While some of us Catholics believe John Paul II is an illegally elected false pope, like John Paul I, Paul VI, and John XXIII before him --- Joseph Siri having been elected in 1958, and then suppressed -- at which point the top echelons of Judeo-Masonry took over the Vatican -- I am responding to the picture presented here of the future Pope Pius XII (who reigned from 1939 until Siri's election in 1958 -- at which point the bogus anti-Popes took over). Believe it or not, very few had the Rothschild-Nazi-Zionist game plan in their pockets at that point to know that the Nazis had been chosen to perpetrate selected managed round ups and massacres --  with the cooperation of top Zionists worldwide, and with the cooperating silence of the Big Newsmedia, like the New York Times, dominated by so-called Zionist Jews --  to scare everyday Jews to leave Europe and get down to the sands in Palestine as prelude to the takeover of that territory in 1948.
So pretending like there's something sinister about Pope Pius XII meeting with the new governmnent of Germany --- with that other Rothschild financed monster, Communism, breathing down everyone's back -- is real anachronism. You may as well put a modern clock in the painting of the Last Supper -- because you are using today's knowledge to project backwards on that picture. As I've written before, check the Jewish owned and controlled New York Times in their Christmas day editorials of 1943 to 1945 praising Pius XII and the Catholic Church for being the only force tostanding up to Nazism. Few could know that the New York Times was knee deep in covering up the Zionist-Nazi collaboration, and for "strangely" remaining silent about FDR's closing of the US borders to Jews from 1933 to 1945 --- which also forced everyday Jews to flee to Israel if they could get out of Europe. See Perfidy by Ben Hecht, and The Transfer Agreement by Edwin Black -- both Jewish authors, both books available at Amazon.com    ------
With regard to the Roman Catholic Church being the true Church or the "whore of Babylon" --- here's a test for you all: Since 1958, when I am contending Judeo-Masonry took over the Vatican by forcing true Pope (Joseph Siri) off the thrown, and installing fake popes John XIII (1958 to 1963), (Paul VI 1963-1978), John Paul I (1978-1978), John Paul II, (1978-?) --- every last change has been in the direction of Protestantism and Judaism. The changes in the structures of the Church have been so profound, that many hundreds of "Latin Mass" chapels have sprung up outside the the normal church structures to preserve th pre-Vatican Council II (1962-1965) Roman Catholic Faith, which, we would say, is the true Faith. Now here's the BIG QUESTION: if the Roman Catholic Church is the whore of Babylon -- then how come it's apparant latter day moves are all in the direction of Protestantism? Shouldn't they be in the opposite direction, if Protestantism is true? Aha! But those who reject all religion will say -- it's all a bunch of baloney and the historic Roman Catholic Church is collapsing under its own corrupt weight. This school would say that the shunting aside of Siri in 1958 is irrelevant, just another corrupt election. Well, here's what to watch for: If the Vatican has been taken over and the true Church, faithful and hierarchy, have been evicted from the Church's structures (as my faction maintains) then you are going to see a most unlikely and miraculous collapse of the fake John Paul II Church, and the "impossible" rise of the true Church, with a papal line, now unknown to the world, tracing back to Pope Pius XII and the 1958 conclave. Incidentally, I don't have any inside information on how this might happen or who it might involve. However, just as many prophecies of Catholic saints have predicted this "counterfeit church" now in control of the Vatican, the same prophecies say that when the Church rises again, it will be so amazing that everyone will be forced to say: "The finger of God is here." At that time all the old disciplines and ceremonies will be restored, and all the bogus Vatican II changes will be "flushed" in the blink of an eye. Jim Condit Jr.
-----Original Message-----
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David Sutherland
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2000 8:32 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Pope "Most Important Socialist in the World" Says Gorbachev

Pope "Most Important Socialist in the World" Says Gorbachev


ROME, Apr 4, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) Former Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev on Monday described Pope John Paul II as "the most important socialist in the world," for making the plight of the poor and solidarity key themes of his papacy.

"Globalization can also have destructive effects but we must pursue, as the pope says, its positive aspects," the former Soviet leader said in a speech to students of Rome's Sapienza university.

"Wherever John Paul II goes on his trips, he will always speak of the poor and of solidarity. He is the most important socialist in the world." If globalization is to be fair, the gap between North and South must not be deepened, and political and economic freedom and social justice must be granted, he added. These were also socialist ideals.

Gorbachev said he was convinced that the outcome of Russia's presidential elections would allow Vladimir Putin to break with the past.

"I have told him this personally," he said. "Now it is up to him to radically change things without losing time."

He called on Putin to put an end to the excessive capitalism that was rampant under the outgoing president, Boris Yeltsin.

He should usher in a new policy based on "faithfulness to freedom, the market economy and Europe," he said.

Gorbachev arrived in Rome on Friday and held talks with Italian Prime Minister Massimo D'Alema on Saturday.

Although he met the pope when he was Soviet leader, no meeting is scheduled during his current visit. ((c) 2000 Agence France Presse)
Any serious student of history will recall that the Nazis also eulogised the pope and papacy as a model for their own sense of "morality".
Now, not only the socialists and "former" communists praise the gaudy pope, but the worlds media will say not a word against papal ambitions and the interference of a totalitarian, anti democratic system as the papacy in world politics.
In Europe, the Vatican has progressively re-conquered its lost "papal states" and established papal fiefdoms such as its long sort for puppet state of Croatia.
Franz von Papen, a powerful Nazi, who was instrumental in setting up a concordat between Germany and the Vatican had this to say: "The Third Reich is the first world power which not only acknowledges but also puts into practice the high principles of the papacy." If you are not aware of what a concordat is, a concordat is an agreement between the Vatican and a government.
As far as the Vatican is concerned, that government that signed the concordat has now become a part of the government of God, and the Vatican fully intends to support that government, give it papal protection, and give it international recognition and security.
Like Italy, Germany signed a concordat with the Vatican in Rome, 1933.

Signing the concordat is Cardinal Pacelli (later to become Pope Pius XII).
By 1933 he was the Vatican Secretary of State. Second from left is Franz von Papen, a sinister Nazi and devout Roman Catholic who was Hitler's ace diplomat and the Vatican's agent in helping to bring Hitler to power.
Standing at the far right can be seen the little-known Vatican prelate, Montini, later to become Pope Paul VI.
The papacy struts the world stage as a representative of true religion.
Interestingly, her own historians have stated that the Vatican is either the spiritual "bride of christ" or the very "harlot of satan",  when one surveys the teachings and history of the papal system, its unchristian pagan dogma and doctrines, its crusades, its murderous inquisition, and so forth, we must concur with her own historians - with the LATTER descript.

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