dismissed expressive worship and
manifestations of the Holy Spirit as a result of the Southern Baptist
Convention teachings. But now the pastor has accused his denomination of
hiding things from its members. " I wanted to know what else had been hidden
from me."

Pastor Hicks can now be seen on any Sunday in his Southern Baptist Church s
dancing on the platform, as laughter, crying and tongues rumbles through the
sanctuary before exploding into a mass chorus of praise and worship.

Southern Baptist evangelists trio of Billy, Franklin and Ned Graham have
rejected the "Baptism of the Spirit" and the "gifts of the Spirit" as being
too controversial and divisive and therefore not of God but officially they
love all people including Charismatics. However Billy Graham's Amsterdam 2000
meeting for evangelists notably has no tongue speakers or charistmatics
Christians on the speaking roster.

- Bob Jones University first president, the Rev. Bob Jones Sr., was the son
of a Confederate soldier and a self-declared anti-Catholic and
segregationist. He was quoted at the school's founding saying, "I would
rather see a saloon on every corner than a Catholic in the White House. I
would rather see a n----- as president."

The members of the Southern Baptist denomination whose roots was founded in
racism prior to the Civil War when they split from the Northern Baptists
because of the slave issues, were singing in the choir on Sunday and were
burning crosses on Monday as active members of the Klu Klux Klan. Only
recently have the Southern Baptists admitted to their racists sins and

So is it surprising that bigoted books published by Bob Jones University are
used in many Southern Baptist Christian schools furthering intolerance and
hatred of others. It's a fact that the average Fundamental Evangelical when
asked believes that the Roman Catholic church is a cult!
- The financial crash in 1999 of the Baptist Foundation of Arizona, a
subsidiary of the Southern Baptist Convention of Arizona, the largest
collapse of a religious financial institution in the nation's history
resulted with many elderly sheep robbed, hurt and devastated. For all of its
talk of love, compassion and good works the hypocritical Southern Baptists
leadership did nothing to change and reverse this tragic situation. . . .

. . . Speaking of savage wolves, until the late 1980s, the BFA had been
managing church building funds and retirement funds for a few thousand
Baptist layman. Profits came from land investments in the red-hot Arizona
market. But when property values tanked, the BFA investments did, too.
Instead of admitting losses and writing down loans, BFA officials in several
cases allegedly cooked up transactions between BFA and shell companies that
made it look as if the BFA was still profitable. "It was a big paper
charade," charged Assistant State Attorney General Robert Zumoff.

To counter the unreported losses, fund president William Crotts and the BFA
stepped up marketing, allegedly trying to bring in enough new money to cover
old losses. Through the '90s, brochures extolled BFA's "Biblically based"
investment plans, and urged faithful Baptists to "do good by doing good,"
becoming "bolder stewards of their God-given resources." Helpful salesmen
made house calls. "[Our pastor] said if you've got any money, take it up to
the Baptist Foundation," recalls investor Opal Bostwick, 72. The marketing
worked. The BFA now owed investors $200 million more than it did in 1995.

Although the Baptist Foundation of Arizona for a number of years purported to
be a sophisticated, profitable enterprise that supported Southern Baptist and
Christian ministries. Its investment strategy turned out to be a Ponzi scheme
reliant on frantic, perpetual recruitment of new investors to pay interest on
an avalanche of debt.

- Southern Baptists religious leadership and the Evangelical Council of
Financial Accountability are not financially accountable and are complete
thieves and totally dishonest. Southern Baptist Evangelist Billy was
embarrassed in 1977 when the Charlotte Observer discovered an undisclosed
$23-million fund in Texas, apparently not mentioned in the accountings of the
Minneapolis headquarters of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

As a result Graham's business manager led the formation of the Evangelical
Council for Financial Accountability after Graham said on a national
telecast, ". . . there are some charlatans coming along and the public ought
to be informed about them and warned against them, " "stated K. Hadden and
Charles E. Swann in their book Prime Time Preachers.

For the record none of the prominent Southern Baptist evangelists, including
Billy and Ned, Franklin Graham, Bill Bright, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, or
Louis Paula who belong to the Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability
reveal their total salaries and those of their family members and special
friends to their donors upon request. Honest men do not have to hide things
so what are they hiding? . . .

Although the Tampa Tribune reported that "Billy Graham encourages religious
leaders to be open about their salaries and publish their finances" But this
does not change the fact that Rev. Billy, Ned and Franklin Graham, Rev, Jesse
Jackson or any other prominent Baptist leader in America are not open about
their total salaries and those of their family members and special friends.
They do not release their personal income tax as President Bill Clinton does?
They demand that others be honest and accountable and demonstrate integrity
but refuse to release their personal income tax, less people see how much
they are stealing from the sheep?

The average salary of a CEO is $ 1,000,000 of the top 50 companies but the
average total compensation of a CEO is $16,191,328 for 1999. The total
compensation figure also includes salary, bonus and other compensation (like
automobile allowances, restricted stock grants vesting during the year). The
stock ownership excludes options.

That is why the Fundamental Evangelical leaders in America never show their
total compensation to their donors. They are not stupid. If they disclose
anything is just your basic salary but not their personal income tax? So much
for their so called integrity!
Christian News Today, April 6, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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